The specter that still haunts capitalism


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I will reply to a few posts when I get home from work tonight, but it is amazing that people on here think it is crucial to unite on the basis of race (a fukking imaginary concept, albeit one that has real effects) but not even possible or worthwhile to unite on the basis of shared material interests (class struggle by the working class).

Newsflash, racism isn't going ANYWHERE as long as we have capitalism.
White supremacy is a problem, and you can't ignore it until its no longer a problem.

The commies pretended to but they're just as racist currently.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
1. Which is what I'm saying, most supporters of Capitalism totally disregard externalities, which, coincidentally, hit the poor and the middle class more. But since Capitalism mantra is that is works for everyone, then it is the poor and the middle class' fault if they are not rich.
I support protections of capitalism, but the point is the motivate and provide a method for people to create their own opportunities.

Externalities are never brought up by supporters of capitalism, it's always "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", regardless of context. Socialism at least tries to adress social issues and context and, indeed, externalities.
Socialism tries to protect the masses but doesn't reward the individual...and often doesn't even provide means for individuals to changes the masses.

Which supports my second point : "capitalist" countries use socialist methods to try to somehwhat reduce the externalities, but will do all kind of mental gymnastics rather than admit those methods are socialist in nature.
I have no problem with mixed economies. But some of your friends are talking about abolishing intellectual property and private tools of production.

2. Never said you did, but you brought up "dumbasses in latin America and in Asia", which has nothing to do with what I say in my original post. Since you brought up dumbasses, I brought up dumbasses in the US.
Again, have you ever met a REAL socialist activist? Like dudes who hang out in the jungle and shyt waiting to start revolutions?

I have. I really don't think some people understand how EXTREME some of this stuff gets. This isn't just theory on paper and graphs eager, overly emotional students read...this is a real existential threat to where many people live. Thats why I'm so hard on it.

3. How is it hyperbole? You just did EXACTLY what Capitalists always do : say their is "No other way". Which is the same as saying : My way is THE way, I'm right and you're wrong, end of story.
I happen to believe this though. I believe that being more capitalist than socialist is the right way. i didn't say there isn't any other way. I said its the BEST way.

Thus cutting off any form of criticism and alternative. Which is what any authoritarian regime does : cut off any form of criticism and alternative. I know you read and have good knowledge of history, so you must know that an authoritarian regime need not be a dictatorship beheading people. Just look at what happened in the past 30 years to any leader in South America, Africa, Asia, Middle-East or Europe that tried to go another way that the Anglo-Saxon US-style neo-liberalist capitalism.
the cold war had a lot to do with that.

But look, i'll grant you all the proxy war fukkery...explain how socialism is helping Venezuela right now.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Not only that, but socialists are motherfukking stupid. They fault capitalism for not having the qualities of socialism.

"Bbbut bad shyt is happening in the world!"
"Bbbbut there are still poor people!"
"Bbbut I can't get a job!"
"Bbbbut I have all this debt!"
"Bbbut we have leaders who are corrupt!"

Look, mfer. In a capitalistic society such as this land where the mighty eagle soars, ur paid based on ur ability and contribution to the society at large, aka the economy. Those people are poor because they are uneducated and won't do what the fukk they need to to get the education needed not to be poor. Shanty town it is!

You can't get a job because ur dumb ass majored in Glass Dildo Blowing and, surprisingly, the market for that wasn't sustainable. Should the govt develop a billion dollar a year program to employ Glass Dildo Blowing graduates? fukk u, u picked the wrong fukking major, get a certification at a technical school n work off some of that debt, a$$hole.

Ah, yes, debt. U want something for nothing, shythead? Cuz if we do it ur way, I give u a goat in exchange for u raking the leaves in my yard every day for a week. Then wtf am I supposed to do when u can't rake my leaves? Ur still using my goat, fakkit! Ur ankle sprained n u can't rake my leaves but ur ass can get up n milk my goat so u can have some goddamn Cinnamon Toast Crunch while u look at my fukked up yard. Nah, nikka, gimme the loot, and get ready to sign over ur first born's college education if u play cute with me.

