The TRUTH about "Learning to Code" part 2 : Finding an entry-level job is nearly IMPOSSIBLE!


May 6, 2012
What does your portfolio look like OP?
What personal projects have you created?

Man im getting tired of threads like these. Yall dont understand the industry and so you complain about it.

This is like me taking an acting bootcamp class and complaining no one is hiring actors... but i havent even created a demo reel yet.

In the company i work for, you come in with an impressive enough portfolio of work and they'll skip 2 interviews and hire you on the spot.

What this thread should be about is building an impressive portfolio, not telling black men to stop trying to make it in an extremely lucrative field that only grows by the day

So true. They don’t know the game so they complain.


May 6, 2012
Absolute bullshyt breh. The industry has a greater emphasis on skills over age. An employer would be impressed if you have followed the right steps and you are actually good at coding.You resume does not contain your age.And it is not unusual to see older people going back to college.

It’s a young mans profession. You don’t see old developers because thry cost a lot and the smart ones move on from those roles whether it be consulting or management. Thry want those young out of school developers because thry are cheap and willing to put in the work (no families)


May 6, 2012
The tech industry is a scam and I'm tired of you, FAANG, and all these youtubers trying to convince people otherwise. Y'all are like evil car salesmen.

Tell me why I did Google's IT Coursera program, got an interview with Google and went through 3 rounds only to not get the job. Mind you I have my certificate stating I'm qualified. This was for an IT APPRENTICESHIP. You mean to tell me I can't get a damn apprenticeship after completing a course in this topic which they created for people to be able to work??? And they constantly repeated that they weren't expecting you to be an expert and they would train you.


If they said what they really wanna say but can't... i.e. "the demand is high for highly skilled and talented well experienced White/Asian male engineers and developers, NOBODY would bother. So they have to lie and give false hope so they can make their money. These bootcamps, colleges, programs are all eating good off lying to everyone about this high demand and promising people jobs. If demand was really high, jobs wouldn't be so hard to get, period.

You should not have trouble finding a job with a CS degree. But you also need to put in work. What projects have you worked on? What does your portfolio look like? What separates you from the other applicants?

Anyone who thinks jobs are handed to you because you meet the base criteria needs a reality check.

You also need to be flexible. Take the jobs with crappy pay to start out so you can get experience under your belt, especially if you didn’t do co-op in school high leads me to co-op is a MUST! If your program doesn’t have it, don’t bother.

Stop making excuses and look for solutions. Find a mentor.


Jul 3, 2018
Op is not right be he's not wrong.

Working your way into any Field is going to be tough for us , especially a six figure field.

Cacs don't want to pay us. Especially at an entry level. Because guess what ? Chad and Meng just learned how to code too.

And guess who they feel more comfortable around, are being recommended and precieve having a higher ceiling than you?

But at the same time don't let that stop you

You can make it and other brehs have made it too.


Nov 29, 2012
Take this however you wana take it:

I know two bytches who are recruiters, fintech startups in SF

There are absolutely zero hires they are making from ppl with certificates or trainings of any sort. All these high paying jobs are going to early 20 somethings with MIT/Cal/Stanford degrees with at least previous experience working at one or another tech giant. They’re essentially poaching ppl from other companies with ridiculous signing bonuses. I’ll post a pic if I can find of the offers they’ve given
I’m talking 375k+ with massive bonuses and other RSU shyt and incentives

recruiters don’t just hire ppl to fill quotas, they get judged on the quality of hires they make and will get fired just for wasting time interviewing someone who isn’t capable of doing the job
Given the choice between some geek with 2-3 years experience as a full stack engineer at google + Stanford degree, or a guy with a “certificate” for completing a bootcamp, who do you think is gona get the job


Jan 7, 2015
I'm almost done with my year of sys/network admin and finding a job is :francis:

so how many years experience do you have :leostare:

Well I almost finished my program that was a year so no experience as of yet :gucci:

Oh, well we are only looking for people who either have a BA/MA or have years of experience :troll:


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
I'm a defeatist for actually telling mfs the truth about the industry :comeon:

I should've just lived up to my name and said some generic bullshyt like "now's the best time more than ever to learn how to code :krs::krs::krs:" so I could get all the daps huh..

You're a defeatist because you are blaming everything and everyone but yourself for your failure to make it in the Tech industry and projecting your insecurity under the guise of "advice". I guarantee you prolly fell for the okie doke about "it's the best time to code" spiel without doing proper research AND prolly got into it for all the wrong reasons.

It's cool cant cut did your best and you were defeated. You keep mentioning joining a trade program. Hopefully you have better luck in doing that and do diligent research so there's not a part 3 thread on why trades are not what they are cut out to be.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
You're a defeatist because you are blaming everything and everyone but yourself for your failure to make it in the Tech industry and projecting your insecurity under the guise of "advice". I guarantee you prolly fell for the okie doke about "it's the best time to code" spiel without doing proper research AND prolly got into it for all the wrong reasons.

