The Washington Post is going after black men


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
lol we all could have guessed from the looks down to the hairstyle
And then y'all wonder why bw don't wear their natural hair?! :deadrose:

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Alt- Right verbiage..
Always knew you were on some other shyt..
And now you are spouting statistics out of the thin blue air with that nonsense about 50% of black men will be voting for Trump..
Then you write more garbage that black men are spiteful towards black women and that’s why a small, sample size percentage voted for him or republicans..
This is the kind of baseless shyt that is dangerous..
It’s not only white people we have to fight against everyday..
It’s spineless, boot licking muthafukkas like you that destroy the black community from the inside out with the bullshyt narratives..
Every time I see you post..
I get that gut sensation of an agent..
It’s one thing to have a debate and disagreements..
But the shyt you post is on some other shyt and is very telling of you as a person in real life..
This ain’t even about being on some internet, militant shyt..
Dudes like you are the real threat..
I can see a street nikka from a mile away and figure his moves..
But pencil pushing, twitter finger, cardigan wearing, push my glasses up on my nose type of nikkas like you..
Blend in so well until you start talking..

On top of that he posted an article from Rasmussen to attack Black men.
The Washington Post is going after black men

Rasmussen is a bullshyt conservative piece of shyt polling service that is slanted in favor of Republicans and against African Americans.
Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
The headline reads as follows: "What’s up with all those black men who voted for the Republican in the Georgia governor’s race?" and the author is a Black woman, the fact that you somehow perceive this as an attack is extremely telling. You keep suggesting that Black women aren't race first as if Black men are when in reality, Black women are the ones who vote in higher incidence for Black candidates than Black men. Saying that Black men are race first doesn't paint the full picture because the grim reality is that Black men are Black male first, we know this because when Black women speak on the issues that uniquely affect them as Black women, the bodies of dead Black men are often thrown in their faces to justify why we should prioritize Black men first and get back to them later.

Also, Bill Cosby is literally a worse example than R. Kelly, which is pretty fukked up considering the evil shyt Kells has done to Black women without any of the race first Black men putting a stop to it. Imagine that, Black men in Black communities selling dvds of R. Kelly's sex tape to other Black people, in some perverse way one could argue that, that's Black first.
the issue that most black men have in this thread is that black men are always being put out there by black women in mainstream publications, you would know that if you actually paid attention to what the reaction is. Your whole gimmick is to just come in to these types of thread and antagonize black men. You were right on time too. And:
"the bodies of dead Black men are often thrown in their faces to justify why we should prioritize Black men first and get back to them later."
perhaps it's because dead black men can't be around to defend black women. and it's crazy to me that you said dead bodies are thrown in their faces...should death take a backseat? Like if i'm laying in the street bleeding out am i supposed to stop and ask other people if they good? You rattled off a lot of generic black feminist flash card stuff.

Bill Cosby and R. Kelly are you examples of lack accountability? Bill Cosby is currently in prison, and he was held accountable in the court of public opinion before that. And with R. Kelly, please don't sit up here and act like it's black men propping him up. Explain this....

:martin:" men was selling dvds"

:camby:Black women still giving this dude money. All at his concerts screaming. :heh:

You cherry picked out two rich nikkas. Black men over represent in the prison population and in so many other metrics of life black men are failing. Black men are held accountable by this country even when innocent. Dudes end up in prison 30 years and get out with the innocence project. Dudes get shot by the Darren Wilsons of the world and nothing happens aside from the women you quote getting blue check marks.

That "lack of accountability" bullshyt sounds cool and makes you feel like your being intellectual until you actually have to defend it.

dem bath salts

To be reckoned with
Jun 11, 2012
^^ this is on point, good post and it's good to see someone think objectively about the issue.

I've had a similar observation too. Ever since Diddy had that "Vote or Die" campaign, what I've started to notice it that this is loosely translated into "vote for who we tell you to vote for or DIE."

I don't know what it is, but there are some people who are hell bent on policing the individual political choices and preferences of others in the black community. I personally vote by the issues, and therefore it depends on the candidate...I don't care how the black congressional caucus or Oprah Winfrey feels about it--they don't like it?--tough tattas. They're on the Democratic payroll--I'm not. And I'm sure this is how others who vote differently feel about it. I'd be far more intrigued to hear why someone black voted for Kemp over Abraams than to tell them who they should have voted for. Same with Disantis and Gillim. I'd respect their personal choice, and like you--I'm pretty sure they've thought critically about it before they did it given the wave of propaganda telling them who they "must" vote for.
Individualism is a cac philosophical concept. We're being exterminated. Vote monolithic or die you pleb


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Blaming the defeat solely on the black male votes. Implying that black men dont support black women. Of course its "we didnt say all". Now how would it look if black men started questioning anything black women did in mainstream publications?

"Whats up with all the black women dating white men? We're not attacking you, just doing a public analysis"

How would that blow over?

And what do black men need to be held accountable for? I still want to know.
I know a lot of people on here don't like Tariq but he pointed out why black women(bed wenches mostly) are never publicly held accountable like black men are. He said the moment black women get criticized publicly it turns into "Oh lord haven't we suffered enough".:mjlol:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
I know a lot of people on here don't like Tariq but he pointed out why black women(bed wenches mostly) are never publicly held accountable like black men are. He said the moment black women get criticized publicly it turns into "Oh lord haven't we suffered enough".:mjlol:

I read that in his voice :deadmanny: