finished yesterday. I don't really have any real opinion on this season. Cool to see a little background on the "dad" and "mom". Ole girl with the rumor power could have ended all kinds of shyt for black folks.

My biggest take away from this season is the cinematography was amazing at times. There were two shots that I remember distinctly being wow'd at. One was when the handler was standing outside of some building and they color graded it a certain way, it was just dope. And the 2nd shot was when Klause was coming out of the water, it was right before the people walked up to him and put the lei's (sp?) on him. But yeah the cinematography this season on dope.
Also, maybe I missed it, but was the farm lady's husband cheating on her or beating her or something? Dude kind of died in a fukked up way. He wasn't even doing anything bad to the little boy. He was literally going to get him help.

The wife standing up there with the shotgun acting like he was doing some wild shyt.

Dude was like "what the hell else do you want from me?
