Tommy Sotomayor gets SERVED LEGAL PAPERS during his podcast


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
The question was what do you do.

I work for the state, yes. My job is to give the okay to help and distribute funds to families.

The daycare help is non govt funding and is unrelated to my regular job.

Nikkas trying to crucify me for working with the people through the state because I don't fully support Tariq.

what are you guys doing to help your community both physically and mentally.

I'm also in the works of starting a program to counsel at risk teens and help low income families.

FYI 20, trying to help our people, while y'all Nikkas 30+ sucking a grown man ego dapping each other up.

Some are vicarious living :mjpls:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012

But I want to expand more on the "morality" of Vodun. Again there is no clear distinction between good and evil in Vodun. If anything Vodun is like any other religion that has "polytheistic" gods. In Ancient Greece religion there were many gods for many purposes; some for the weather, earth, destruction,fire, evil, good,etc. You get my drift. With Vodun its the same exact thing. You have the Loa(god) of Earth, water, grass, lighting, birth, dead, destruction, evil, good,etc. Funny yet ancient Western religion such as those from Greece are not demonized like Vodun and many indignous African religions(excluding Egyptians of course:mjpls:).are demonized.

What's a good book on Vodun breh? I been wanting to learn more about it


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
The question was what do you do.

I work for the state, yes. My job is to give the okay to help and distribute funds to families.

The daycare help is non govt funding and is unrelated to my regular job.

Nikkas trying to crucify me for working with the people through the state because I don't fully support Tariq.

what are you guys doing to help your community both physically and mentally.

I'm also in the works of starting a program to counsel at risk teens and help low income families.

FYI 20, trying to help our people, while y'all Nikkas 30+ sucking a grown man ego dapping each other up.

Bro, miss me with the "What yall doin" righteous talk. You give out money that doesn't belong to you but want props like it does. Life doesn't work like that.

YOU don't give out sh#t. The state gives out money, that you or any other person they choose to hire, is mandated to give out to those families because that's the JOB they're hired to do. So, basically, that money is going to those families whether it's you or someone else filling out the paperwork.

Me, I give my own money to causes that I believe in. Causes that directly benefit/affect BLACK PEOPLE. I have money automatically withdrawn on a monthly basis for said causes. Money that I worked for. Money that I don't need a supervisor to sign off on. Money that only moves if I say so. And I'm sure there's others who do the same.

Working at the welfare office does not make you a freedom fighter or activist or political leader. It makes you a government employee who does their job or gets fired. It makes you someone who uses OPM(Other People's Money) to give out food and shelter. Nothing wrong with that, but don't insinuate that YOU do something out of the goodness of your heart with your own money and resources when you know damn well that's your job to do that.

By the way, I'm not clowning you because you don't support Tariq. I could care less who anyone supports.

I'm clowning you because you bragging about spending money that isn't yours and then wanting props for that. That sh#t is wack on the street and even wacker on a damn internet forum. And you wouldn't dare do that on the street because you know dudes would check you on the spot.

Props for doing community work, but do not false flag like that's your bread.


P.S. Haven't touched 30 yet :sas2:

Flay Mayweather

Aug 25, 2013
Bro, miss me with the "What yall doin" righteous talk. You give out money that doesn't belong to you but want props like it does. Life doesn't work like that.

YOU don't give out sh#t. The state gives out money, that you or any other person they choose to hire, is mandated to give out to those families because that's the JOB they're hired to do. So, basically, that money is going to those families whether it's you or someone else filling out the paperwork.

Me, I give my own money to causes that I believe in. Causes that directly benefit/affect BLACK PEOPLE. I have money automatically withdrawn on a monthly basis for said causes. Money that I worked for. Money that I don't need a supervisor to sign off on. Money that only moves if I say so. And I'm sure there's others who do the same.

Working at the welfare office does not make you a freedom fighter or activist or political leader. It makes you a government employee who does their job or gets fired. It makes you someone who uses OPM(Other People's Money) to give out food and shelter. Nothing wrong with that, but don't insinuate that YOU do something out of the goodness of your heart with your own money and resources when you know damn well that's your job to do that.

By the way, I'm not clowning you because you don't support Tariq. I could care less who anyone supports.

I'm clowning you because you bragging about spending money that isn't yours and then wanting props for that. That sh#t is wack on the street and even wacker on a damn internet forum. And you wouldn't dare do that on the street because you know dudes would check you on the spot.

Props for doing community work, but do not false flag like that's your bread.


P.S. Haven't touched 30 yet :sas2:

Did you fail to read the whole thread?

