There's a lot of older lonely women out there


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
Another thing is ive noticed past like age 21

Every year the woman gets more and more damaged

1 in 4 women in American are on some form of anti deppressants

Studies also show how women in America are more depressed compared to generations before (not being stable mothers and nurturers instead of competing with men and going against their nature)

I know for a fact American society in general has given us an all some form of mental illness including men but women seem to not be able to overcome it as well

If u want a woman who hasnt been abused, cheated on left and right , played , ran thru bodycount in the 20s, sexually assaulted etc etc

Its like u gotta kidnap that bytch at 18

And if u dont beleive me get a woman comfortable and act non judgemental and ull hear all types of shyt.

Its just all bad. But to be fair this is a generation of broken men too & the only sane ones get hitched quick to a quality woman ,stay single and play the field or travel out. We will implode soon.


Green diamonds like a dill pickle
Sep 17, 2014
Lets talk about the single women at 30 who aren't married and have no children, that never married. Why are they single? They have schooling, they have a job, they come from a two parent household.

Why aren't they married? They see thots getting wifed left and right. They see ride or dies holding it down for their boyfriends who work the corner.

Why aren't they married?

Because the average black man from ages of 18 - 40 are either in jail, broke, no education, have fukk boy tendanceys, most just aren't marriage material. These women rather be single, than to marry a man who will demand to be the head of household, but can't support or provide for that household.

Its like you get a job and they tell you that they want you to be the CEO but with the pay of a entry level worker. When you have the experience, you have done the work to be worth a CEO salary. Would you take that job? No.

These women can't submit to a man who can not and will never have the credentials to be a real head of household.

:gucci: why do yall get on the internet and tell lies? The average black man between 18-40 is a blue collar worker who makes more than the average college educated black woman.

And these women arent limited to dating black men. I swear we get blamed for fukking everything. 20 years from now i wouldnt be surprise if motherfukkers start blaming us for 9/11.

One second its "black men dont own black women we can date whoever we want" :usure:

Next second its "we cant find a man becuase black men aint shyt".:mjcry:


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Let's be 500. When have you ever seen a special on, "She's fine, she cooks for her man, she gives him a massage when he comes home, she's supportive and nurturing, she treats her man as the head of the household, she's feminine and sweet... Why can't these women find a man"? That's right, you don't see them because these women are getting wifed up.

All of that 'black men are gay, in prison, etc etc.' as the reason why these women can't find men is a bunch of garbage. If these women were such catches, if they couldn't find a black man, they'd have a throng of men of other races wifing them up. The problem with society is that it's teaching women to be masculine and to use masculine techniques to catch men. It's telling women that the things a woman values in a man is what a man values in a woman and that's completely untrue. For the most part, men don't care about degrees, how much money a woman has, etc. That's like a dude saying, "I get my hair did, I get my nails did, I can twerk," why can't I find a top notch woman who is on my level?

The problem with a lot of these single women is they have a way too inflated sense of worth. They think that having that degree puts them on a top echelon of being able to have the best men, but really, men don't value money like that. She wants that man that's making $100,000 a year, but what is she bringing to the table? He could care less about her money and a dude making 6 figures, that's in shape, etc., has his pick of the litter. You're not going to catch that dude by offering something he couldn't care less about.

Spot on.

Something stuck with me about what Jeff Bezos said he saw in his wife: the fact that she is resourceful.

In his mind, she was resourceful enough to help him break out of a third-world prison.

Ultimately, a man finds a wife when he finds one that provides some utility to his life in excess of the stress that she introduces to his life. The greater the delta between utility and stress, the greater the likelihood she gets wifed up.

And that "utility" can mean different things to different men.

But, that almost surely doesn't include degrees, money and other things women try to highlight as positives about themselves these days.

As you mentioned, those are things that women value in men, not the other way around.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Spot on.

Something stuck with me about what Jeff Bezos saw in his wife: the fact that she is resourceful.

In his mind, she was resourceful enough to help him break out of a third-world prison.

Ultimately, a man finds a wife when he finds one that provides some utility to his life. That "utility" can mean different things to different men.

