Things you noticed about your parents as adults

Dec 13, 2012
Eastside of that Motor
So my mom is very, very pretty :whoa:
She was approached by Eminem in Oakland Mall in the 90s to be a model in one of his videos.

I hate to say it but I’m pretty sure she was sleeping with other married men. I got about 4-5 friends that we just stopped hanging with. I remember we just left our church one day and found a new one. And one Christmas she got a $5000 mink coat from one of my sisters friends dad. We stopped going over that after that.

My mom is a saint so I think/pray that it was just dudes trying to get at her but she might have played the game too :francis:

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
That they are human beings.

Parenting is extremely hard.

They are a product of their times and did their best.

Grace is a real thing, forgiveness is a continuous choice.

You can't hate the roots of the tree, without hating tree.

When they are gone, you will miss them and the bullshyt that was left unsettled and the grudges that were held, ultimately, mean nothing in the bigger scheme of things.

This right here, man.

You got a nikka all choked up thinkin' about my folks:mjcry::mjcry::mjcry:

Let me just add this, man.

There's nothing in this world harder than raising Black kids in Amerikkka, a country that was built on exploiting and destroying them.

This world literally want us to hate ourselves

I grew up in one of the most violent cities in the country, man.

So many dudes I grew up with died and went to jail :to:

And the fact that I survived to be 40 years old, relatively healthy, and didn't end up getting too deep in the streets or fukked up is a testament to having 2 people I could always depend on.

I gotta hug my folks more, G.

I should've been a statistic:mjcry:

I will say this…from my teaching experience one thing I observed is in the schools I worked at where many kids had unquestionably shytty ass parents who didn’t provide for them in the most BASIC sense (no food, dirty clothing, barely any shelter), these kids (mostly black) NEVER had anything negative to say about their parents…conversely in other schools that I worked at, some of these kids (mostly white) couldn’t wait to talk down on their parents to me (a relative stranger) even tho from the outside looking in their parents didn’t seem that bad…idk if that’s good or bad per se but it was an interesting thing to observe

I've noticed this shyt too, man.

White kids fukkin' hate their parents:pachaha:

I think that's why Eminem never really hit with the Black community like that.

Once he starts talking about "fukk my mom", nikkaz lookin' like:mjtf:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Parent pedestal worshipping is disgusting. My parents were terrible...only taught me what not to do as a husband and father.

Can't stand the dudes that worship their moms and Pops like they god.

We off that old testament and their rules breh...
Here's some new testament for you then:

Ephesians 6:1-3
"1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth."

2 Timothy 3:1-2
"But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.
For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy"

I'm sorry you didn't have great parents.
Saying "Can't stand the dudes that worship their moms and pops like they God" implies that you believe everyone has parents like yours.
Saying it's distasteful to air out parents regardless of the situation is not just Biblical, but it's sound advice for any parent.
It's the same reason a custodial parent shouldn't trash a biological mother in their child's presence.
The public shaming sets the example for the child that this type of relationship is normal, and if you want better for your kids the best thing is to either honor your family by praising their hard work, or honor them by keeping distance and avoiding problems.

I think as parents we should all pray our children appreciate our sacrifices and grow to understand that this parenting thing is complicated. I've always said parenting is the simplest thing in the world and also the hardest at the same time. I pray my kids understand I did the best I could within my abilities and circumstances.

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
I've noticed this shyt too, man.

White kids fukkin' hate their parents

it wasn’t so much hate or at least it didn’t seem hateful from my perspective…I think they more so just needed to vent…and fortunately I had good intentions for both them and their parents so I provided a reasonably safe space for them to do so…but at the same time I did find it to be a bit scary…from a parent’s standpoint I would probably feel “betrayed” that the child I spent 13-15 years raising would easily confide in someone they knew for months at best…also even tho it was mostly white kids, a lot of black kids in this particular school would do the same as well


Jun 8, 2013
The heights
The darkest moment of my life was me snapping and shoving my dad when i was 16
I think most boys go thru this with our dads me and my dad got into a bad fight at 18 when I decided to drop out of college and just get a job and stack it was so bad I dip and moved in with this chick at a college she was at for 2 years my youngest cousin is currently going thru it with his dad but his dad took it to far he punched him in the face and busted his nose :francis:


getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
The darkest moment of my life was me snapping and shoving my dad when i was 16
Had a moment like that with my pop I’m ashamed to say. Got into an argument with him, and said he wasn’t going to do nothing but go into the house and drink. He got upset, but I could sense some embarrassment from him as well.

As a grown man, with a fam of my own, I understand him a bit more. Life is hard. We should never succumb to our vices, but now I realize he was going through a lot trying to make sure we kept up the life we were used to, and dealing with the shyt he had to deal with personally. When I turned 30, i apologized to him for what I did 16 years in the past. Even with me being disrespectful as shyt, he still tries to guide me through manhood till this day. Bailed me out of a financial situation I got into years ago, and continues to help my brother while still making sure my mama doesn’t want. My plan is to retire him in a few years, and bring both he and my mama back home to NC. He’s wanted to go home since he moved us to MS years ago


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
spot reserved…I know what I wanna say just a matter of if I wanna say it lmao

one thing I will say is they are amazingly “ignorant”…not in the sense that I think they’re stupid…but there is absolutely no attempt to understand anything outside of what they know, are comfortable with, or used to…if they don’t understand something, then it’s easily dismissed…they will even go so far as to paint it “wrong”…and it’s not due to old age…that’s how they always were but I looked at it as them “knowing better” bcuz I was younger…as an adult it’s clear it’s a defensive mechanism…I see a lot of ppl use it…shyt many folks on here behave that way rather than admit they don’t know/understand something
So ur parents are racist cacs? :patrice:
Aug 16, 2017
My mother is extremely entitled, and likes playing damsel in distress, and won’t even attempt to do most things for herself, but is extremely nice, so you don’t notice it at first.

My soon to be mother in law is the same way, but nasty, and I’m going to be driven crazy by both of them.