Corrupt govt officials is one of the beauties of this fine democracy. nikkas get to the top because they put in the work to get there, even if it meant lying n kissing ass. Wtf do u want us to do, pick govt officials at random from a goddamn hat? Human nature is corrupt. The concept of family is goddamned corrupt, u b*stard. Most of ur brothers and sisters ain't worth a shyt, but you'll give them nikkas $100 for a shiny pharoah t-shirt from Dillard's before u give a real nikka with proven ability $5 for gas to get to work.

Corruption is only rooted out when nikkas with greater ability gather enough power to launch them corrupt mfers into space. Then the whistleblowers become corrupt, n rinse n repeat. The cycle is there in every facet of governance, think of it as exercise; u do curls with 10lb dumbbells in city council til u fix enough shyt n get strong enough for 25lb dumbbells at the State House, then u fix that shyt n succeed enough to start bench pressing 250 with the feds until, maybe, just maybe, ur ass ends up having an ownership in the whole goddamn gym n ur telling all the little fukktards working out what the fukk they can and can't do to get strong in the gym.

Man, socialists are a buncha irresponsible ass nikkas who want something for fukking free. Didn't they just show that a big ass percentage of college graduates ain't paid ONE DOLLAR back on their school loans? Coincidentally these are the same a$$holes in Guy Fawkes masks shouting for the workers of the world to unite. shyt, look at the wack ass nikkas who benefit from socialist programs in the US. Ain't no exceptionally gifted computer engineers with strong work ethics swipin they EBT at the arab store for sunflower seeds. Mfers is lazy, shyt, the a$$holes who are proponents of socialism in this country won't even pick up a gun to start the goddamn revolution. They playin Call of Duty on a motherfukking $600 gaming console mad at the man cuz they can't pay their fukking bills.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
:steviej:: I can dunk from the muthafukkin free throw line. I wanna play starting point for the goddamn Chicago Bulls.

:mjpls:: Well, there's more to it than that. Tell you what, get with Bobby Bobberson at 555-5555 and he'll tell you where you can go to try out, bro.

:steviej:: nikka, fukk that. I can try out right muthafukkin now. Unless you scared I'ma take yo job.

:mjpls:: You know, this isn't procedure but I'll give you a shot right here and now. You dunk from this free throw line, we'll go talk to Jerry Krause.

:steviej:: (Failure due to lack of competitive abilities in the field he's chosen to elevate himself into a higher tax bracket)

:mjpls:: No nikkas.


:steviej:: Gimme a job with the Chicago Bulls, nikka!

:win:: Most assuredly. I believe that you are worth the exact same to the revolut--- errrr, Chicago Bulls as a nikka who can dunk from the free throw line, because every nikka who even bothers to try to pick up a basketball is already Michael Jordan in not only my eyes, or my comrades' eyes, but in the eyes of all the workers throughout the world.

:steviej:: Can I run the point, Most Worshipful Master Fearless Leader God on Earth the Most Benevolent?

:win:: in the revolution, all workers are point guards for the muthafukking Chicago Bulls, regardless of individual skills and abilities. We are all workers, except for me and my comrades with those fully automatic weapons over there. They are, como se dic', how you say, eh, Superworkers!

:steviej:: Yeah, and I am entirely 100% fukking positive your comrades will never turn their weapons on me or the other workers, even if we happen to disagree at a future point in time about the precise direction of the revolution. Yeah, a society totally built on trust, equality, fairness, and perpetual justice. Hahaaaa, nikka it's much easier to believe that one could restart a society with hundreds, if not thousands of years of history with a blank slate for everyone regardless of previous social standing or education or wealth or land ownership or especially acquired and stockpiled weaponry than in some dumb ass religion.
Who the fukk needs guns or bombs in a utopia of equality? Except for the Most Worshipful LeaderMaster God On Earth and his Superworker comrades, of course. But that's just to keep us safe from the capitalist pigs who live outside the 100ft tall barbed wire brick wall and complete media blackout surrounding the fatherland of the revolution. Where the Kool Aid at?