But, that almost surely doesn't include degrees, money and other things women try to highlight as positives about themselves these days.

As you mentioned, those are things that women value in men, not the other way around.

Yeah I definitely think there's a distinct difference between a woman's own accomplishments and in her helping her husband build an empire. I always liked this interview by Loida Lewis, who was Reginald Lewis's wife. Reginald Lewis was one of the first African Americans worth a billion.



Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Yeah I definitely think there's a distinct difference between a woman's own accomplishments and in her helping her husband build an empire. I always liked this interview by Loida Lewis, who was Reginald Lewis's wife. Reginald Lewis was one of the first African Americans worth a billion.

Loida was super resourceful as well and added value to Reg's life as he was building his empire.


Mar 11, 2015
A lot of these women don't take advantage of their youth to lock down a good man :manny:. Now they are washed up 30+ and dudes they were curving when they had all the options in the world don't care to settle down. Bagging 28+ women is easy. Younger women make you jump through all sorts of hoops if you not damn near perfect :pachaha:.

Like someone mentioned , the key is to focus on self improvement. You can bag a lot of women as you get older because they want to marry a single paid breh.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Spot on.

Something stuck with me about what Jeff Bezos said he saw in his wife: the fact that she is resourceful.

In his mind, she was resourceful enough to help him break out of a third-world prison.

Ultimately, a man finds a wife when he finds one that provides some utility to his life in excess of the stress that she introduces to his life. The greater the delta between utility and stress, the greater the likelihood she gets wifed up.

And that "utility" can mean different things to different men.

But, that almost surely doesn't include degrees, money and other things women try to highlight as positives about themselves these days.

As you mentioned, those are things that women value in men, not the other way around.
Loida was super resourceful as well and added value to Reg's life as he was building his empire.
Yeah I definitely think there's a distinct difference between a woman's own accomplishments and in her helping her husband build an empire. I always liked this interview by Loida Lewis, who was Reginald Lewis's wife. Reginald Lewis was one of the first African Americans worth a billion.

I've always been super picky with women.

Had a very resourceful chick ONCE. Best woman I ever dated. 2 years after the split, dating is rough. Cannot find anyone near or on her level. I'm young as shyt, but still.

Cannot go back to these connectionless, hairdresser, retail cashier forever chicks. OR college educated women who are all talk and attitude. This woman walked the walk, higher echelon. I dont know how the fukk she fell on my lap.
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Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013

Its just as bad when the old nikkas chase young girls..

Old nikkas are nothing more than suger daddies.

That's just pathetic honesty but I understand how R thinks, I got friends pushing 45 and kinda still believe they can "swag" their way into young p*ssy.

Take this breh, for instance .:mjlol:


Alot of guys older than me dress like that, older black men... I got no beef, no issues at all. Alot of older educated brothers got white women here in Pembroke Pines and dress very close to breh in the picture.

How do these women have a choice in a fully stocked boat in their 20s if their counterparts are running through girls and dont want to setting until they reach 40?

nikkas act like 20 year old nikkas got money and can take care of women and children when the unemployment is at a all time high in the black community. Its just not recorded because after awhile you can't stay on unemployment and they drop you. Thats why the numbers are skewed right now. No one is getting married because no one can afford a family.

Yeah, which is why most black men probably won't try to get with them, no one wants someone who seperates from the orginal... these women sound like wanna be cacettes to be honest. I can't blame a educated breh for nothing fukking with these "money first" hoes, let me hit and let me dip. The one who I want is the one who is "comfortable in their skin". I will never and I don't think any smart breh is gonna want to symbolize racism and most these hoes that's what they do, complain about racism and cacs and how cacs are evil but dump a nikka that don't have enough "white man money. This ain't church breh, I don't need hugs and prayers, rather have a rider or just die alone. I'm sure alot od black men feel the same way.

Lets talk about the single women at 30 who aren't married and have no children, that never married. Why are they single? They have schooling, they have a job, they come from a two parent household.

Why aren't they married? They see thots getting wifed left and right. They see ride or dies holding it down for their boyfriends who work the corner.

