This Whole Women in Their Prime Thing seems like some 1960s B.S


Nov 13, 2013
All that "70% of women initiate divorce" stat means is that women are the ones starting the filing. That doesn't mean both sides don't agree to wanting a divorce or are already separated and just need to get the paperwork in order. It does not imply that women want or create more instances for divorce.


Taxi Squad
Mar 27, 2014
okay, i finished the entire goddamned thread :merchant:

there's a lot of delusions on both sides
it's funny because i posted one thing to emerorreinscarf
but actually he was one of the more self-aware people inthis discussion

the one thing i would tell everyone
is that dating, jump offs, relationships, celibacy, babies, or whatever you want out of life
none of that shyt happens in a vacuum
which means:
a) don't assume your physical appearance must be the primary criteria
b) just like you plan to change, the world also changes around you


Dec 3, 2013
What kind of people do you know?

Real, ordinary, everyday ones. I studied at a flagship university, then went onto complete post secondary at a private city institution, and grew up on the west side of Chicago, currently working in corporate america with 25 - 60 year old people from all walks of life. I've met all kinds of women/men from hood to hyper-bourgouise. Yet, we're going to act like women, regardless of socio-economic status, don't have feelings, and dont gossip behind each others backs now? :denzellol:

I work with female legal professionals, doctors, accountants, you name it. Wedding season has been ridiculous this year and every year it just gets more intense. The stories I have. I'm not even the type to seek out craziness but man, the stories, just over these past 3 years, whew.

But again, every woman is a hero in their own story. Sure, you don't gossip about your girlfriends, you've never lied to or cheated on anyone, yes we know. But surely your "friends "have, ask them for some stories if you don't believe mine.

Do women want a used up man? Individuals in both genders have their own criterion on what is normal.

To suggest this is to deny the fundemental difference between men and women.

If you get ran through(for women, I know that termonology is offensive, but guess what, THAT'S HOW MEN THINK OF IT) by 200 dudes, your true utilty as a woman, TO A GOOD MAN, is used up. Your virtue and exclusivity is null. Its not good anymore. That is what we prize in women, AS MEN. How many times do we have to say it. But a lot of women don't want to hear it, because it's hard to be a good woman. Just like it's hard to be a good man. And really, what's the reward?

But, I'm telling you(and any young man/woman who might read this one day) how men think. I know you will deny it, but it's the truth.

If I run through 200 GOOD women, whatever it is that allowed me to get those 200 women, whether its my power or status, will get you too if you're at my level, lower, or maybe even higher. I can't "use up" my power or status. I may lose it, but not use it up.

puts 2 and 2 together,(so they don't know the woman)

Ok, say we don't know her up front, but after years of dealing with women we learn signs and give-a-ways, and now with the internet, the information age has made EVERYTHING accessible and the gender games have nowhere to hide. All that's left, to people that want to learn, is whats real.

Years back, if a guy was dealing with a strange woman, or vice versa, and they didn't know how to tackle the situation, they'd have to weather the storm or hope there was someone older who could guide them down the right path or shoot them some game. But now, all they have to do is hop on google and search for "this guy/girl is acting like this, this guy/girl said this, so what does this mean" and 100,000 people will say "I've been in your shoes before, and this is what the situation is, and this is what you need to do for X,Y,Z to happen and avoid disaster."

You can't control a person with the information to do better, and I think thas where a lot of this new anger/fear is coming from. Nobody can really run game on anybody anymore.

Dudes can't go "Oh i thought it was just my woman like that and somethings wrong with me, bad apple luck".
----Nah bruh, it's 100 million women like that, look for yourself. Do better next time.

Women can't go "He played me for a fool, I didn't know better ".
----Sweetheart, its a new book/movie out every week spilling all the games men can try to run on you, pick one up.

(yes because you can tell someones sexual history by looking at them and their age; idiot male logic)

Men do use logic. That is the fundemental basis of being a man. We operate off of logic.

