There's a lot of older lonely women out there

Bleed The Freak

Dec 9, 2015



Dec 8, 2012
That’s what you don’t get.

Maybe those hoes and thots are providing utility to the man’s life while introducing as little stress as possible.

A lot of these “quality” women you speak of provide marginal utility to a man’s life, but add a lot of stress. So, they do not get wifed.

I know plenty of “quality” Black women who are stubborn, stuck in their ways, etc. Despite their “quality”, I’d never wife them up, as the stress they’d bring to my life would exceed the utility. I make great money. I don’t need her money. I have degrees. Her degree doesn’t add utility to my life. She goes to church? Kudos to her. Doesn’t add utility to my life!

Black women need to figure out how to position themselves to be useful to the men they desire. Just running off a list of shyt that, in reality, doesn’t hit a man’s radar in terms of wife material is pointless. Men don’t care about your degree(s), how much money you make, how often you go to church, etc.

As @kevm3 mentioned, that’s akin to a man highlighting his nurturing side and his ability to cook & clean as the things that make him a catch. Most women would say, “that’s awesome buuuutt, what do you do for a living and how much do you make?” If she can’t get direct answers to those questions, she’d want proxies to assess his income/status/leadership potential. Those are basic questions a woman wants answers to before she considers a man a “quality” man if she considers herself a “quality” woman.

Here’s another analogy for you to chew on. @Supreme Leader Reinscarf , feel free to add on.

The NFL Draft is coming up. Can you imagine a player not even showing up for pre-draft activities and putting in no work to make his case as a draft pick? Through his agent, the player highlights his ability to budget and balance his checkbook, his leadership experience, etc. Breh ends up going undrafted and then complains about being overlooked by NFL teams.

When you take a step back, you realize the breh was being presumptuous in terms of what he thought NFL teams would value. While it’s nice that he has financial savvy, the NFL GMs care more about his 40 time, how much he can bench press, his playmaking ability, etc. You know, things that can add utility to the team! NFL GMs already have coaches and other personnel to take care of the budgeting and balancing piece!

That’s what Black women are missing. They are bypassing the pre-draft activities in which they demonstrate potential utility to teams and then complaining about not being drafted.

“Quality” women think they know what men want. When, in reality, they are clueless. And they don’t even want to take the time to find out! And when they do find out, they dismiss it, retreating back to their own notions of what a man “should” value in a woman! Meanwhile, men generally know what women want in a man and actively work to improve upon those things to be considered a catch.

Men see the other men women flock to and covet. And men are forced to alter their bevahior to become more like those men. Men listen to what women have to say and watch what they do in terms of mate selection. How else do you think brehs out here become experts in the game?

Women, on the other hand, see the types of women who get wifed up out here. And, instead of taking a step back to understand WHY those women are getting wifed up, they’d rather dismiss them as hoes/thots, etc. More women need to consult other women to understand what enabled them to have success in terms of getting wifed up instead of just hating on the next woman! But, because women generally compete with one another, their egos and sense of pride get in the way of that happening.

The fact that you are trying ton convince me that a thot/hoe provide more utility/less stress than a educated women coming from a two parent home, waiting for the one, and has little to no body's on her p*ssy, negates me reading the rest of this trash.


Dec 8, 2012
Oh here we go.... it's black men's fault :comeon:

And these women are all perfect I suppose

There are more black men in jail than any other races. If all these men are in jail, how are these women getting husbands?

If all their counterparts at the age of 20 - 30 are only trying to fukk and have meaningless sex because they want to wait until 40 to get married.

How are these women getting husbands before 30?


Dec 8, 2012
If u want a woman who hasnt been abused, cheated on left and right , played , ran thru bodycount in the 20s, sexually assaulted etc etc
All of these things that are a negative to a woman's quality ended up being cause by a man against her will, at the end of the day.

But lets be abusive to victims and blame them for why they went through all this shyt, not the preditor. No never that. Lets try to avoid blaming men so we can laugh at women and call them damaged and used up.

Lets ignore that a lot of men have been abused in the same manner and is a reason why these men only fukk and dont wife women.

Lets ignore that sexual abuse men go through as young men by men they call their fathers, uncles, step days when they were adolesents. Cause these men to be unable to marry women and provide for them in the future.

Women literally have to pick over trash and scarps to find a husband and when a woman saids, no, they refused to let trash into their life, they are called stuck up/gold digger.


Dec 8, 2012
No man of any age cares to talk to women over 27..this is why women need to do whatever it takes to secure a serious man by 24 instead they waste time clubbing and hoeing on IG

Rihanna, Beyonce, Ciara, Nicki Mianj, etc are all over 27. You are trying to say that if you didn't see these women right next to you, that you wouldn't talk to them? :mjlol:
Dec 19, 2017
Spot on.

Something stuck with me about what Jeff Bezos said he saw in his wife: the fact that she is resourceful.

In his mind, she was resourceful enough to help him break out of a third-world prison.

Ultimately, a man finds a wife when he finds one that provides some utility to his life in excess of the stress that she introduces to his life. The greater the delta between utility and stress, the greater the likelihood she gets wifed up.

And that "utility" can mean different things to different men.

But, that almost surely doesn't include degrees, money and other things women try to highlight as positives about themselves these days.

As you mentioned, those are things that women value in men, not the other way around.

Exactly. A master's degree, nice condo and a Benz is nice.....for a dude, but women can't attract men that way. Men have to be selfish to attract women (good education, career, stay in decent shape, good financial habits etc). Women have to be SELFLESS to attract men (good cooking, resourceful, nurturing etc).

