Really, Really liked this. It was like an isolated horror sci fi flick. John Goodman abosolutely made this movie what it was. He set the enviroment and the situation. The other two actors did well but it was just a very well written film. With all that said I can't them that ending with her and the ship, lol. Come on now, the whole damn ship, really? I lost respect for the Aliens then. They sitting up here bodying the whole planet and old girl comes out and bodies them. Even Ripley damn near died in "Aliens", lol. How do you go from well acted isolated sci-fi thriller to a Blockbuster Big Attack/Explosion ending.
To me something just didn't sit right with that ending. But it didn't ruin the film because I liked other aspects of it. John Goodman should be nominated for awards for that performance. Definitely connected to the "Cloverfield" Universe well. The first film was a story and this film is a story. This is basically an anthology franchise about an Alien Invasion and how the Government is keeping it underwraps before all hell broke loose. I know they might want to make a direct sequel to this and follow her around. But I think they should go a different direction and show a whole new story in another part of the world dealing with the Aliens. Overall solid flick, Love that the whole time you are thinking John Goodman is crazy and technically he was but once you see the ending you understand his character so much more. I give it a B but it was a dope sci fi flick. That acid scene had me shook. I have to be honest though. It had a very M. Knight Shymalan vibe but in a very good way.
To me something just didn't sit right with that ending. But it didn't ruin the film because I liked other aspects of it. John Goodman should be nominated for awards for that performance. Definitely connected to the "Cloverfield" Universe well. The first film was a story and this film is a story. This is basically an anthology franchise about an Alien Invasion and how the Government is keeping it underwraps before all hell broke loose. I know they might want to make a direct sequel to this and follow her around. But I think they should go a different direction and show a whole new story in another part of the world dealing with the Aliens. Overall solid flick, Love that the whole time you are thinking John Goodman is crazy and technically he was but once you see the ending you understand his character so much more. I give it a B but it was a dope sci fi flick. That acid scene had me shook. I have to be honest though. It had a very M. Knight Shymalan vibe but in a very good way.

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