There's a lot of older lonely women out there


Dec 8, 2012
:gucci: why do yall get on the internet and tell lies? The average black man between 18-40 is a blue collar worker who makes more than the average college educated black woman.

And these women arent limited to dating black men. I swear we get blamed for fukking everything. 20 years from now i wouldnt be surprise if motherfukkers start blaming us for 9/11.

One second its "black men dont own black women we can date whoever we want" :usure:

Next second its "we cant find a man becuase black men aint shyt".:mjcry:
:mjlol::russ: Who told you that lie?:francis: More black women go to college than black men. More black men are unemployed than black women. :yeshrug:


Dec 8, 2012
A lot of these women don't take advantage of their youth to lock down a good man :manny:. Now they are washed up 30+ and dudes they were curving when they had all the options in the world don't care to settle down. Bagging 28+ women is easy. Younger women make you jump through all sorts of hoops if you not damn near perfect :pachaha:.

Like someone mentioned , the key is to focus on self improvement. You can bag a lot of women as you get older because they want to marry a single paid breh.
How do they lock down a man in their 20s if the men that are the same age and social circle aren't trying to marry until 40 + and just want to have sex? :ohhh:


All Star
Sep 8, 2015

Its just as bad when the old nikkas chase young girls..

Old nikkas are nothing more than suger daddies.
That’s going to be me when I get old, I know my old ass ain’t going to be able to help it

Not vertamib but :yeshrug:

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
I think it depends where you live for me it's like that but for cats that live in the suburbs it's not as promient. Like yesterday I was in the Save-A-lot looking for some shyt to steal for a snack and half the store was like that but it was young and old. The walmart in Richmond be like that too.

What kind of lame bullshyt ....:what:

Stop. Stealing. 'Breh'.:stopitslime:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
You see old ass chicks in her calling older men "pedophilles" for going after young women. Nah used up. Y'all had your chance but y'all failed. :francis:
This is the hypocrisy I always find interesting. How do older women feel about older men going after young women, when they were in their youth, they weren’t entertaining men their age....


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Truth isn't a cop out.

Also what you nikka expect quality women to do is lower their worth for a broke nikka when they deserve to be taken cared of just like other women in other races. Maybe more black men worried about their career before getting hoes, maybe more black women with quality will be married. Cause lets be real, more hoes and thots get wifed now a days.

That’s what you don’t get.

Maybe those hoes and thots are providing utility to the man’s life while introducing as little stress as possible.

A lot of these “quality” women you speak of provide marginal utility to a man’s life, but add a lot of stress. So, they do not get wifed.

I know plenty of “quality” Black women who are stubborn, stuck in their ways, etc. Despite their “quality”, I’d never wife them up, as the stress they’d bring to my life would exceed the utility. I make great money. I don’t need her money. I have degrees. Her degree doesn’t add utility to my life. She goes to church? Kudos to her. Doesn’t add utility to my life!

Black women need to figure out how to position themselves to be useful to the men they desire. Just running off a list of shyt that, in reality, doesn’t hit a man’s radar in terms of wife material is pointless. Men don’t care about your degree(s), how much money you make, how often you go to church, etc.

As @kevm3 mentioned, that’s akin to a man highlighting his nurturing side and his ability to cook & clean as the things that make him a catch. Most women would say, “that’s awesome buuuutt, what do you do for a living and how much do you make?” If she can’t get direct answers to those questions, she’d want proxies to assess his income/status/leadership potential. Those are basic questions a woman wants answers to before she considers a man a “quality” man if she considers herself a “quality” woman.

Here’s another analogy for you to chew on. @Supreme Leader Reinscarf , feel free to add on.

The NFL Draft is coming up. Can you imagine a player not even showing up for pre-draft activities and putting in no work to make his case as a draft pick? Through his agent, the player highlights his ability to budget and balance his checkbook, his leadership experience, etc. Breh ends up going undrafted and then complains about being overlooked by NFL teams.

When you take a step back, you realize the breh was being presumptuous in terms of what he thought NFL teams would value. While it’s nice that he has financial savvy, the NFL GMs care more about his 40 time, how much he can bench press, his playmaking ability, etc. You know, things that can add utility to the team! NFL GMs already have coaches and other personnel to take care of the budgeting and balancing piece!