Why aren't they married?

Because the average black man from ages of 18 - 40 are either in jail, broke, no education, have fukk boy tendanceys, most just aren't marriage material. These women rather be single, than to marry a man who will demand to be the head of household, but can't support or provide for that household.

Its like you get a job and they tell you that they want you to be the CEO but with the pay of a entry level worker. When you have the experience, you have done the work to be worth a CEO salary. Would you take that job? No.

These women can't submit to a man who can not and will never have the credentials to be a real head of household.

Cop out but do you.

U a legit piece of shyt
And most likely a cracka
A gay black male
A bitter fat bytch

I hope you die in ya sleep:scust:

Won't go that far but symbolism isn't something I'm with and I think this dude is heavy on that. Those "fake woke" chicks who call out racism living in Mansions complaining they can't get new weave and new nails done.

Let's be 500. When have you ever seen a special on, "She's fine, she cooks for her man, she gives him a massage when he comes home, she's supportive and nurturing, she treats her man as the head of the household, she's feminine and sweet... Why can't these women find a man"? That's right, you don't see them because these women are getting wifed up.

All of that 'black men are gay, in prison, etc etc.' as the reason why these women can't find men is a bunch of garbage. If these women were such catches, if they couldn't find a black man, they'd have a throng of men of other races wifing them up. The problem with society is that it's teaching women to be masculine and to use masculine techniques to catch men. It's telling women that the things a woman values in a man is what a man values in a woman and that's completely untrue. For the most part, men don't care about degrees, how much money a woman has, etc. That's like a dude saying, "I get my hair did, I get my nails did, I can twerk," why can't I find a top notch woman who is on my level?

The problem with a lot of these single women is they have a way too inflated sense of worth. They think that having that degree puts them on a top echelon of being able to have the best men, but really, men don't value money like that. She wants that man that's making $100,000 a year, but what is she bringing to the table? He could care less about her money and a dude making 6 figures, that's in shape, etc., has his pick of the litter. You're not going to catch that dude by offering something he couldn't care less about.

Kinda of but masculine women still want more masculine men than them so that's the thing. If you so independent, why ask someone to help you.

America leads them the wrong way but plenty people got rich off it.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Kinda of but masculine women still want more masculine men than them so that's the thing. If you so independent, why ask someone to help you.

America leads them the wrong way but plenty people got rich off it.

And that's what does them in. These masculine women want the type of men that all women want and they can't compete because a man that his his pick of the litter ain't trying to choose a woman with masculine energy.


Dec 8, 2012
That's just pathetic honesty but I understand how R thinks, I got friends pushing 45 and kinda still believe they can "swag" their way into young p*ssy.

Alot of guys older than me dress like that, older black men... I got no beef, no issues at all. Alot of older educated brothers got white women here in Pembroke Pines and dress very close to breh in the picture.

Yeah, which is why most black men probably won't try to get with them, no one wants someone who seperates from the orginal... these women sound like wanna be cacettes to be honest. I can't blame a educated breh for nothing fukking with these "money first" hoes, let me hit and let me dip. The one who I want is the one who is "comfortable in their skin". I will never and I don't think any smart breh is gonna want to symbolize racism and most these hoes that's what they do, complain about racism and cacs and how cacs are evil but dump a nikka that don't have enough "white man money. This ain't church breh, I don't need hugs and prayers, rather have a rider or just die alone. I'm sure alot od black men feel the same way.

Cop out but do you.

Won't go that far but symbolism isn't something I'm with and I think this dude is heavy on that. Those "fake woke" chicks who call out racism living in Mansions complaining they can't get new weave and new nails done.

Kinda of but masculine women still want more masculine men than them so that's the thing. If you so independent, why ask someone to help you.

America leads them the wrong way but plenty people got rich off it.

Truth isn't a cop out.

Also what you nikka expect quality women to do is lower their worth for a broke nikka when they deserve to be taken cared of just like other women in other races. Maybe more black men worried about their career before getting hoes, maybe more black women with quality will be married. Cause lets be real, more hoes and thots get wifed now a days.