The symbol with a knife cutting a donut. Its in white orchard by the bulletin board
My man said a knife cutting a donut.

It's a whetstone, it's used to sharpen knives, etc.
The symbol with a knife cutting a donut. Its in white orchard by the bulletin board
why are you so broke
burn the beehives and take the honeycomb, sell it to the herbalist in white orchard (if you are still there) you should make alot of money off them
if you are in the second area, Velen, there's a guy in a city that can convert some of those coins you loot into the game currency (oren?). he gave me back like 550.....Define "a lot of money", and what level are you? Because I'm doing all that and barely got $600.
thats alot for the start of the game before you leave white orchardDefine "a lot of money", and what level are you? Because I'm doing all that and barely got $600.
Go chew a dikk
thats alot for the start of the game before you leave white orchard
im controlling Ciri for the first time
im on ps4 i got it from the psn storeIt's really not though. I'm trying to ball god damn it!
I asked this earlier and nobody responded....where do you get these DLCs from? I got the game on Steam.
Loving this so far brehs
It keeps saying you cannot save here
I'm in a
@Responsible Allen Iverson Could you please add "Spoilers" to the Thread title. Now that the game is out a lot is being discussed that could ruin the experience for some people.
I would figure that anyone coming into a huge thread like this post-release would expect spoilers, but I will add it if it will help.
I copped the game but I have been avoiding this thread because my rig can't currently run it.
Think it just installed automatically. At least mine did. Got my hair cut at that one big ass city in VelenIt's really not though. I'm trying to ball god damn it!
I asked this earlier and nobody responded....where do you get these DLCs from? I got the game on Steam.
I was in town thoto close to enemy thats why