how old are you?... not that it's relevant to schools.
why do you ask?
And that movement isn't that large. And in case you haven't noticed..
so,? the movement is large enough and i think it needs to grow, that was my point
hese charters school receive pubic money-- meaning to a lesser degree they are subject to the same and similar issues as normal public schools.
exactly, the main difference between a public school and a charter is that the charter has local control over hiring and the curriculum
in your other post you were talking about the importance of government schools, charter schools are government schools
Also in case you haven't noticed some of our most productive, most educated, and innovative people in society have came from public education. There are some excellent pubic schools...
yeah i have noticed that, and charter schools are public schools, so what is the problem? the main difference is charter schools are run differently and they allow for creativity and innovation
Our black schools are bad for other reasons and because they receive less resources.. At least here - there are some HS that are like small colleges, and some that are like Prisons. And in some of the worse areas, like Detroit and other major cities...
im not sure what your point is, you are the one that is defending the system, im saying we need to throw the system in the bushes
YES yes you can go to any school, its just that most people really don't give a fukk... and others don't know about it. It's school of choice.
no you cant go to any school, a lot of people are stuck in schools they dont want to be in
So let me get this straight. The public schools ran by the government are crap... so lets use other schools that are also funded by that same government instead - even if many of them are good and many of them are horrible just like the government supported public schools we don't like????
yeah exactly, charter schools give the local administrators more control and they are able to make their own decisions, if the school suks then it should be shut down, if they are good then the parents will send the kids to that school,
About vouchers - that idea isn't new.. that has been around since the 1800's and nations oversees do that all the time.
yeah, and?
We are talking about not integrating and not being consumed by the oppressors.... but the voucher thing popped off in the 1960's to.
vouchers have never been tried in any significant way in the united states, i think you are confused
and yeah vouchers are not integration, vouchers mean a black parent can send their kid to any school they want, this creates an opportunity for black people to operate their own schools
Now southern GOP people are back in full effect pushing this shyt more than anyone - so I'm suspicious.
i wouldnt care if the ideas was being pushed by nazis, the overall concept of vouchers is a good thing
I can see how the voucher system could be good, but ITs so easy to create fukkery and oppression with it - it ridiculous. And if we are acknowledging that the voucher money has to come from the same government that called us 3/5th of human beings - do you really believe that its going to be on the up n up???? Also, not thinking of race and oppression - politically the idea of getting government money to USE indirectly allows for government influence to influence religious and private institutions that are supposed to be private... and that is demonic, especially when that influence is coming from demons.
breh are you smoking crack? you just gave a sermon about the importance of government schools, everything you just said applies to the public schools, you are the one demanding that the government that called you 3/5th educate black children
im saying with vouchers and charters black people can form their own schools
We can fight to increase the standard of pubic education and expectations because the cost of educating is cheaper with public schools per student.
this is a completely meaningless empty statement, its like saying we should feed the hungry children, and eliminate homelessness
i think we can all agree on that, that isnt the issue, the issue is the mechanism and the system to achieve that goal
We can also invest in schools like Muhammad university in Chicago.. I don't know about the religious spin, but ignore that if you can and focus on the fact that they are providing high tech and science education and preparing 100% black student pop with private education that is way beyond what normal kids get. You leave the school advanced if you focus. Above all else - the kids are expected to be on the level of what black parents think black kids should be at - best on Earth, as the originals. Why can't we do this shyt.. they aren't government funded they are more like a homeschool type of situation.
i think you are confused, you are just making my point for me, charters schools and vouchers allow black people to make their own schools, a black parent can use their voucher to go this school that is named after a pedophile if they wish
i dont kid myself to think that i know the solution, fundamentally education is a cultural issue and its the culture that needs to be addressed and that can only be adrressed local and at the grassroots, in other words only black people can fix the education system for black children, but by moving toward charter and vouchers, it will create the open environment needed for creativity and innovation