If I see a good looking woman who's over 25 without a solid current relationship I can assume: she either got cheated on and broke up with him, cheated on him and got dumped(or dumped him), they just plain "fell out" with each other, or she just likes sleeping around(which is fine). Nobody(esecially a female) is going to sit at home and twiddle their thumbs if they look good and have money when they are young.

(yes because uncontrollable aging is the same thing as choosing to be yellow bellied; makes sense, it must be male logic)

Oh look, a plea has been copped.

"My age is uncontrollable, there's nothing I can do about it!"

You know what that plea sounds like? Those pleas short dudes cop about how they can't get dates cause the tall dudes are knocking down all the girls.

"My height is uncontrollable, there's nothing I can do about it."

So? People like what they like, sorry.

We're telling you what we find to be feminine and attractive. You can argue it till you're blue in the face, as I know you will, but it will still be there. it's been there since we were living in caves. It's the same reason why you like big strong men, with shiny cars fancy job titles and nice houses. They make you feel safe. Even though nothing is trying to eat you or kidnap you, you feel safe when youre with a big strong protective man. That's how we feel when we're with a feminine shapely prized young woman. We like what we like.

Why? He didn't say anything profound.
The notion that I should get cats, ice cream & depression because someone views my age and/or experience in a negative light is beyond ridiculous.
I'll be damned if I stop taking pleasure in the fact that I am becoming a better woman every day. If I find a man who appreciates that, then I'm .... If not, then ...
I have still enjoyed my journey of improvement.... that doesn't make me a failure or damaged goods... *drops mic*
Some men on this board are delusional and brainwashed...

*dusts off mic*

I didn't say women had to become crazy cat ladies, and I honestly think that's bullshyt, but you run with what you want. You want some cats, good for you, go for it. I like ice cream too, nothing wrong with it either.

If you become more loving, caring, nurturing and supportive over the years, that's good. Men loooove that shyt, and if you throw it on thick enough, for long enough, that dude will break his knee getting down on it quick, even if you ain't ready at the moment.

We're just saying that there are, and there will always be, women just like that, who happen to look better. And if the man has the option(resources) the man will often choose them.


May 18, 2012
Don't listen to this dude. The very reason that the divorce rate is so high is because people rush in to marriage because they think that if they don't marry before a certain time frame that they will never find someone to marry.

Nah, I don't agree with that being the reason why divorce rates are "so high". People got married much younger years ago. We just live in an oversexualized culture that promotes promiscuity and is against monogamy. To add in years past marriage was for more than just "love". It was for a real partnership that benefited both parties. In the age of individualism, the things a man needed a woman for and vice-versa could be done w/o the other party.

Now you guys tell us which which gender this new society benefits most :sas1:
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May 18, 2012
Since you guys are into throwing anecdotes out here like their an accurate representation of the population as a whole I'll throw one out there myself.

Between the divorces I've experienced in my family, friends, and associates guess which gender is most likely to remarry :sas2:

Many factors influence the likelihood of remarrying after a divorce. Based on the 2006 census, men remarry more often than women.[6] Remarriage rates also differ by ethnicity; remarriage is most common among White women, while Black women have the lowest probability of marrying again. Age is another determining factor; women who are older than 25 at the time of divorce are less likely to remarry than women who are younger at the time of marital dissolution.


May 18, 2012
lol @ the bold how the hell is that waste. :dead:

I agree you shouldn't sleep around but clubbing and drinking is fun sometimes. Of course not all the time, but sometimes.

A 31-32 year old chick can find a guy in his late 30s to early 40s and get married. Even you said so.

Does this not speak to a fundamental problem. A woman is simply settling in this situation and does not have the pick of the litter. A woman in her mid 20's aka "prime years" will have no problem getting any man in any age range. But as she gets older that age range closes and in fact shifts all the way to the right of the spectrum.