It's cool cant cut did your best and you were defeated. You keep mentioning joining a trade program. Hopefully you have better luck in doing that and do diligent research so there's not a part 3 thread on why trades are not what they are cut out to be.

So this just lies I'm telling everyone in here? You say that just as the poster above you says he's having trouble finding work :mjlol:

There's no "projection" here , it's just me being one of the few voices on here to give people the unpopular truth. The tech industry would never advertise itself as "unhireable" or "extremely difficult" (although they should) so it's up to people who actually have experience or had ambitions and made attempts to break in to speak on it. Cuz Lord knows if we don't all you nikkas would do is hit us with all the hype about how great it is and how much money and moves y'all made and blah zay blah... There needs to be more honest information about the tech industry

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
I'm almost done with my year of sys/network admin and finding a job is :francis:

so how many years experience do you have :leostare:

Well I almost finished my program that was a year so no experience as of yet :gucci:

Oh, well we are only looking for people who either have a BA/MA or have years of experience :troll:

Damn breh... I know the feeling. Crazy part is even if you had that experience , being black and "fitting the culture" would be your next hurdle... and if you're over age 35+ even worse.

That's why this whole spiel of "the demand is crazy high :krs:" that they spread around the internet is straight up bullshyt.


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
This is the reality of jobs in a lot of fields. You have a logjam of guys with a over a decade of experience willing to work for less money than people looking to get in the door. This is going to be the case as companies downsize and merge. Experienced people will be back in the job market.


Apr 13, 2017
OP might come off as ranting, but if you are an “experienced” person in this field, you won’t relate to it. In 2020 finding an entry level job in this field without years of game under your belt AND a global pandemic is an uphill fight. It is to the point I put off getting my Sec+ cert because it doesn’t seem worth spending the money.

Rhyme n Tekniq

Mar 22, 2017
Another one of these.

You nikkas constantly look for negativity and cling to it and wonder why you never make it past step one.

You said yourself you've done the typical stuff they tell you to do for what makes you any different from the thousands watching the same shyt?
Even at entry level who in their right mind would offer you a job because you can just about print hello world in a fancy format. You talk about one really good project won't get you a job... So do more? Do much more.

When I first got in the game I noticed the overwhelming number of 'I failed xxx exam' or 'cant get a job' threads and I avoided them like the plague.. i already knew what time it was, I was trying to change my life so I wasnt about to spend my time consuming the bullshyt.

Why are you spending the time looking for negative shyt... You already got a mountain to climb but you are comfortable in renforcing the idea that you can't actually do it because the vast majority can't.

Be an outlier... Or don't... Time will pass the same way, nobody really gives a fukk... But you WILL find yourself jumping from thing to thing.. Starting over again constantly.

My G,


I have shown these posters what's possible and yet they still run in the opposite direction and hold on to their negative mindsets. Every question I answer turns into another 30 cotdamn questions about
"but, but, what if? ...", or some other negative bullshyt I dont have the desire to entertain and allow it to penetrate my subconcious, nah fukk that.

These lil nikkas are either trolling to push a dissuasion agenda or they're truly hopeless, weak-spirited, bytch niccas who are beyond help

either way, they're on their own, and i'm done giving out game. What's the point? you cant teach ambition.

nikkas better go drive a forklift or something.

I have a strong suspicion that OP is a cac with an agenda, This is like the 3rd thread I know of about this topic and he's always somewhere in the mix. That's not even taking into account, all the post he made in the main IT Discussion threads.

Just ignored the thread and OP. I'm done entertaining his shyt


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
So this just lies I'm telling everyone in here? You say that just as the poster above you says he's having trouble finding work :mjlol:

There's no "projection" here , it's just me being one of the few voices on here to give people the unpopular truth. The tech industry would never advertise itself as "unhireable" or "extremely difficult" (although they should) so it's up to people who actually have experience or had ambitions and made attempts to break in to speak on it. Cuz Lord knows if we don't all you nikkas would do is hit us with all the hype about how great it is and how much money and moves y'all made and blah zay blah... There needs to be more honest information about the tech industry

there is projection...the fact you keep mentioning the cats on here who are succeeding in the Tech industry that all we do is talk about money and moves that means there is a personal need to be honest with yourself breh...everyone of us has stories of struggle, paying dues, trying to make it...and those stories get told from think Tech is the only industry that has difficulties or issues breaking into? or that going into trades has less perceived barriers? like i said good luck with going in that direction and i hope you do achieve what you couldn't in the Tech world

Rhyme n Tekniq

Mar 22, 2017
It's one thing if you can't cut it, but to go on a personal tirade shytting on the industry because you're not built for it screams weak of mind.

