IF I could be the mod just for 1 second. i would Bannish you into the abyss my friend. this thread has demonic written all over it.
just because you tell a lie a thousand times. doesnt make it true.
the moment the guy had the worse supporting case out of his peers(that includes, ray allen, vince carter, tmac, A.I., iggy, dwade t0 an extent, etc.)
kwame, cook. luke walton. smush parker. odom, chris mihm.
WOW. and he drug them clowns into the playoffs in the BEST conference(the western conf). and almost stung the #2 team. and that has been duplicated by which one of those peers?
magic as cold as he is. and to me is still the best hooper of all time because unlike anyone else. he had the height and the ability to play all 5 positions. which he did at times.
but with that said. magic was a laker his entire career. and that means he's on a team with other HOFers. which = he will beat most of the other HOFers on other teams.
truth is, MJ didnt win anything until detroit got to old. and his boys grew up and became a 50 greatest(pip).
kobe doesnt have 5 rings like how fisher has 5 rings or horry has 5 rings. as a nice role guy. he was the #1 reason or the 1b reason why the lakers won those years.
anyone saying otherwise is on their hate game hard.
When anyone disagrees with you, banish them? Isn't this a forum for people to express opinions.
A few folks out here got me wrong. I appear to be a deviant on this forum for my articles and opinions, but to be fair, when do I not support what I say with large sample sizes of data and when do I not place it in context?
I don't have all the answers. I can be wrong. But disagree or not, I back up my arguments. Let's not act like I'm making things up or spewing fictitous things.