This Whole Women in Their Prime Thing seems like some 1960s B.S


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Amazing. Look at this, young men.

My request for an explanation has been glossed over, but this new thought has been introduced. She's turned down these nice, well put together young men who sought actual relationships, but states that simply dating them is fine, that is because dating is ambiguous and advantageous to them. They get to go out to movies, dinner, sex, etc without the standards/reciprocation of a relationship, But when it comes time to putting in the work, they "are not ready right now". But men are the societal cancers for dating a bunch of different women at the same time, no? Playing the field,misguiding and leading the women on right? Take notes young men, if you are reading this.

She actually typed "Isn't dating different than a relationship?" With a question mark! Hah! As if she doesn't know. Subtle way to remove accountability.

When you have attained your assets, they "will be ready".
When all their friends are married "they will be ready"
When everyone else they get their hands on knows/finds out about their rep "they will be ready".
When the good guy(s) become a rare singularity "they will be ready".

This is a board, a random board, people can bullshyt here all they want, but fellas, they will sell you a bill of goods a mile long in these streets if you let them and leave you holding the empty bag when shyt gets real. We got threads for those situations too. Reincar usually drops in those with a "get married breh's" tag.

This thread will go 30+ pages because the women here will never admit to the points we are making, as they are simply here for attention, they have no interest in learning anything, they just want attention from the men here. It's like women going to a sports bar because they say they love the game and are huge fans and you ask them to name the starting 5 and they go "Ummmm...."


This dude is spittin' the absolute truth.

When they're "ready" they turn around and try to shame nikkas who still want to have fun and live the unattached life.

Don't rush into marriage because these chicks see you have attained assets.
Don't rush into marriage because these chicks want to keep up with their friends.
Don't rush into marriage because some slore wants to trap you after her HoeFax become unavoidable for her in public

Don't rush anything.

As the brehettes here have mentioned, women have all the time in the world. What's the rush? :patrice:


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
It may seem like you have years and years when at 24, but I doubt you will be as cheerful when you start hitting those 30s. As far as still being in vogue when in your mid-30s, don't believe the hype.

We live in a westernized society that is doing its best to make women feel overly confident in more ways than one to their eventual detriment. One example of this being this idea that women can wait longer and longer to find a dude who will still lock them down at 38 the same way he would at 26. From real world experience, that is simply not the case.

Like @kevm3 stated, most of the women on those ABC and CNN "I can't get a man" specials are all in their 30s. I'm sure they thought that they would still have "it" after they got their career established and traveled the world having summer flings in foreign lands. But they received a rude awakening once they noticed that dudes weren't noticing them like they used to. And then they noticed this became a trend.

In my experience, women in their 30s who are still single who still believe they can compete with the young guns, more times than not, tend to get relegated to side chick status when dealing with both younger men and even men their own age. Are there exceptions? Yes, if the woman is extremely attractive and in shape for her age.....but those are the exceptions and not the rule.

The smartest women tend to be sensible and realistic. They realize that their best time to find and catch their most desirable mate is when they are youngest. For some reason, more non-black women tend to get this than black women. Maybe its that "black don't crack" sh#t that makes black women feel they can still catch their best at 35.

Either way, I would caution any women who believes in waiting to find a good dude to settle down with. The odds of finding her best catch are when she's younger.



Jun 22, 2012
It may seem like you have years and years when at 24, but I doubt you will be as cheerful when you start hitting those 30s. As far as still being in vogue when in your mid-30s, don't believe the hype.

We live in a westernized society that is doing its best to make women feel overly confident in more ways than one to their eventual detriment. One example of this being this idea that women can wait longer and longer to find a dude who will still lock them down at 38 the same way he would at 26. From real world experience, that is simply not the case.

Like @kevm3 stated, most of the women on those ABC and CNN "I can't get a man" specials are all in their 30s. I'm sure they thought that they would still have "it" after they got their career established and traveled the world having summer flings in foreign lands. But they received a rude awakening once they noticed that dudes weren't noticing them like they used to. And then they noticed this became a trend.

In my experience, women in their 30s who are still single who still believe they can compete with the young guns, more times than not, tend to get relegated to side chick status when dealing with both younger men and even men their own age. Are there exceptions? Yes, if the woman is extremely attractive and in shape for her age.....but those are the exceptions and not the rule.

The smartest women tend to be sensible and realistic. They realize that their best time to find and catch their most desirable mate is when they are youngest. For some reason, more non-black women tend to get this than black women. Maybe its that "black don't crack" sh#t that makes black women feel they can still catch their best at 35.

Either way, I would caution any women who believes in waiting to find a good dude to settle down with. The odds of finding her best catch are when she's younger.

Just because they can get men to holla has them thinking they have options..but they don't know men are always down to fukk.


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Of course the "prime years" deal for women is real, there are biological factors at play that are inescapable. But I don't think the overcorrection from that into trying to get married ASAP is right either, and I don't think a lot of men are clamoring for that. There's a couple factors at work here that make this interesting.

1. Men from age 20-26 aren't really looking to get married and settle down, these men are nowhere near their peak earning potential to provide for a family. Ironically enough, these years happen to be considered the physical prime for most women. As far as I know, women don't really have marriage on the mind at this age either, as they've yet to figure out what they like and dislike.