I answered a question that was asked of me.

The only question I had was, what was Tariq doing with the donations he's getting. A poster showed me he contributes to Heel STL.

I acknowledged it and that was it.

Nikkas still wanna quote and tag me in shyt that was over just to keep an argument going about what I do versus what y'all don't do. I said I did something, that wasn't enough so y'all try to downplay what I do.

Does it matter where the help come from?

Is the people coming to me asking me for help care where it comes from?

So I'm suppose to say no and let people live on the streets because I am " a government slave"? Nah, fukk all that, I do what I do because I like to and I'm going to keep doing more because I want to.

Not for a check, not for donations, I do what I do because I like to do it.

Y'all can continue to quote me, tag me, and write paragraphs on your opinion on Tariq, what I do, and whatever else.

I'll still do what I have to do, and y'all can go back to dapping each other up

Follow herders, brehs


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Did you fail to read the whole thread?

I answered a question that was asked of me.

The only question I had was, what was Tariq doing with the donations he's getting. A poster showed me he contributes to Heel STL.

I acknowledged it and that was it.

Nikkas still wanna quote and tag me in shyt that was over just to keep an argument going about what I do versus what y'all don't do. I said I did something, that wasn't enough so y'all try to downplay what I do.

Does it matter where the help come from?

Is the people coming to me asking me for help care where it comes from?

So I'm suppose to say no and let people live on the streets because I am " a government slave"? Nah, fukk all that, I do what I do because I like to and I'm going to keep doing more because I want to.

Not for a check, not for donations, I do what I do because I like to do it.

Y'all can continue to quote me, tag me, and write paragraphs on your opinion on Tariq, what I do, and whatever else.

I'll still do what I have to do, and y'all can go back to dapping each other up

Follow herders, brehs

That's the point, you don't do it.....the government does. You're taking credit for something that isn't yours.

And you're criticizing a public figure, who at the very least, does try to do something with their own money. Even if you don't agree with his methods.

No, those people don't care where the money comes from, but they know it doesn't come out of your pocket. They know it comes from the county. That's why they go to the county building to fill out the application.

I work in banking, investments to be specific. The equivalent of what you're doing would be me saying "I invest millions into infrastructure and emerging markets. I improve financial markets around the world." But it's not my's the company's money....I just work here.

Either way, it matters not.



Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
On another note, I'm not an Umar stan or even someone who listens to his speeches alot. But until there's receipts on Umar, all I see is gossip :yeshrug:

Blacks have a tendency to be real froggy about their money when it's being invested by a black person or for a black cause. Even these "conscious" n#ggas who are just as n#ggerish as any with their excuses to break bread. So, if the Empire State Building isn't built in one week and dudes can walk inside by this Sunday, then blacks start thinking their money was spent on rims, weave and lap dances.

Not saying he didn't do anything. But until it's proven that he did something, dudes need to stop gossiping.



Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
Dude, I've had meetings with him and other event coodinators down here in south Florida so I know all about his new "job."

Here are a few facts y'all may or may not know about Dr Umar Johnson and his "campaign."

When he was down here in south Florida couple weeks ago. I asked him how much money have you raised so far for the FDMG initiative . His answer was a little over 150k...

He needs 5 million to to get the property in VA which is now owned by the government. The school is no longer up for auction, also...

I asked him why hasn't he stared a crowd funding campaign like kickstarter, gofundme, indigogo etc. His answer was he didn't want the sites to take a percentage of the funds, ( site fee's etc)

But the brother is taking donations thru PayPal which of course they charge transaction fee's.

Dr Umar Johnson doesn't have a PR person or assistant. He is strictly solo.

All this shyt adds up plus the fact of the many stories I've heard from people he owes money too.

I've been on Internet radio shows talking about this as well.

Anyhow we gonna see how all this plays out.

The dude makes a lot of money under the table that isn't accounted for...
Damn, Umar did not do this campaign professionally.:patrice:

He was to much egotistic and paranoid in this campaign.:manny:

He should have preach that every black city and neighborhood build their own schools, instead of doing it on his own.

Hell, Umar should not have been the only one preaching this, every black area should have been raising funds to build our own schools.

And white supremacy would have a hard time stopping us.

Us blacks need to start our own campaign by simply saying "We Must Own Everything As Much As Possible".
and dude doesn't understand people like to track progress. a lot of these crowd funding projects succeed because donators like tracking progress.

just asking for a check, not giving us any progress, then changing the subject entirely = fraudulent behavior
Umar said if he can't reach his goal, he will use the rest of the donation to try to open the school in Detroit or Chicago.