Tommy Sotomayor gets SERVED LEGAL PAPERS during his podcast

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
I'm not saying suing is a bytch move. But for all the rah rah shyt Tariq was talking, you'd think Tariq woulda fukked him up already, or sent someone else to fukk Tommy up. He's a bytch for not backing up all that shyt talking. And Tariq shoulda been smart enough to know Tommy was gonna try to get a lawsuit from all the verbal threats

Again, I'm not on either side. I give a fukk about both them nikkas :yeshrug:
Tariq beating Tommy's ass would turn him into a statistic. It's not that serious

What Tariq should have done was not diss breh... just get all the people dude dissed and file a class action lawsuit against him. Keep it strictly business, rather than personal. I'm sure Tariq's slander campaign against Tommy will come up in court and def won't help his case.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I usually dont pay folks no real mind on here, but if you called me a c00n or a "new black" in real life breh i'd honestly have to put you on your ass. One of the most disrespectful things a nicca can say to me and not be trolling...
Moving along, its a difference between being a "real nikka" and being a "dumb nikka" . Most nikkas in jail failed to find that divide. nikkas gotta be smart about this shyt..yea id be hot from that nikka talkin hot shyt over the internet but i aint going to jail behind it. You talking bout the system but you'd be the main one caught up in it with that mentality.

Like they say, checkers not chess
shyt you must be young or stay on here too fukking much if them are some of the most disrespectful things somebody can say to you. Somebody calling me a "new black" and or a c00n in real life which wouldn't happen will get laughed out the building before I could even stop to think to ask how. shyt unlike online you say that you'd have to actually prove it just like saying somebody a "cac" wouldn't fly in person when you obviously talking to a black person. Didn't know people honestly even use those two as insults and secondly didn't know cats got offended by them. Guess you learn something new all the time.