I don't think Wade rates higher than Kobe all time(and this is a heat fan talking) although i do think wade is better all around right now(when healthy). But Kobe is one of the greatest of all time and that article that tried to put KG ahead of him?

but i understand how Shaq and Duncan could be. Kobe was never the best player in the league for a 8 year stretch like Jordan was but he was the best player in the league for about 3 years in a row and a close second for at least 7. That says something because most of the players that are considered as "GOATS" have that accomplishment.
oh i see you guys flawed perception.
just because Jordan played in an era where magic caught aids and was old. retired. bird was old, bad back, retired. dumars, i.thomas spanked him twice, then they aged out.
now i'm supposed to believe that MJ is the GOAT just because he was the greatest player in an area where all the relevant legends were DONE. not mj's fault but still. who did he beat? reggie miller, and starks? starks... reallly.
lets list em
Kobe walked in, with shaq on his team. not his fault that he was paired with the most dominant monster of all times or atleast since wilt. and shaq was in his prime right when kobe started to figure out the nba.
so its kobe's fault, he got old when LBJ came in.
kobe had to go up against Tmac, Vince, AI, Ray allen(oh yeah yall forgot about the seattle ray) he's kobe's mitch richmond. and i'm just listing perimeter guys.
but all of those guy are better then or as good as starks and reggie in their prime.
john starks=wes matthews of today. you're probably like WHO? and thats exactly my point. starks was a bigtime mj rivial. cause mj didnt have to play guys at his position that were that good.
and i cant say this enough. PIPPEN was the perfect compliment to Mike. not a real pg that would hold the ball the entire time. but a Point forward. a guy who brings it up court, and sets up the offense. but wont over pound the ball. and is passive enough to give it to MJ every single time. even times when mj didnt even want it. kobe and shaq. not the same at all. yes shaq helps kobe and vice versa. BUT. kobe is an assassin just like MJ. Pjax MADE kobe become Shaq's pippen. this is why the moment shaq left. Kobe turned into Pippen/JORDAN> not only did he have to set the table for everyone else. he was still an assassin.
do you guys not realize how mj played pre pippen. that fool was a HOT DOG> and dont show me assist numbers. i watched the man play. i use to dislike his game until pip got there. then i started to respect mike's game. cause i realized what he could do for a team and how he could be apart of the first non superstar bigman teams to win it all. but pre-pippen. that fool Mj was an assassin. he didnt care about setting up guys, and setting up the offense. that was someone elses job. always was. which is why he could kill so efficiently. his mind was on one thing and his job was to do one thing.
there's a huge difference between getting assists from running the triangle offense. vs getting assist because i'm attacking like a mad man and if i get jumped by 3 people THEN and only then will i pass it off. there's a difference between Ho grant(rodman,kukoc), pip, Mjay, on the break( 3 thin athletic guys = fast breaks). and MJ getting his assist numbers up by being apart of so many fast breaks. vs KObe waiting on shaq's big butt to get down court.
and if though you think passing it to shaq was an auto assist. you dont know how assists are counted. you give shaq the ball and he bounces it once then goes up. thats an assist. you throw him a lob. thats an assist. but if you post him up. and he has to back in, dribble, back in, dribble, back in, dribble. there goes your assist.
and that was the lakers offense shaqs entire tenure as a laker. these things hamper kobe's ability to be himself(an assassin just like MIKE).