The Maverick

Rookie and the vet.
Jun 22, 2014
Of course the "prime years" deal for women is real, there are biological factors at play that are inescapable. But I don't think the overcorrection from that into trying to get married ASAP is right either, and I don't think a lot of men are clamoring for that. There's a couple factors at work here that make this interesting.

1. Men from age 20-26 aren't really looking to get married and settle down, these men are nowhere near their peak earning potential to provide for a family. Ironically enough, these years happen to be considered the physical prime for most women. As far as I know, women don't really have marriage on the mind at this age either, as they've yet to figure out what they like and dislike.

2. Women do not court men. I don't say this as a bad thing, I'm just acknowledging the general truth. Women, and particularly younger women, don't court men, therefore they sift through the men that do come to them. Imagine me only choosing from the jobs that contacted me. This is basically what a lot of women go through. Even if they met a nice wholesome man, the onus would still fall on him to ask her to date, assuming he knows she's interested. Men have a much wider pool because they're actively seeking out mates. I'm generalizing here, but it's been true as far as I've known.

3. The career oriented push for women as of the last couple of decades. Women are working, making their own money, living on their own, the question really is, why rush to have a man? Some women can look at that as just more stress, when they can be focusing on their careers. Years in undergrad, doctorates, masters, establishing oneself in the work place, it can quickly add up. 30 can be a fast 30 if you're busy the whole way there. That's when the thoughts of having a family and how much time is left on the shot clock comes to mind. Women will eventually have to weigh whether a family or her career is more important to her. That's pressure.

All together, it's pretty interesting. shyt happens. When a chick isn't taking advantage of her prime years, I shake my head. I know a lot of ladies that have passed up a legit dude because of xyz, only to come around salty. Some chicks want to languish in that phase of being approached, getting all those likes on instagram, being courted forever. All that shyt is temporary. That's why a lot of dudes don't sympathize when ladies wake up on that solo flow, because the game has been like that for us from the jump.


May 18, 2012
I was talking about the way you both of you guys are always in denial like an Egyptian swimmer (slow it down i just dissed you) and can be so irrational sometimes


May 6, 2012
I'm over 25, and I'm not an enabler or on simp status with ladies, but honestly, I cut them a lot of slack, because I have younger sisters and they are gorgeous young women and I see what they have to go through with some dudes(just in general, not even dating) and it upsets meas their brother, but I also get a behind the scenes look at women's lives when they are 8's and above. I will say, Women have ground on a few of these rehashed arguments.

But on this Argument, I believe that women know they are in denial, yet they argue to save face, which is commendable. I'm honestly not trying to be insulting or condescending, I know the women will refute this, because im old enough to know and understand thats what women do, but maybe some young man will read this and soak it in.

In public, these women, they act/talk just like the women are talking in this thread, but once the publics eyes come off them and they're alone or with the people they open up to, the truth comes out and it's a bad/sad sight. They cry, they go through so many different feelings, they hate he happy couples, they try to tear them down, use all the bad info they have just on of jealousy because they are mad at themselves for thinking they were the exception. I, as well as my mother/father, explained this to my sisters, and their relationships have been fruitful, and scarring minimal:

Truth is, men simply don't like used up women. A woman may still "look good" past 25-30 as a woman, but when a man, that knows what goes on out here, puts 2 and 2 together, thinks about all the failed relationships shes been in and how many dudes have run through her over the years, almost instantly she'll become UNATTRACTIVE to them. Not saying she won't LOOK GOOD, but she will become UNATTRACTIVE. It's like when a woman sees a well built masculine man, crying in a corner because he's scared of a flying insect. He still may "look good", but after that display he is UNATTRACTIVE. That is what older women are like to men. The argument of "we can still have sex with men anytime" is null, as you are relegated to left/right hand status in a mans mind at that point. You are saying that you are the equivalent of his left/right hand. Is that really worth boasting about?