Kae☭ernick Loyalist
Aug 3, 2015
:steviej:: I can dunk from the muthafukkin free throw line. I wanna play starting point for the goddamn Chicago Bulls.

:mjpls:: Well, there's more to it than that. Tell you what, get with Bobby Bobberson at 555-5555 and he'll tell you where you can go to try out, bro.

:steviej:: nikka, fukk that. I can try out right muthafukkin now. Unless you scared I'ma take yo job.

:mjpls:: You know, this isn't procedure but I'll give you a shot right here and now. You dunk from this free throw line, we'll go talk to Jerry Krause.

:steviej:: (Failure due to lack of competitive abilities in the field he's chosen to elevate himself into a higher tax bracket)

:mjpls:: No nikkas.


:steviej:: Gimme a job with the Chicago Bulls, nikka!

:win:: Most assuredly. I believe that you are worth the exact same to the revolut--- errrr, Chicago Bulls as a nikka who can dunk from the free throw line, because every nikka who even bothers to try to pick up a basketball is already Michael Jordan in not only my eyes, or my comrades' eyes, but in the eyes of all the workers throughout the world.

:steviej:: Can I run the point, Most Worshipful Master Fearless Leader God on Earth the Most Benevolent?

:win:: in the revolution, all workers are point guards for the muthafukking Chicago Bulls, regardless of individual skills and abilities. We are all workers, except for me and my comrades with those fully automatic weapons over there. They are, como se dic', how you say, eh, Superworkers!

:steviej:: Yeah, and I am entirely 100% fukking positive your comrades will never turn their weapons on me or the other workers, even if we happen to disagree at a future point in time about the precise direction of the revolution. Yeah, a society totally built on trust, equality, fairness, and perpetual justice. Hahaaaa, nikka it's much easier to believe that one could restart a society with hundreds, if not thousands of years of history with a blank slate for everyone regardless of previous social standing or education or wealth or land ownership or especially acquired and stockpiled weaponry than in some dumb ass religion.
Who the fukk needs guns or bombs in a utopia of equality? Except for the Most Worshipful LeaderMaster God On Earth and his Superworker comrades, of course. But that's just to keep us safe from the capitalist pigs who live outside the 100ft tall barbed wire brick wall and complete media blackout surrounding the fatherland of the revolution. Where the Kool Aid at?

You should write novels

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
You should write novels
We're debating the merits of entire socioeconomic systems of societies here, nikka. This ain't Nas v Jay-Z.

Look, it's like this. First off, u can't abolish hierarchies or ruling classes. A ruling class is a direct byproduct of the more intellectually and physically gifted in a chosen field of labor outperforming others in a particular task. Therefore, u cannot abolish a military or armed force that protects the interests of the ruling class. The only way to abolish a ruling class is to be more intellectually and physically gifted than the nimrods currently at the helm and then u can supplant them with ur own ruling class. To overthrow the ruling class utilizing forces/materiel supplied by another ruling class in another jurisdiction is to be beholden to that particular ruling class.

Secondly, the American socioeconomic system is the best there is, especially considering the size of the populace. Mfers talk sum "we need to get rid of income inequality" as a way to alleviate poverty are on some strong fukking fairy dust riding on a goddamned unicorn. It's much fukking easier to expand and more tightly regulate government housing to temper rising income inequality than it is to give every a$$hole a $15 minimum wage. That's how u know mfers are bullshytting u and jerking u off to get ur vote.

