This would explain why Marvel isn't making a Black Panther movie

Da Jungles

Apr 30, 2012
Are people really shocked they would make a She-Expendables before a Black Panther movie?

People want to see bytches. Don't nobody wanna see no nikkas. :stopitslime: the hell do you NOT use the :mjpls: when saying "no nikkas"


Batman 89>>>nolan batman



He's talking about the movie "Batman and Robin"

Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6

Batman 89>>>nolan batman


:comeon::scusthov: And I like the 89 Batman and Batman Returns. Let's be real, Nolan took Batman to heights no one ever thought a comic book based movie could go and created one of the top 5 trilogies in movie history. He's the reason these reboots such as Superman and Spiderman are trying to be more dark and realistic.


All Star
May 2, 2012
They could attempt to make Asgard with Thor, Recreate the 1940s with Cap, but don't wanna dare touch Black Panther......... They just don't wanna show the truth about Black Panther. BP had better battlefield tactics than Cap, and definitely has the smarts to keep up with a Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. You put him in an Avengers movie and it will show him really sonning all of them, and if you don't build up the character like that Marvel will catch a backlash for really not letting the character reach his potential.

On the real though....... fukk Marvel for dropping a Guardians of the Galaxy movie before Black Panther.


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
I'm glad you brought up that Blade shyt...what burns me in all of this is that Blade actually was one of the first "serious" comic book movies. Before Nolan. It doesn't get the credit it deserves. Came out in 98...mutha fukkas were still making movies like Batman and Robin and shyt. Wasn't until X-Men in 2000 did we see another comic adaptation that wasn't pure cheese.

Hell, Blade 2 is actually one of my top comic book movies. I'd definitely take it over most of the Marvel features (Which to me, are vanilla and plain jane as fukk). They fukked up Blade Trinity by adding all those fukking cacs. fukkin' Ryan Reynolds....:snoop:

Most definitely. Its kind of messed up that Goyer gets all the praise when it comes to Blade, when it was Snipes who gave him his Bladeness, as well as his fight team, the weaponry etc. Now Goyer is on a high pedestal even though he screwed up with Blade Tragedy I mean Trinity. They are trying to blame Snipes being difficult behind on the scenes why the film isn’t as good as the other 2 movies. Wesley Snipes was acting similar during the production of first 2 films but the studio/directors didn't have a problem with him then. Now since Snipes went against the Hollywood machine and tried to sue, pull their cards over the movie they blackballed him in it’s a problem.

I just bought the Blu Ray version of Blade 2 and it was distasteful how on the BR that Goyer would try not mention Snipes at all like he wasn't part of creation process for the movies. The previous 2002 DVD set they was praising Snipes most of the time. In this version new BR version a lot of that stuff is now edited out. Now it's 2012 since Snipes went against the machine and sued them trying to shut him out like he didn’t contribute anything to the character.

David Goyer still doing big things with writing big movies and still getting chances to direct bad movie after movie but he knows the right people to keep him where he's at. Wes on the other hand is blackballed and is pretty much stuck only doing Direct DVD flicks and is locked down.


May 26, 2012
Fixed for


black people wouldn't go to see it either. we'd download it. bootleg it. etc. etc.

we love to pop shyt and then not support shyt.

Blank Panther would need to be made on a lower budget but be more martial arts oriented to keep the action standards high. Black films dont have a lot of bankability so they dont get banked. I believe it would recoup its money though still.

thank u. sell black panther as a badass before u try to sell the backstory. avengers introduction. feature length badass-a-thon. then we take it to wakanda and get real.


May 1, 2012
:comeon::scusthov: And I like the 89 Batman and Batman Returns. Let's be real, Nolan took Batman to heights no one ever thought a comic book based movie could go and created one of the top 5 trilogies in movie history. He's the reason these reboots such as Superman and Spiderman are trying to be more dark and realistic.



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
They could attempt to make Asgard with Thor, Recreate the 1940s with Cap, but don't wanna dare touch Black Panther......... They just don't wanna show the truth about Black Panther. BP had better battlefield tactics than Cap, and definitely has the smarts to keep up with a Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. You put him in an Avengers movie and it will show him really sonning all of them, and if you don't build up the character like that Marvel will catch a backlash for really not letting the character reach his potential.

On the real though....... fukk Marvel for dropping a Guardians of the Galaxy movie before Black Panther.

Let's not sit here and act like Black Panther is anywhere near as popular as Captain America or Thor.

And they're dropping a Guardians of the Galaxy movie because it directly ties into Thanos. They shouldn't even be making an Ant-Man movie, either. 90% of The Avengers roster most people either don't know, or don't care about.

May 15, 2012
I just was in hollywood pitching my scripts to producers. It takes a lot of shyt for a movie to get made, because so many people have to be on board in order to get it approved.

My sci-fi script I had got a lot of interest, but they automatically without reading the script assumed the main characters were white, and asked me what big name acting I could see playing the lead. Its all about economics, crackers will do anything to make money at the end of the day.

Will Smith was suppose to be Neo but turned down the roll
name one up and coming black actor who can play Black Panther, there is none.

Its up to black film makers to discover new black talent who can be bankable stars and play in this big budget movies.

These studios want to make SUPER HERO MOVIES, they seen the profits. They don't care or know about comics.

Decisions are made by SALESMEN who go up to these people and convince them its a good idea to make this movie, thats pretty much it.