Ladies are taught to approach life like men. Good for moving up the corporate ladder, bad for finding a spouse .


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Exactly. A master's degree, nice condo and a Benz is nice.....for a dude, but women can't attract men that way. Men have to be selfish to attract women (good education, career, stay in decent shape, good financial habits etc). Women have to be SELFLESS to attract men (good cooking, resourceful, nurturing etc).

Ladies are taught to approach life like men. Good for moving up the corporate ladder, bad for finding a spouse .

Spot on.

The messed up thing is it's their mothers giving them that terrible advice early on. Probably because the mother had to do everything on her own as well. Then, later in life, their same mothers are the ones pressuring them to find a man and give them some grandchildren.

Their mothers didn't send them off to college and encourage them to get that education AND find a potential mate.

Nope. These women go off to college, fukk around and leave school with no potential targets for husbands. Then, they coast in life for 5-7 years and then want to get serious about finding a husband at 30. That's too late. That's like a nikka with hoop dreams wanting to get serious about making the NBA at 25! The journey starts much earlier.

Meanwhile, most of their non-Black counterparts had their mothers put them on game before they left the house for college. Get that BS degree, but also be cognizant of the MRS degree.

For women, you've really got to be laying the groundwork for marriage as early as 23. You've got to be deliberate in your dating in those critical 23-30 years. Men can play around when it comes to dating in those years, women cannot.

Wasting time with J-Rock, the local party promoter, for four years from 24-28 is not the move. After 6 months, if J-Rock is clearly not marriage material, you've got to move on.

In addition, women have to put less stock into what their girlfriends think about a man. A lot of women miss out of men who would have married them from 24-30, but they declined because they were afraid of what their girlfriends think about the man!

Then, they look up and they're 35 and those same men they passed on are married. And then they complain that "all the good ones are already taken." Go figure!
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Dec 28, 2016
It's so much easier for a single man at 40 to scoop a nice young thing than the other way around :wow:

I feel bad for women that let their "prime" fukk up their judgment. They think that shyt gonna last forever. End up 33 looking like a bag of laundry talking about "I'll never settle" :mjlol:

Nothing but 100% facts!


Dec 28, 2016
Lets talk about the single women at 30 who aren't married and have no children, that never married. Why are they single? They have schooling, they have a job, they come from a two parent household.

Why aren't they married? They see thots getting wifed left and right. They see ride or dies holding it down for their boyfriends who work the corner.

Why aren't they married?

Because the average black man from ages of 18 - 40 are either in jail, broke, no education, have fukk boy tendanceys, most just aren't marriage material. These women rather be single, than to marry a man who will demand to be the head of household, but can't support or provide for that household.

Its like you get a job and they tell you that they want you to be the CEO but with the pay of a entry level worker. When you have the experience, you have done the work to be worth a CEO salary. Would you take that job? No.

These women can't submit to a man who can not and will never have the credentials to be a real head of household.

This is absolutely utter foolishness! So explain white and Asian women. Stop trying shyt on brothers.


Sep 10, 2015
Lets talk about the single women at 30 who aren't married and have no children, that never married. Why are they single? They have schooling, they have a job, they come from a two parent household.

Why aren't they married? They see thots getting wifed left and right. They see ride or dies holding it down for their boyfriends who work the corner.

Why aren't they married?

Because the average black man from ages of 18 - 40 are either in jail, broke, no education, have fukk boy tendanceys, most just aren't marriage material. These women rather be single, than to marry a man who will demand to be the head of household, but can't support or provide for that household.

Its like you get a job and they tell you that they want you to be the CEO but with the pay of a entry level worker. When you have the experience, you have done the work to be worth a CEO salary. Would you take that job? No.

These women can't submit to a man who can not and will never have the credentials to be a real head of household.
Most women in their younger years (when they get pregnant) choose men for superficial reasons ie looks, clothes, body, etc. A lot of women overlook the average brehs with no swag building for themselves.

Women chase dudes that ignore them/give no fukks about them while d!cking around (words to AMS) the guys that love and adore them. There are no shortage of testimonies on the internet proving this.


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
All of these things that are a negative to a woman's quality ended up being cause by a man against her will, at the end of the day.

But lets be abusive to victims and blame them for why they went through all this shyt, not the preditor. No never that. Lets try to avoid blaming men so we can laugh at women and call them damaged and used up.

Lets ignore that a lot of men have been abused in the same manner and is a reason why these men only fukk and dont wife women.

Lets ignore that sexual abuse men go through as young men by men they call their fathers, uncles, step days when they were adolesents. Cause these men to be unable to marry women and provide for them in the future.

Women literally have to pick over trash and scarps to find a husband and when a woman saids, no, they refused to let trash into their life, they are called stuck up/gold digger.

None of that is my fault. Im not dealing with women with too much baggage they cant get over due to their bad choices in men. Ill deal with one who is well adjusted and over it but most arent.

And I dont date men, so idc about the pool of men to choose from.


Sep 10, 2015
You sound gay talking about women age worse than men. :mjlol:

Just like men, if women do not take care of themselves they will age bad. What you eat, your hygine, your mental health, etc effect how you look its not a genetic thing. White women as a whole do age like milk. I've seen white women saying they are 23 who look 42. White women and black women do not age the same even in their best conditions.
Women's body go down the sewer because of kids.

Look at Ashanti, Mya, etc older woman who've never had any kids. They bodies on point and look like they in their 20s.