Make no mistake.. this shyt is HARD.. that's why most people quit or get stuck on at entry level jobs like helpdesk because it takes a different level of determination and aptitude to get out of the trenches, if this shyt was easy and anyone could do it, you think they'd be handing out 6 figure salaries for:

Software Engineer
Systems Engineer
Devops Engineer
Site Reliability Engineer
Network Engineer
Cloud Engineer

Nah... there's no free lunch. No employer is gonna put you in a position that affects their bottom line without a proven track record.

Do you have any idea what it's like to be the point of contact for a company wide impacting event? That 6 figure salary you want them to pay you? ...yeah they're hemorrhaging that every few minutes while you're trying to figure out the root cause and how to get the company back to normal operation while your boss is requesting status updates and an ETR every 30 mins because the C-Suite is at his neck. Now you got all these different teams on a conference call trying to figure out who fukked up, and they're gonna be asking you questions that you wont be able to google the answers to. That's where experience comes in. Have you ever worked under that kind of pressure? Do you even want that responsibility? And yeah it may seem like people at the top do a lot less grunt work than the juniors/mid/entry, but when you get to that level companies don't pay you for how much grunt work you're able to do, they pay your for what you know.. it's a security thing.. they have a person or a team of people that can get the company out of a disaster in x amount minutes/hours, vs x amount of days. That's why they pay for experience.. that's what experience gets you.

The other side of it is time/efficiency.. you can pay a lot less for a team of shytty developers that takes twice as long to complete a half baked project or you can pony up the $$ and get it done right and once(a lot of managers are retarded though, especially when that money affects their bonuses. I've see this shyt happen one too many times). Also, people with experience know their worth and are able to turn down what may seem like great paying jobs. That amazon wish list of a job description that you're only trying to pay $150k/yr for.. yeah, good luck with that. You're gonna need another $50k before anyone who's really proficient in half that list even begins to entertain applying for that job. The person who can check all those boxes? They're a rockstar at a FAANG making double/triple that as a base plus stock options and bonuses, and that may seem like a wild number, but the amount of time and sacrifices it took to get to that level.. the compensation in raw $$ is probably still not enough.

Like I said.. this shyt is HARD. It's ok if you can't cut it.. most people won't be able to. And this is such a broad field.. I hate when people get stuck on a single discipline.. I have little doubt there's something in this field that you'll be good at that will still afford you a decent living with less effort compared to those in-demand or hot job titles.

Just quit with the defeatist shyt and stop trying to discourage others breh.. get back on your grind.

Cot damn you nikkas wont even let me get a word in lol. I was going to say alot of what you said , but good shyt.

These MF aint built for the game and wanna project their insecurities on to others.

I pulled my self outta poverty through non-stop grinding; Home labs, Udemy, Pluralsight etc

Every resource I had and have, I used it. Didnt care how much the courses or certs cost. I invested the money and time to see to I got an evenr bigger ROI for my eforts and it paid off.

Nobody was holding my hand and telling me it would be OK. I just did what I had to with full confidence I'd reach my goals, because I wasnt taking settling for failure regardless.

nikkas dont have the mindset. They read a few articles talking about "10 Certs that command 6 figures" or " 8 lucrative fields in IT " and they haphazardly try to jump into the gold rush and get their dreams shattered.

Obreh Winfrey

Truly Brehthtaking
Nov 18, 2016
I've been transparent in that it took me 6 months and damn near 1000 applications to get an entry-level role, and that's with a CS degree and a portfolio of side projects using technologies that weren't taught in the curriculum. The competition for those roles are the nobodies, the people who barely scraped by, boot camp attendees, the average CS student, and then the above and beyond students. They're getting hundreds of applicants to every role, so if your resume doesn't stand out, you aren't going to get any play. You can't come with basic stuff like Tic Tac Toe and expect to impress anyone because guess what? There's 50 or 60 other people in that applicant pool who made Tic Tac Toe as well. That's impressive for an internship position maybe, where the expectations are nearly non-existent. But if you wanna be a big boy, you gotta do big boy shyt.

I can tell you now, if you sent out the same tired resume 500 times and got no responses, your resume just wasn't good enough. I put my resume through about 4 or 5 revisions in that 6 month period - 2 of those complete visual overhauls. Also during that time period, I got in the process with Amazon and went in underprepared. Guess what? Got rejected after flying to Seattle for the on site interview. Happened again for a company in Austin. Didn't even make it past the phone technical screen with Facebook because I was underprepared. Failed a take home assignment with Twitter because I was underprepared. Didn't even hear back from a bunch of no name companies :skip:. I had to make changes to get results. I know people who never made any adjustments and guess what? They still ain't got into the industry :martin:.