A lot of people might want this black people to be made, but if one person can be a road block if thats the person standing between the producer and the check being cut from the studio


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
They could attempt to make Asgard with Thor, Recreate the 1940s with Cap, but don't wanna dare touch Black Panther......... They just don't wanna show the truth about Black Panther. BP had better battlefield tactics than Cap, and definitely has the smarts to keep up with a Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. You put him in an Avengers movie and it will show him really sonning all of them, and if you don't build up the character like that Marvel will catch a backlash for really not letting the character reach his potential.

On the real though....... fukk Marvel for dropping a Guardians of the Galaxy movie before Black Panther.

The fact that Black Panther is not a popular character doesn't tie into it? Never in my life have i ever heard anyone say they were checking for a Black Panther comic.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Exactly how do you depict the Hulk, Thor, or Iron Man without liberal use of CGI?

Who said that you would?

I wasn't referring to the fact that they use CG...I was referring to the fact that the movies themselves rely exclusively upon it. They are just spectacles. A plothole or two away from a Michael Bay movie (Ironman 2 was close...).

Hulk 1 tried to do something different I guess (Was that Marvel Studio's?), but aside from that...these movies are charmless. And it's because of the over-reliance on CG. It's clear when watching these movies that there is little to no creative drive behind them. The fact that they have some penny saving Jew behind them actually makes a lot of sense.


Batman 89>>>nolan batman


C'mon son.


^ Blade came out and straight DEADED this hokey horseshyt.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Most definitely. Its kind of messed up that Goyer gets all the praise when it comes to Blade, when it was Snipes who gave him his Bladeness, as well as his fight team, the weaponry etc. Now Goyer is on a high pedestal even though he screwed up with Blade Tragedy I mean Trinity. They trying to blame Snipes being difficult behind on the scenes why the film ain't do as good as the others. Snipes was like that the first 2 films but they didn't have a problem with him then. Now since Snipes went against the Hollywood machine and I tried to sue and pull their cards over the movie they blackballed him.

I just bought the Blu Ray version of Blade 2 and it was distasteful how on the BR that Goyer would try not mention Snipes at all like he wasn't part of creation process for the movies. The previous 2002 DVD set they was bigging up Snipes most of the time. Now it's 2012 since Snipes went against the machine and sued they trying to shut him out like he ain't contribute nothing to the character.

Goyer still doing big things with writing big movies and still getting chances to direct bad movie after movie but he knows the right people to keep him where he's at. Snipes on the other hand is blackballed and was pretty much only doing Direct DVD flicks and now is locked down.

^ Real talk here.

David S. Goyer was clearly doing a good job writing the movies, but when he tried to step being the camera....Blade Trinity happened. They should have never gave this dude that level of power.

Would have loved it if they gave the job back to Del Toro.


May 7, 2012
thats a terrible justification. thats like saying "well black panther isnt about the black character as much as its about the leader and ruler of a country and his efforts to keep the peace and to continue fukking halle barry"

can you imagine trying to sell blade before the movies? dudes character was near non-existent, alot of blades personality and so-called "cool factor" was ret-conned after the movie.

its not. a terrible reflection of consumer climate and hollywood cowardice. maybe. but at the end of the day, blade is a vampire movie. look at the success rate there. before and after blade.

black panther is very much a movie about black excellence. opulence. decadence. invade our country and we'll murder all u CaCs.

oh, and i'm also smarter than ur iron man. just as strong as ur captain america too. eat a dikk.

not saying it cant be done. it can. but the precedent for selling that type of story, centered on a black character, unfortunately, is smaller. in recent history, the best recent comparison imo is 300.

we support bullshyt madea flicks instead of the movies that would justify this flick being greenlit in an eye-blink.

guardians? again, it's just a star wars knockoff if u want it to be. and even blatant star wars knockoffs make bank when they're done well.

i'm more pissed with how they've thrown blade to the bushes after trying to upstage him with bytch ass ryan reynolds in trinity... than i am surprised with the t'challa treatment.

here's the issue: someone like Steve Rogers has the codename: Captain America and that works... but could you imagine if they had dubbed him "White America" and tried to sell that shyt? Sure they could try and justify it by saying hey, he's american, and the majority of americans are/were white... and he just so happens to, coincidentally, be white... and we just made him the strongest, fastest, most skilled, most strategic, most physically dominant "human" ever.. because we thought itd be, yknow, a cool idea :jawalrus:

lol shiiiiit, as good and as noble as the character would still be, just off the title of the character alone and what he looks like (plus blue eyed and blonde) would have people thinkin a certain way... shyt, the moment 'White America' subdues a black 'criminal' on screen, audiences would be on some :guilty: level of awkwardness on whether to cheer or not

Black Panther essentially suffers from that type of roadblock, despite being a fantastic 'Batman' esque type character. I do feel he'd have been better off going the Steve Rogers route and using his country's name in his title instead (the Wakandan Panther, or _____ Wakanda) or, prob better, just gone the Thor route with his birth name T'Challa simply serving as his official code name... with "T'Challa: Panther King" being the full header.

And not just the title of the character but also what the character is about and how they convey it. The bp comic that came out years ago (that they turned into a motion comic) made a point to shyt on white folks from the jump... which is lol for us, but hispanics, asians, indians, white folks.. at best they just lookin at it like "ok.. so you're an empowered black man stickin it to cacs.. is this one of those february things?.."

T'Challa can be a bad ass, culture embracing, master manipulating, kungfu billionaire black man without having to emphasize and spell out the "black man" part of it (through shytting on white folks) as the biggest selling point of the character. batman being white aint why people fukk with batman... else they'd fukk with booster gold and all the other lame ass cac characters that get no love.