Tommy Sotomayor gets SERVED LEGAL PAPERS during his podcast


Jan 17, 2013
it's certainly gonna cost more $1000 in legal fees and court cost to recover $1000 dollars.

Chess not checkers, he's either going to pay up or go to court. And if he goes to court, it will cost TS More $$$. OR TS can pay, and open the floodgates to more lawsuits from the rest of the people TS Duped.


Jun 22, 2012

Chess not checkers, he's either going to pay up or go to court. And if he goes to court, it will cost TS More $$$. OR TS can pay, and open the floodgates to more lawsuits from the rest of the people TS Duped.
its a civil case...basically judge Judy type one is getting bankrupted here


Jan 17, 2013
Not only bold but as somebody in that position you have to be bigger than that. That's like Lebron getting mad at one of us saying he not clutch or some shyt. It seems like he should be above this esp for the many who really follow dude and look at him as a leader.

I could careless if you do or don't support Tariq, but to keep it hunnid for y'all, that's a bytch as move on his part. So, basically Tommy Sotomayor got his Clay Davis on and played Tariq like he was Stringer Bell. Now this nikka want to take dude to People's Court on some dumb shyt. Be a fucckin' MAN and take that L and keep it moving. OR, handle it like a G and confront him head on and beat his ass with a BAT and keep ON beating his ass brutally UNTIL he gives you your money.

But going out like a bytch and trust the LEGAL SYSTEM to get your money back? You paying court fees and shyt just to HOPE the court will see it your way? Over a DONATION to which nine times out of ten could get thrown out? Some things NEED to be handled on a street level and Tommy surely isn't street himself, so getting some goons to whup him up a bit would of set him straight.

Tariq need to stop with this petty bullshyt...even if its a bit funny:mjlol:

You can't knock the hustle and hate the con man for being good at his hustle. You either take that L and not fucck with dude no more OR get some of your boys with some bats and whup his ass.

Very un-mackish.

You think this issue is only related to black men?

Black women ask why don't black men defend them all the time, you want them to stop asking for help ?

Don't black people in general ask why aren't people helping and why they must continue to help themselves ?

The only one with their hand out is Tariq

I'm not rooting for Tommy, but Tariq gets an L

He's the one who went at Tommy with his ether, dissing him left and right. And the one who challenged Tommy to a fight
And Tommy told him where and when he'll be in LA
And instead of coming there to fight him, what does he do.... send him a letter to appear in court over a $1000 donation :mjlol: FOH

So what. You fight a bytch move with another bytch move?
This now shows Tariq is on the same level with Tommy. All those names Tariq was calling him, he show now look in the mirror :lolbron:

This beef is hurting Tariqs brand.

Y'all brand new Uncle Tom nikkaz be acting like whupping someone's ass is :whoa:

Scare that HE would bytch up and send him to court, so you rather send HIM to court instead like a bytch. I'm sorry. I don't bleed like you nikkaz. If a nikka owes me money and he fronting and not only that being disrespectful about it, then I would face him upfront and handle matters personally. fukk the pig ass courts. Y'all "New Black" c00ns can have that. Call me stereotypical you like, but I'll be DAMN some punk would play me out my money and don't get bruised up.

Typical response when someone knows I am right but do not have the heart to admit it. Unless YOU ARE the kind of soft nikka that run to the cops if you got your ass whupped.

Running to trust A JUDGE to make decisions for you when they don't give two fukks isn't playing chess. Why you think Tommy blowing this shyt off? Dude needs his ASS HANDLED. Plain and simple. And if people are behaving as Uncle Toms and acting brand new believing THIS judicial system is the answer to your problems then I call it how I see it. Like I said, even if I DO get jumped or get into a fight, I would not ever whine about it to the police. Apparently you and other assume that's protocol. Or getting hustled out your money equals running to the courts. I would UNDERSTOOD if they were in a business together, or if there's some contractual agreement that went sour that you NEED law assistance to get your money straight or due. But over a DONATION? Over an offering? Tariq got PLAYED and he refuses to accept the L. So, if he refuse the accept the L, why the fukk he gotta run to the court to bytch about it? Especially when HE of all people knows how dismissive the court system be when it comes to us. I guarantee Tommy is going to come out with another victory after this AND not a bruise on him.

But to y'all, Tariq did the "wise" thing.

Tariq beating Tommy's ass would turn him into a statistic. It's not that serious

What Tariq should have done was not diss breh... just get all the people dude dissed and file a class action lawsuit against him. Keep it strictly business, rather than personal. I'm sure Tariq's slander campaign against Tommy will come up in court and def won't help his case.
You nikkas need to paypal me $1000, I got a "Feed the Starving b*stards" documentary and charity. And they's hungry