The govt already provides housing, so finding ways to open up more affordable govt housing to the broke ass populace would relieve much of the strain on the budget of weak minded failure fukk nikkas in this country. Leroy can be cool making $400 a week at The King workin drive-thru cuz his rent is subsidized down to just 15% of his income. In fact, it might be easier to force The King and MacDonald's to contribute a percentage of their earnings to providing housing for their fukk ass employees. Like labor camps, cuz the idiots are already too goddamn stupid and faggy to take personal responsibility for their choices in life.

shyt, u could even have corporatized mass transit to bring these workers to and from the job. If potential employees don't want to engage in the new corporate housing & transit model, then go work somewhere tf else. One day of work each week is for the corporation to pay for housing. $400/week, $80/day x 4 = $320/month rent. Leaves $1,280 a month.

U could kick this off with Walmart n Costco n then the fast food chains n shyt. Make it a govt mandate that if u have either 2,500+ employees or 75+ franchise locations and are deemed financially solvent, u must provide housing for ur broke as a mfn joke employees thru a contribution to the Gubmint Corporate Housing Program.

a$$holes wanna be slaves so let em be slaves.

brick james

John piffington
May 4, 2012
The govt already provides housing, so finding ways to open up more affordable govt housing to the broke ass populace would relieve much of the strain on the budget of weak minded failure fukk nikkas in this country. Leroy can be cool making $400 a week at The King workin drive-thru cuz his rent is subsidized down to just 15% of his income. In fact, it might be easier to force The King and MacDonald's to contribute a percentage of their earnings to providing housing for their fukk ass employees. Like labor camps, cuz the idiots are already too goddamn stupid and faggy to take personal responsibility for their choices in life.

shyt, u could even have corporatized mass transit to bring these workers to and from the job. If potential employees don't want to engage in the new corporate housing & transit model, then go work somewhere tf else. One day of work each week is for the corporation to pay for housing. $400/week, $80/day x 4 = $320/month rent. Leaves $1,280 a month.

U could kick this off with Walmart n Costco n then the fast food chains n shyt. Make it a govt mandate that if u have either 2,500+ employees or 75+ franchise locations and are deemed financially solvent, u must provide housing for ur broke as a mfn joke employees thru a contribution to the Gubmint Corporate Housing Program.

a$$holes wanna be slaves so let em be slaves.

Why the contempt for the state of the world breh? there is always going to be a percentage of the population that is not smart enough, creative enough, or motivated enough to meaningfully contribute to society, and that number is only going to get higher and higher as machines do most manual labor. I just fail to see how taking personal responsibility for their choices would make any change to their situation, in fact I think it would make the world a far worse place


Kae☭ernick Loyalist
Aug 3, 2015
We're debating the merits of entire socioeconomic systems of societies here, nikka. This ain't Nas v Jay-Z.

Look, it's like this. First off, u can't abolish hierarchies or ruling classes. A ruling class is a direct byproduct of the more intellectually and physically gifted in a chosen field of labor outperforming others in a particular task. Therefore, u cannot abolish a military or armed force that protects the interests of the ruling class. The only way to abolish a ruling class is to be more intellectually and physically gifted than the nimrods currently at the helm and then u can supplant them with ur own ruling class. To overthrow the ruling class utilizing forces/materiel supplied by another ruling class in another jurisdiction is to be beholden to that particular ruling class.

Secondly, the American socioeconomic system is the best there is, especially considering the size of the populace. Mfers talk sum "we need to get rid of income inequality" as a way to alleviate poverty are on some strong fukking fairy dust riding on a goddamned unicorn. It's much fukking easier to expand and more tightly regulate government housing to temper rising income inequality than it is to give every a$$hole a $15 minimum wage. That's how u know mfers are bullshytting u and jerking u off to get ur vote.

The govt already provides housing, so finding ways to open up more affordable govt housing to the broke ass populace would relieve much of the strain on the budget of weak minded failure fukk nikkas in this country. Leroy can be cool making $400 a week at The King workin drive-thru cuz his rent is subsidized down to just 15% of his income. In fact, it might be easier to force The King and MacDonald's to contribute a percentage of their earnings to providing housing for their fukk ass employees. Like labor camps, cuz the idiots are already too goddamn stupid and faggy to take personal responsibility for their choices in life.

shyt, u could even have corporatized mass transit to bring these workers to and from the job. If potential employees don't want to engage in the new corporate housing & transit model, then go work somewhere tf else. One day of work each week is for the corporation to pay for housing. $400/week, $80/day x 4 = $320/month rent. Leaves $1,280 a month.