That’s what Black women are missing. They are bypassing the pre-draft activities in which they demonstrate potential utility to teams and then complaining about not being drafted.

“Quality” women think they know what men want. When, in reality, they are clueless. And they don’t even want to take the time to find out! And when they do find out, they dismiss it, retreating back to their own notions of what a man “should” value in a woman! Meanwhile, men generally know what women want in a man and actively work to improve upon those things to be considered a catch.

Men see the other men women flock to and covet. And men are forced to alter their bevahior to become more like those men. Men listen to what women have to say and watch what they do in terms of mate selection. How else do you think brehs out here become experts in the game?

Women, on the other hand, see the types of women who get wifed up out here. And, instead of taking a step back to understand WHY those women are getting wifed up, they’d rather dismiss them as hoes/thots, etc. More women need to consult other women to understand what enabled them to have success in terms of getting wifed up instead of just hating on the next woman! But, because women generally compete with one another, their egos and sense of pride get in the way of that happening.
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Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
It's actually not a lie. More of them go to college but they still earn less and have a lower networth than the black men they look down on.


Unless a woman studied STEM, finance, nursing or some other major that can offset her high student loan debt, her degree(s) matter very little to me. She’s coming to the table with negative net worth that will not improve over time and will only add stress to my life.

Because I know that, after pumping out a baby or two, she’s going to want to sit out for a while, yet those student loans are still going to need to be paid.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
They'd rather blame "immature" or unsuitable Black men.
And even in duress, these men become the focus. Look at @Londilon post.

Nobody gives a mention to men doing right. It's all about a scapegoat. Black women...yes even educated black women...are jumping that broom.

Some of you all and your agendas....


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Or they wait wait wait and pass up men after men waiting for some Idris Elba that will never come.

Talk to most single women in their thirties and I guarantee you they had a few brehs who wanted to marry them and on paper these brehs had everything but these chicks thought there was something better out there.

I'm talking to three women right now who are 30, 33 and 34

They all had dudes who wanted to marry them, good dudes but there was something they felt and now there still single years later.


A woman who is "wife" material will be wifed up. It's that simple. They don't even make it to 30, typically, without being wifed up. A woman making it to 30 without being wifed up was either playing around with knuckleheads in her 20s or isn't wife material.

That doesn't mean she can't become wife material. But, it'll take work.

A lot of these lonely Black woman are delusional. They "think" they are wife material because they go to church, got a degree, etc.

But, if they are getting passed over time and time, again, it's likely something wrong with them. But, they never want to look in the mirror.

They'd rather blame "immature" or unsuitable Black men.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Yup, while it would be nice to have a woman with a nice career its not that important. I care more about is she loyal, is she a attn whore, what's her relationship with God, would she be a good wife/mother, what issues (anger, etc), does she have kids, am I attracted to her.

I don't care that she makes 100k a year has a waterfront condo, has a PhD .

I'd rather date a HS dropout with the criteria I listed than that

Let's be 500. When have you ever seen a special on, "She's fine, she cooks for her man, she gives him a massage when he comes home, she's supportive and nurturing, she treats her man as the head of the household, she's feminine and sweet... Why can't these women find a man"? That's right, you don't see them because these women are getting wifed up.

All of that 'black men are gay, in prison, etc etc.' as the reason why these women can't find men is a bunch of garbage. If these women were such catches, if they couldn't find a black man, they'd have a throng of men of other races wifing them up. The problem with society is that it's teaching women to be masculine and to use masculine techniques to catch men. It's telling women that the things a woman values in a man is what a man values in a woman and that's completely untrue. For the most part, men don't care about degrees, how much money a woman has, etc. That's like a dude saying, "I get my hair did, I get my nails did, I can twerk," why can't I find a top notch woman who is on my level?

The problem with a lot of these single women is they have a way too inflated sense of worth. They think that having that degree puts them on a top echelon of being able to have the best men, but really, men don't value money like that. She wants that man that's making $100,000 a year, but what is she bringing to the table? He could care less about her money and a dude making 6 figures, that's in shape, etc., has his pick of the litter. You're not going to catch that dude by offering something he couldn't care less about.