It's been a story retold by men for years, famous and not famous. Jamie Foxx even told a story about when he was younger he didn't get any play with you g girls or older women, yet the OLDER, more UNATTRACTIVE men with more resources got the YOUNGER women after fighting off the OLDER. In that same podcast, the women were saying to Foxx "No, youre wrong, that's not true, that's not true" even though Foxx was speaking on something he saw happen time after time, with his own eyes.

If there's a young man out here reading this, just k is that once that voice starts going in your head saying "I think this is a front, reality is saying it's one way, yet they're saying its another" don't ignore it. That is the voice that this male feminization is trying to suffocate, you don't have to blast it, but listen to it.
pretty much. females in this thread are debating mostly from their ego.


May 6, 2012
Will a man want to have sex with you just to have sex with you? The answer is yes.

Will a man want to spend the rest of his entire life to waking up to you? The answer is most likely not.

Honorable men who are in a right state of mind will pursue a woman who they think is a potential mate to build with, get married and start their legacy with. Most women will turn them down because that's not what they are currently looking for at the moment. They spend most of their 20's seeing the world and is interested in participating in what "temporary men" can offer. By the time they begin to want to settle down in their 30's and is open to building with a protential mate, the odds are stacked up against them. Time is also not a team player for them.

It's true that some women may "conquer" their fantasy of having it all in their 30's, i.e. settle down, get married and have kids...for most of the women that fantasy never comes true for them.
it's like the lottery. you buy a ticket, chances are you won't win. but some sucker does win the jackpot once in a while which is giving hope to the rest of the suckers. most ticket buyers however will spend their whole life buying tickets and never win the jackpot.
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Aug 29, 2013
I can't fully answer that question, but their are studies that have sought to answer that question.

Many of these studies have found that the men benefit most from the marriage (in regard to comfort and lifestyle). Division of labor and role expectations make marriage more like a second job to many married women (since most women are still expected to work outside the home) and is more of a support system for men.

I just think that many women want to be married (or have a wedding) so much that they don't really think about what being married (in general) or to that particular person might entail. As much people argue about this on the board, most modern day husbands and wives subscribe to traditional gender expectations in the home despite modern expectations or the necessity of a dual-income home.

I'll be honest, most of the married women I know have told me not to be in a rush to get married.

Do you expect your woman to work and do the work at home?
Because it would sure seem to me that for a lot of men, in an ideal situation, their preference is that the woman not work and care for the home and raise the children.

But I'll defer to others...


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
In this day and age you are screwed without a dual income.

Add a wife and a child and a bigger apartment OE house to what you are making now, good luck with that.


Do you expect your woman to work and do the work at home?
Because it would sure seem to me that for a lot of men, in an ideal situation, their preference is that the woman not work and care for the home and raise the children.

But I'll defer to others...


Aug 29, 2013

Why? He didn't say anything profound. This thread is conflated with few posters differentiating between sexing, dating, and marriage.

Each individual has different criterion for each category. Are there trends in behaviors for any gender?Any race? Any age group? Yes. Does everyone follow the trend line? No...

Live your life through other people's eyes brehs

I don't give a kitty about how people view my life choices (It has taken time for me to get to this point).... People will judge and demean you if you are a married woman at 25, a never been married woman at 30, or a divorcee at 35. :manny:

The notion that I should get cats, ice cream & depression because someone views my age and/or experience in a negative light is beyond ridiculous.:heh:

I'll be damned if I stop taking pleasure in the fact that I am becoming a better woman every day. If I find a man who appreciates that, then I'm :myman:.... If not, then :ld:... I have still enjoyed my journey of improvement.... that doesn't make me a failure or damaged goods... *drops mic*

Some men on this board are delusional and brainwashed...
Profound? I think his post was telling about the view on women..even if disagreed with or wrong.
You can drop the mic 3 times but your reply reeks with if women aren't constantly saying reckless/mundane shyt that gets dapped, quoted and repped.

I didn't think his quote was any worse than anyone elses.

And since the majority of your reply boils down to "fukk your silly ass opinions, Imma do me..." I really have to wonder what the point of replying to me was in the first place
