The specter that still haunts capitalism


All Star
Oct 7, 2015
@Napoleon's argument is basically - look! as long as I get mine, fukk everyone else, the middle class, workers, poor people should be happy you don't live in North Korea so stop complaining and stay quiet.

some of his arguments are valid like the fact that pure communism breeds mediocrity which I believe is true. however Socialism isn't Communism. we need Socialism and Capitalism. not some Ayn Rand type bullshyt ( who by the way benefited from Socialist policies) bankers and the rich don't want pure capitalism either, or else their precious wealth would really be on the line for real. one year you're rich the next back to where you started.

the current system greatly benefits the rich who have a lot more loopholes and influence to skirt tax laws and any law in general and end up in a country club prison when found guilty of insider trading.
but let it be a poor person caught shoplifting.

people fight for their current situation, I guess if I were a billionaire, I would oppose any and all movements that would level the playing field for all. which is what Napoleon seems to favor.

but I'm not rich so I want a level playing field and the opportunity to improve my situation.

you think all those billionaires and millionaires of the world really want competition and an economic system where anyone and everyone can compete with them and their business? competition is the last thing a faux capitalist wants because it means a smaller piece of the pie. faux capitalists are all "pull yourself by the bootstraps" that is until something goes wrong and find out that the bootstrap to dollar exchange rate is fukked up! that is when they suddenly change their mind and realize that maybe government programs aren't that bad after all.

Socialism by itself wouldn't work for the U.S. and actual free market , pure capitalism scares the shyt out of the already established billionaires.

this is what I want:

1) close all and any tax loopholes that corporations and individuals use for their own benefit
2) accountability for wasted government funds
3) reductions in the military
4) accountability and actual criminal prosecution of politicians (including the president) for misleading us into foolish wars
5) overturn of Citizens United
6) no more corporate welfare! stop giving those moochers and underachievers our tax money to gamble with.
7) make large financial crimes a very serious crime on the level of terrorism charges

some people are pro capitalism and also want to see humanity be less harsh toward each other and then there are people who really are the definition of selfish. who's mindset is fukk everyone who is poor, unless of course they need help one day. then it's all "we are the world" with a cup in his outstretched hand.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
this is what I want:

1) close all and any tax loopholes that corporations and individuals use for their own benefit
2) accountability for wasted government funds
3) reductions in the military
4) accountability and actual criminal prosecution of politicians (including the president) for misleading us into foolish wars
5) overturn of Citizens United
6) no more corporate welfare! stop giving those moochers and underachievers our tax money to gamble with.
7) make large financial crimes a very serious crime on the level of terrorism charges

I support:

1, 4, 5, 6, and 7

#2 is just too vague

#3 is reckless.


All Star
Oct 7, 2015
the military is bloated and mired in bureaucracy and corruption. the joint strike fighter is just one example of a huge waste of money ($1.4 trillion so far). probably being pushed by military higher ups that will most likely have a cushy job waiting for them at Lockheed Martin.

we probably could have achieved better results in Iraq with a CIA installed government instead of invading.

there is a lot of waste within the military and a lot of programs and weapons systems that only benefit defense corporations. and while I'm in rant mode , the draft should come back like snapbacks.

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
Let's be clear, socialism is not something you take bits and pieces of and come up with a "mixed" system. We are talking about a mode of production.

Keynesianism is not socialism.
Social democracy is not socialism.
Welfare and social programs are not socialism.

Socialism is nothing short of economic democracy in which the means of production are owned by the workers and production is democratically decided.


Jul 6, 2014
Let's be clear, socialism is not something you take bits and pieces of and come up with a "mixed" system. We are talking about a mode of production.

Keynesianism is not socialism.
Social democracy is not socialism.
Welfare and social programs are not socialism.

Socialism is nothing short of economic democracy in which the means of production are owned by the workers and production is democratically decided.
What would you describe economic democracy in some industries or sectors? Or an artifical market socialism in some industries combined with planned centralised or planned decentralised decision making in others? Wouldn't they be described as some type of "mixed" system?
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JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
What would you describe economic democracy in some industries or sectors? Or an artifical market socialism in some industries combined with planned centralised or planned decentralised decision making in others? Wouldn't they be described as some type of "mixed" system?

Those wouldn't be mixes between capitalism and socialism, though. When people say "mixed economy," I believe that is what people are mostly referring to, and that is simply incorrect in my view. You can have different types of mechanisms operating at once and still have it be socialism.