This Whole Women in Their Prime Thing seems like some 1960s B.S


Aug 29, 2013
I do, Cancer killed a lot of my dad's family and exercising/eating healthy helps to prevent it so I gotta do it.

I don't think people put pressure on women to get divorced (maybe they do, I don't know) I just think that a lot of women realize that once they do it, it isn't what they want or they married the wrong person.
Not saying you're wrong...but when women initiate divorce 70% of the time..."marrying the wrong person" seems like an incomplete explanation.
I mean women can't be THAT wrong, THAT often.

Something else is up here. Not saying it's pressure, but it's something.


Nov 29, 2012
yea a 31 year old is as perky and energetic as a 21 year old sure
and 31 year old box the same as 21 year old box
there's no prime now :usure:

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
Not saying you're wrong...but when women initiate divorce 70% of the time..."marrying the wrong person" seems like an incomplete explanation.
I mean women can't be THAT wrong, THAT often.

Something else is up here. Not saying it's pressure, but it's something.

I also said it isn't what they wanted. But some women make bad choices in partners, some women cheat, some get bored and don't want to be married anymore, some get treated badly and leave etc etc
Mar 23, 2013
Women have that pressure because their bodies are ticking away time as we speak. Men dont have that pressure in our society because women and gays run our society. It once was a time were men were urged to get married but women for the most part women wasnt seeking there "independent shyt". A lot of this stuff started in the 60s when the goverment pretty much plotted to destroy the black family. So that same government that is giving women and gays the power are the same ones thats destroing the community...but women dont see it that way. They(the goverment) love hearing women talk about how "independent "they are and dont need a man for nothing...cause they know it will cause friction just like on the coli and every were else. Thats also why in our soceity male truth becomes men can never really speake their women should wanna deal with an oppressed man ...IMO


Dec 3, 2013
Of course. But I said I have turned down relationships, not "dating." Isn't dating different from a relationship? (You get to know someone as more than a friend to determine if it could potentially lead to a relationship?)

Amazing. Look at this, young men.

My request for an explanation has been glossed over, but this new thought has been introduced. She's turned down these nice, well put together young men who sought actual relationships, but states that simply dating them is fine, that is because dating is ambiguous and advantageous to them. They get to go out to movies, dinner, sex, etc without the standards/reciprocation of a relationship, But when it comes time to putting in the work, they "are not ready right now". But men are the societal cancers for dating a bunch of different women at the same time, no? Playing the field,misguiding and leading the women on right? Take notes young men, if you are reading this.

She actually typed "Isn't dating different than a relationship?" With a question mark! Hah! As if she doesn't know. Subtle way to remove accountability.

When you have attained your assets, they "will be ready".
When all their friends are married "they will be ready"
When everyone else they get their hands on knows/finds out about their rep "they will be ready".
When the good guy(s) become a rare singularity "they will be ready".

This is a board, a random board, people can bullshyt here all they want, but fellas, they will sell you a bill of goods a mile long in these streets if you let them and leave you holding the empty bag when shyt gets real. We got threads for those situations too. Reincar usually drops in those with a "get married breh's" tag.

This thread will go 30+ pages because the women here will never admit to the points we are making, as they are simply here for attention, they have no interest in learning anything, they just want attention from the men here. It's like women going to a sports bar because they say they love the game and are huge fans and you ask them to name the starting 5 and they go "Ummmm...."


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Amazing. Look at this, young men.

My request for an explanation has been glossed over, but this new thought has been introduced. She's turned down these nice, well put together young men who sought actual relationships, but states that simply dating them is fine, that is because dating is ambiguous and advantageous to them. They get to go out to movies, dinner, sex, etc without the standards/reciprocation of a relationship, But when it comes time to putting in the work, they "are not ready right now". But men are the societal cancers for dating a bunch of different women at the same time, no? Playing the field,misguiding and leading the women on right? Take notes young men, if you are reading this.

She actually typed "Isn't dating different than a relationship?" With a question mark! Hah! As if she doesn't know. Subtle way to remove accountability.

When you have attained your assets, they "will be ready".
When all their friends are married "they will be ready"
When everyone else they get their hands on knows/finds out about their rep "they will be ready".
When the good guy(s) become a rare singularity "they will be ready".

This is a board, a random board, people can bullshyt here all they want, but fellas, they will sell you a bill of goods a mile long in these streets if you let them and leave you holding the empty bag when shyt gets real. We got threads for those situations too. Reincar usually drops in those with a "get married breh's" tag.

This thread will go 30+ pages because the women here will never admit to the points we are making, as they are simply here for attention, they have no interest in learning anything, they just want attention from the men here. It's like women going to a sports bar because they say they love the game and are huge fans and you ask them to name the starting 5 and they go "Ummmm...."


Jun 22, 2012
Amazing. Look at this, young men.

My request for an explanation has been glossed over, but this new thought has been introduced. She's turned down these nice, well put together young men who sought actual relationships, but states that simply dating them is fine, that is because dating is ambiguous and advantageous to them. They get to go out to movies, dinner, sex, etc without the standards/reciprocation of a relationship, But when it comes time to putting in the work, they "are not ready right now". But men are the societal cancers for dating a bunch of different women at the same time, no? Playing the field,misguiding and leading the women on right? Take notes young men, if you are reading this.

She actually typed "Isn't dating different than a relationship?" With a question mark! Hah! As if she doesn't know. Subtle way to remove accountability.