U could kick this off with Walmart n Costco n then the fast food chains n shyt. Make it a govt mandate that if u have either 2,500+ employees or 75+ franchise locations and are deemed financially solvent, u must provide housing for ur broke as a mfn joke employees thru a contribution to the Gubmint Corporate Housing Program.

a$$holes wanna be slaves so let em be slaves.

Have you always supported slavery or is it only after you looked up anti-communist arguments that you realized your ideological kinship with Jefferson Davis?

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
Why the contempt for the state of the world breh? there is always going to be a percentage of the population that is not smart enough, creative enough, or motivated enough to meaningfully contribute to society, and that number is only going to get higher and higher as machines do most manual labor. I just fail to see how taking personal responsibility for their choices would make any change to their situation, in fact I think it would make the world a far worse place
Man, if I done went to night school n got a medical billing cert, n I'm chillin eatin a steak salad n a slice of key lime pie for lunch in the park after havin my boss ass check deposited in my acct, a MacDonald's nikka who dropped out in the 8th grade eatin a Starcrunch n smoking a Basic menthol can't be mad at me for my stunna light lunch during my hour long break. These idiots have actually convinced lawmakers to give them $15/hr. That is completely insane.

Their output determines their income. And as machines do more manual labor, they might wanna start learning how to code if they don't wanna be living in the projects broke wit no lights on. I am in total agreement that there will always be a percentage of nimrods, therefore there is no goddamn reason to let the nimrods metastasize by rewarding them for nimrod choices. Fast food is not a $15/hr industry. Ever.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
Have you always supported slavery or is it only after you looked up anti-communist arguments that you realized your ideological kinship with Jefferson Davis?
The only chains are the ones u put on urself. nikkas are running around instagram'in all types of bullshyt n won't use that computer or device to learn something. Google is a preset app in the damn phone n nikkas only use it to search for mixtapes. U get a lot farther searching for ways to claw out then standing there begging n yelling n crying for somebody to drop a rope, especially when it's the same mfers who dropped u in the hole ur depending on to pull u out.


Kae☭ernick Loyalist
Aug 3, 2015
The only chains are the ones u put on urself. nikkas are running around instagram'in all types of bullshyt n won't use that computer or device to learn something. Google is a preset app in the damn phone n nikkas only use it to search for mixtapes. U get a lot farther searching for ways to claw out then standing there begging n yelling n crying for somebody to drop a rope, especially when it's the same mfers who dropped u in the hole ur depending on to pull u out.


JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
What absolute nonsense about workers being those without ideas, vision, or intelligence. Workers build literally everything society produces.

That line of thinking is just so fukking backwards, it has no business being stated on a board called "Higher Learning." It's not too dissimilar from some st0rmfr0nt troll coming on here talking about Afrikans being inherently lazy and dumb, and that's why Afrikans worldwide are poor. From some of the rhetoric in here, maybe that isn't a controversial statement to some of you :snoop:

brick james

John piffington
May 4, 2012
Man, if I done went to night school n got a medical billing cert, n I'm chillin eatin a steak salad n a slice of key lime pie for lunch in the park after havin my boss ass check deposited in my acct, a MacDonald's nikka who dropped out in the 8th grade eatin a Starcrunch n smoking a Basic menthol can't be mad at me for my stunna light lunch during my hour long break. These idiots have actually convinced lawmakers to give them $15/hr. That is completely insane.

Their output determines their income. And as machines do more manual labor, they might wanna start learning how to code if they don't wanna be living in the projects broke wit no lights on. I am in total agreement that there will always be a percentage of nimrods, therefore there is no goddamn reason to let the nimrods metastasize by rewarding them for nimrod choices. Fast food is not a $15/hr industry. Ever.

this nikka said basic menthol :dead: not even a newport :dead:

