The South is NOT cheaper***update 11/2024***

Oct 22, 2017
Rent yes cost of living no..

No reliable or any public transportation outside of a few Major cities .

Add 5--6bills on the low end for note insurance/gas

Apartments for Rent in Greenville SC |

Avg median rent is 1200 Average Rent in Greenville & Rent Prices by Neighborhood - RENTCafé

1200-1300min for a 1bdr + 600 for car shyt

Could live in a major city .. siimilar price

Forgot to add dealing with openly racist cacs. Living up north will give you a peace of mind you won’t find down south.


Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
500k home in Seattle is a small house in the suburbs compared to 500k in nashville, thats a mansion



nikkas on thecoli just be making shyt up. A $500,000.00 home in Nashville is no where close to being a mansion. The average price of a home in Nashville is over $400,000. That is the average. That shyt is higher than Chicago, which is only a little over $300,000.00; Dallas, which is under $300,000.00; Houston which is under $250,000.00; Charlotte which is under $360,000.00; Atlanta which is under $370,000.00 and Orlando which is under $340,000.00. Housing prices in Nashville are lower than Los Angeles, but Nashville is among the most overpriced housing markets in America.

The Nashville real estate market: Stats & trends for 2022.
Nashville TN Home Prices & Home Values | Zillow
Chicago IL Home Prices & Home Values | Zillow
Dallas TX Home Prices & Home Values | Zillow
Houston TX Home Prices & Home Values | Zillow
Atlanta GA Home Prices & Home Values | Zillow
Orlando FL Home Prices & Home Values | Zillow
Nashville Real Estate Market: Prices | Trends | Forecasts 2022
Nashville, TN is One of the Most Overpriced Housing Markets in America
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Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
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Jun 16, 2012
Compared to the south, they are. Black people’s voting rights aren’t being stripped away in New York. Schools in New York aren’t banned from teaching an American history that isn’t white washed.

You’re being disingenuous. It’s really not that big of a difference between the areas when it comes to racism.
Oct 22, 2017
You’re being disingenuous. It’s really not that big of a difference between the areas when it comes to racism.
There is a huge difference. Give me a break. I’m not saying there aren’t more covert forms of racism, but the chauvinistic variety that’s prevalent in the south is nowhere to be seen in the northeast. By “north,” I’m referring to the northeast. New England and the tri states. I’m referring to those northern regions where enlightened (highly educated and progressive) white people are dominant.

Not Michigan or Illinois or other bullshyt “northern” states like those.

No book burning in the north.

No Stand Your Ground laws excusing the murder of black people in the north.

No voter suppression in the north.

Y’all really need to stop defending the south. Given our history in the south, defending the residence of black people there is borderline c00nish.


Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
There is a huge difference. Give me a break. I’m not saying there aren’t more covert forms of racism, but the chauvinistic variety that’s prevalent in the south is nowhere to be seen in the northeast. By “north,” I’m referring to the northeast. New England and the tri states. I’m referring to those northern regions where enlightened (highly educated and progressive) white people are dominant.

Not Michigan or Illinois or other bullshyt “northern” states like those.

No book burning in the north.

No Stand Your Ground laws excusing the murder of black people in the north.

No voter suppression in the north.

Y’all really need to stop defending the south. Given our history in the south, defending the residence of black people there is borderline c00nish.


By highly enlightened do you mean those highly enlightened stop and frisk policies that they used to practice in the Northeast against Black people and only Black people? :mjpls:

Or do you mean those policies where the police stop Black people on the street in a nice neighborhood to advise the Black person that they just received a call about a burglary in progress and that they were just stopping them to find out if they saw or heard anything? :mjpls:

There is also redlining; racial profiling not only by the cops but by businesses; gentrifying designed to drive Black homeowners out those enlightened cities, on and on and on. :mjpls:
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Will Ross

May 5, 2012
There is a huge difference. Give me a break. I’m not saying there aren’t more covert forms of racism, but the chauvinistic variety that’s prevalent in the south is nowhere to be seen in the northeast. By “north,” I’m referring to the northeast. New England and the tri states. I’m referring to those northern regions where enlightened (highly educated and progressive) white people are dominant.

Not Michigan or Illinois or other bullshyt “northern” states like those.

No book burning in the north.

No Stand Your Ground laws excusing the murder of black people in the north.

No voter suppression in the north.

Y’all really need to stop defending the south. Given our history in the south, defending the residence of black people there is borderline c00nish.


the south’s major and midsized cities are black ran.
Most of the racist whites don’t even live around us
Oct 22, 2017
By highly enlightened do you mean those highly enlightened stop and frisk policies that they used to practice in the Northeast against Black people and only Black people? :mjpls:

Or do you mean those policies where the police stop Black people on the street in a nice neighborhood to advise the Black person that they just received a call about a burglary in progress and that they were just stopping them to find out if they saw or heard anything? :mjpls:

There is also redlining; racial profiling not only by the cops but by businesses; gentrifying designed to drive Black homeowners out those enlightened cities, on and on and on. :mjpls:

By no means am I denying that racism exists up north; wherever whites exist in large numbers, minorities within the same population - especially black people - will encounter racism.

But, that aside, there is no debate over specific forms of abuse being present down south and absent up north.

I can jog in this state without being accosted by cacs and shot the way Ahmaud Arbery was.

If a black boy was murdered by someone like Zimmerman under similar circumstances, the killer would not he acquitted.

But a Trayvon Martin incident wouldn’t even happen in my state.

Black people can stay in gentrified areas if they can afford it. No one is driving them out because of their race.

The difference between the north and south, when it comes to the black experience, is night and day.

Remember, this discussion centered around my point that living up north comes with a peace of mind black people cannot find down south. I stand my that.

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Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
By no means am I denying that racism exists up north; wherever whites exist in large numbers, minorities within the same population - especially black people - will encounter racism.

But, that aside, there is no debate over specific forms of abuse being present down south and absent up north.

I can jog in this state without being accosted by cacs and shot the way Ahmaud Arbery was.

If my a black boy was murdered by someone like Zimmerman under similar circumstances, the killer would not he acquitted.

But a Trayvon Martin incident wouldn’t even happen in my state.

Black people can stay in gentrified areas if they can afford it. No one is driving them out because of their race.

The difference between the north and south, when it comes to the black experience, is night and day.

Remember, this discussion centered around my point that living up north comes with a peace of mind black people cannot find down south. I stand my that.


I grew up in Chicago. I now live back in the South. The fugging cops in the North do all of that shyt you just described and worse. Juries never convict cops up North even when the cops are caught on tape doing the murder and there are audio recordings later discovered of the cops bragging about it. The cops shoved a plunger in a Black man's butt in NYC. They shot an African immigrant 41 times in NYC while he was trying to show them his ID. They strangled George Floyd to death on camera. The NYC used choke holds and killed a man for selling loose cigarettes. In Boston the police harassed every Black man in that city one year when a White man claimed that a Black man had killed his wife, but it was later found out that the White man had actually killed his own wife. In Boston the cops harassed Dr. Gates on his own front porch claiming that he was burglarizing his own house. Black athletes always say that Boson is the most racist city in America. A policeman named John Burge in Chicago tortured numerous Black men into false confessions that sent the men to death row. On and on and on. The vigilante shyt that you described is from wannabe cops and that shyt happens in the North too. At least in the South those fools were brought to trial, while those cops in the North would just sweep that shyt under the rug.

I have never had a cop in the South harass me. I was harassed by Cops all the time in Chicago. You better be careful, because it sounds like you are living in a fantasy world.
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