When you have attained your assets, they "will be ready".
When all their friends are married "they will be ready"
When everyone else they get their hands on knows/finds out about their rep "they will be ready".
When the good guy(s) become a rare singularity "they will be ready".

This is a board, a random board, people can bullshyt here all they want, but fellas, they will sell you a bill of goods a mile long in these streets if you let them and leave you holding the empty bag when shyt gets real. We got threads for those situations too. Reincar usually drops in those with a "get married breh's" tag.

This thread will go 30+ pages because the women here will never admit to the points we are making, as they are simply here for attention, they have no interest in learning anything, they just want attention from the men here. It's like women going to a sports bar because they say they love the game and are huge fans and you ask them to name the starting 5 and they go "Ummmm...."



Demonic eyebrows & animal print
Apr 14, 2014
Not saying you're wrong...but when women initiate divorce 70% of the time..."marrying the wrong person" seems like an incomplete explanation.
I mean women can't be THAT wrong, THAT often.

Something else is up here. Not saying it's pressure, but it's something.

I can't fully answer that question, but their are studies that have sought to answer that question.

Many of these studies have found that the men benefit most from the marriage (in regard to comfort and lifestyle). Division of labor and role expectations make marriage more like a second job to many married women (since most women are still expected to work outside the home) and is more of a support system for men.

I just think that many women want to be married (or have a wedding) so much that they don't really think about what being married (in general) or to that particular person might entail. As much people argue about this on the board, most modern day husbands and wives subscribe to traditional gender expectations in the home despite modern expectations or the necessity of a dual-income home.

I'll be honest, most of the married women I know have told me not to be in a rush to get married.
May 9, 2012
This is off topic but I can literally hit up a guy that I have cut off yrs ago and say I want to have sex and he would be down. If a woman is only trying to have sex she doesn't have to do anything. Not even be nice.

Jesus CHRIST @ this hoe right here. Damn.


Docile & dominant @ the same damn time
Mar 29, 2014
Adjacent to the King
But on this Argument, I believe that women know they are in denial, yet they argue to save face, which is commendable. I'm honestly not trying to be insulting or condescending, I know the women will refute this, because im old enough to know and understand thats what women do, but maybe some young man will read this and soak it in.

In public, these women, they act/talk just like the women are talking in this thread, but once the publics eyes come off them and they're alone or with the people they open up to, the truth comes out and it's a bad/sad sight. They cry, they go through so many different feelings, they hate he happy couples, they try to tear them down, use all the bad info they have just on of jealousy because they are mad at themselves for thinking they were the exception.(:dwillhuh:What kind of people do you know?) I, as well as my mother/father, explained this to my sisters, and their relationships have been fruitful, and scarring minimal:

Truth is, men simply don't like used up women :beli:(do women want used up men? Individuals in both genders have their own criterion on what is normal). A woman may still "look good" past 25-30 as a woman, but when a man, that knows what goes on out here, puts 2 and 2 together,(so they don't know the woman) thinks about all the failed relationships shes been in and how many dudes have run through her over the years, :wtf:(yes because you can tell someones sexual history by looking at them and their age; idiot male logic) almost instantly she'll become UNATTRACTIVE to them. Not saying she won't LOOK GOOD, but she will become UNATTRACTIVE. It's like when a woman sees a well built masculine man, crying in a corner because he's scared of a flying insect. He still may "look good", but after that display he is UNATTRACTIVE. (yes because uncontrollable aging is the same thing as choosing to be yellow bellied; makes sense, it must be male logic) That is what older women are like to men. The argument of "we can still have sex with men anytime" is null, as you are relegated to left/right hand status in a mans mind at that point. You are saying that you are the equivalent of his left/right hand. Is that really worth boasting about?
I want to see the female response to this.

Please don't gloss over it like this man didn't type all that out.
Women will always force men to stick to the issue when they feel they are right. And deflect when they don't.

I want to read the counter view to this.

Why? He didn't say anything profound. This thread is conflated with few posters differentiating between sexing, dating, and marriage.

Each individual has different criterion for each category. Are there trends in behaviors for any gender?Any race? Any age group? Yes. Does everyone follow the trend line? No...

Live your life through other people's eyes brehs

I don't give a kitty about how people view my life choices (It has taken time for me to get to this point).... People will judge and demean you if you are a married woman at 25, a never been married woman at 30, or a divorcee at 35. :manny:

The notion that I should get cats, ice cream & depression because someone views my age and/or experience in a negative light is beyond ridiculous.:heh:

I'll be damned if I stop taking pleasure in the fact that I am becoming a better woman every day. If I find a man who appreciates that, then I'm :myman:.... If not, then :ld:... I have still enjoyed my journey of improvement.... that doesn't make me a failure or damaged goods... *drops mic*

Some men on this board are delusional and brainwashed...
Last edited:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I can't fully answer that question, but their are studies that have sought to answer that question.

Many of these studies have found that the men benefit most from the marriage (in regard to comfort and lifestyle). Division of labor and role expectations make marriage more like a second job to many married women (since most women are still expected to work outside the home) and is more of a support system for men.

I just think that many women want to be married (or have a wedding) so much that they don't really think about what being married (in general) or to that particular person might entail. As much people argue about this on the board, most modern day husbands and wives subscribe to traditional gender expectations in the home despite modern expectations or the necessity of a dual-income home.

I'll be honest, most of the married women I know have told me not to be in a rush to get married.

and where are these studies?