I feel played. I guess I'm what you call a casual movie goer. I see a trailer, if I like it, I go see it or rent it when it hits the redbox. I don't follow directors and actors and I don't read trade magazines looking for interviews and tidbits about movies before they are released. I loved Cloverfield and having been waiting on a prequel or sequel ever since I 1st saw it. fukk what you heard, this shyt was billed as a sequel to the original. It's why I dragged my kids to the movies on saturday even tho they were

about the 1st one. If it had nothing to do with the 1st one, WTF did you put Cloverfield in the title for if not to trick mufukkas like me into seeing this shyt?? Why did the opening graphic look the way it did then?? Saying only "Cloverfield" then adding the 10 + Lane?? fukkin gimmicks man. This JJ fakkit will only get me once with this shyt tho. The next flick can suck my dikk unless I see the monster in the trailer. Even if it doesn't.......I'm gonna PRETEND the original had something to do with this flick.

I'm gonna tell myself the monster from the 1st flick was released by aliens to basically eliminate the indigenous population of earth. This flick happens slightly after the 1st. Phase 2 like Goodman alluded to in the movie. Clean up time. Eliminate any survivors. Yeah I like that.
Watching the trailers to this I thought it was gonna turn out to be a prequel. Like Goodman was supposed to be some mad scientist/geneticist that was doing wild expirements in secret at his crib on 10 Cloverfield lane, 1 of which got WAY out of control. Which would tie into why the footage supposedly "watched" in the 1st was titled 'Cloverfield'. As in that was ground zero for what took place next.
All that said the shyt was suspenseful and well acted. But that's not what I thought I was going to see. Don't play with my emotions. WIthout the Cloverfield connection, sure I'd "Netflix and Chill" a movie like this. But spend $ at the theater??