2. Women do not court men. I don't say this as a bad thing, I'm just acknowledging the general truth. Women, and particularly younger women, don't court men, therefore they sift through the men that do come to them. Imagine me only choosing from the jobs that contacted me. This is basically what a lot of women go through. Even if they met a nice wholesome man, the onus would still fall on him to ask her to date, assuming he knows she's interested. Men have a much wider pool because they're actively seeking out mates. I'm generalizing here, but it's been true as far as I've known.

3. The career oriented push for women as of the last couple of decades. Women are working, making their own money, living on their own, the question really is, why rush to have a man? Some women can look at that as just more stress, when they can be focusing on their careers. Years in undergrad, doctorates, masters, establishing oneself in the work place, it can quickly add up. 30 can be a fast 30 if you're busy the whole way there. That's when the thoughts of having a family and how much time is left on the shot clock comes to mind. Women will eventually have to weigh whether a family or her career is more important to her. That's pressure.

All together, it's pretty interesting. shyt happens. When a chick isn't taking advantage of her prime years, I shake my head. I know a lot of ladies that have passed up a legit dude because of xyz, only to come around salty. Some chicks want to languish in that phase of being approached, getting all those likes on instagram, being courted forever. All that shyt is temporary. That's why a lot of dudes don't sympathize when ladies wake up on that solo flow, because the game has been like that for us from the jump.

This is a good analogy.


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
It may seem like you have years and years when at 24, but I doubt you will be as cheerful when you start hitting those 30s. As far as still being in vogue when in your mid-30s, don't believe the hype.

We live in a westernized society that is doing its best to make women feel overly confident in more ways than one to their eventual detriment. One example of this being this idea that women can wait longer and longer to find a dude who will still lock them down at 38 the same way he would at 26. From real world experience, that is simply not the case.

Like @kevm3 stated, most of the women on those ABC and CNN "I can't get a man" specials are all in their 30s. I'm sure they thought that they would still have "it" after they got their career established and traveled the world having summer flings in foreign lands. But they received a rude awakening once they noticed that dudes weren't noticing them like they used to. And then they noticed this became a trend.

In my experience, women in their 30s who are still single who still believe they can compete with the young guns, more times than not, tend to get relegated to side chick status when dealing with both younger men and even men their own age. Are there exceptions? Yes, if the woman is extremely attractive and in shape for her age.....but those are the exceptions and not the rule.

The smartest women tend to be sensible and realistic. They realize that their best time to find and catch their most desirable mate is when they are youngest. For some reason, more non-black women tend to get this than black women. Maybe its that "black don't crack" sh#t that makes black women feel they can still catch their best at 35.

Either way, I would caution any women who believes in waiting to find a good dude to settle down with. The odds of finding her best catch are when she's younger.


What the brehettes also fail to recognize is that, yes, they'll still have nikkas trying to tap that in their 30s.

But, nikkas will not commit and will put in far less work to hit than they do for the young chicks. Your sexual value is greatly reduced in the marketplace.

30+ year old bytches holding out on the p*ssy for too long will get tossed in the :trash: fast. nikkas aren't waiting for shyt.

The media always tries to paint it as 30+ year old women are sexually liberated and know what "they" want, so they are easier to smash.

It's not what "they" want. They know nikkas aren't going to go above and beyond to smash an aging p*ssy, so they're willing to come up off it quicker.

Women know they're at a disadvantage as they get older, so they do what they have to in an effort to keep nikkas interested.

As a man, to easily slay these 30+ women, just keep a few younger women as "friends". You don't even have to be smashing the younger chicks. But, the perceived "threat" will have the 30+ women spreading those legs for you very quickly, breh. Trust me.

Show the 30+ some attention for a day or two and then go cold. She'll think you're with the young tenders. When you come back, that p*ssy is yours.
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African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room
What is this thread about? I thought it was about women from the 1960s being the best.
It's about the concept of a woman's prime being and old school mentality that women aren't concerned about anymore. The women who are probably concerned about it are already old.

None of the women I know got the attitude that when I'm 30+ I'm gonna be all dried up and useless

Coli guys are saying other wise but they don't realize the new generation of women don't have that old school mentality.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
What is this thread about? I thought it was about women from the 1960s being the best.

The elephant in the room here seems to be that there are differing opinions as to what the "prime" time is.

Your "prime" is not a number - it's when you can best do what you want done.

That's why it's 9 pages, because people don't realize that.


Jun 22, 2012
The elephant in the room here seems to be that there are differing opinions as to what the "prime" time is.

Your "prime" is not a number - it's when you can best do what you want done.

That's why it's 9 pages, because people don't realize that.
no these women are equating men wanting to fukk them with men wanting to commit.

a 40 year old can get men to fukk right now if she wants...again but that doesn't mean anything.


Aug 29, 2013
It's about the concept of a woman's prime being and old school mentality that women aren't concerned about anymore. The women who are probably concerned about it are already old.

None of the women I know got the attitude that when I'm 30+ I'm gonna be all dried up and useless

Coli guys are saying other wise but they don't realize the new generation of women don't have that old school mentality.
Would you agree that as women near age 30 and older...thoughts and feelings about starting a family start to creep into the picture?
Women probably don't think they're useless, but surely they have concerns about missing the boat on a family the older she gets, right?
And if they're being honest with themselves, they have to admit that the number of available men at 33 isn't the same as the number of men available at 24, right?

I mean, even that Millionaire Matchmaker chic admitted as much.