The show “Dave” on FX is the latest example of how black culture is treated like a joke


Aug 30, 2013
I heard that save money song and already knew the route he was gonna take. “Haha I’m a goofy white Jewish guy who makes fun of myself rapping to Ignorant jungle music”. “:smugfavre:But I look so civilized otherwise”.:ld: This is standard in the black/hip hop and Jew relationship. Standard relationship between jews and blacks period. They attempt to come to us under the guise that we have a mutual relationship while they get rich off of a black art form they have no respect for. This is even before hip hop took the embarrassing Stereotypical route it is now on. Hell they only supported the civil rights movement to bandwagon off of us for their benefits in which they completely hijacked the leadership and goals. I have that Jew Sisic ( whatever his fukking name is ) with the Kobe avatar on ignore, so in case you answer I can’t even see you. fukk you cac. You and that lil dikkey bytch:demonic::pacspit:why isn’t that lil bytch banned. He has said plenty of shyt and still on this site doing the same thing as dikkey

Here is a man that understands history. :obama:
I had a funny feeling watching that show.
Jews allows try to bit off of blacks.


Jun 21, 2012
I feel like enough people haven't really heard this dude rap...this song is pretty's creative, original, I don't see some honky sambo with black face gold teeth and his hat to the side... you can tell he takes it seriously....all this "culture vulture" , "ashkhanazi Jew" crap is BS and doesn't apply to him...his flow, word play, breath control etc is pretty on point...his story seems to be true to self and he doesn't come off as something he's not

NOW compare that to this ca Cassidy Campbell...this white guy is a clown, that is low key clowning black people with "cultural appropriation"

There's a difference between white guy like lil dikky and cassidy campbell..they aren't all the same just because they're white and like hip hop
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Eternally Jaded

Jun 19, 2012
CT/North-east Caribbean American Crew
Redman was a little late to the party. A 25 year old Red would be lit on social media. But he still got a tv show on Fox and a movie

Odd future had loiter squad

Andre 3000 has/had a whole acting career. He played Jimi Hendrix in the biopic

But as far as Lil dikky dude got YouTube videos with over 100 million views. That "save that money" song was on national tv commercials, I thought it was a fetty wap song. It's not like he just came out of nowhere

My nikka you CANNOT be serious.

Are we comparing Meth and Red, a fox comedy from 2004 to this?

Loiter Squad? A sketch comedy prank show from adult swim?

Heads in here are talking about the Goodie Mob reality TV show as if.. ....lmao.

My nikka, this guy came in, had a few alternative hits and then gets an effing prestige dramedy on Fx and you're trying to make it seem equivalent?

This cac is gonna be eligible for Emmy, Golden Globes nods and viewers choice awards just off the strength of Fx being the home network.

It's not even close to the same.

You're bugging n I can't take you seriously.

Be satisfied with bronze coins while vultures are handed gold brehs.

I don't give af how dope the show is, the conception is foul and we should be the last ones supporting it.


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
I’m mad at black people accepting it and indulging in it. And black media for promoting the show. Is there ever gonna be someone in the forefront, or any black media outlet that’ll call this kindve shyt out? He should’ve been done after that CB video

No. Beacause guess who runs the rap media and rap in general?


Sep 8, 2017
In 2014 he did an interview where he had to deny he was a white supremacist

Lil dikky Isn't a White Supremacist, He's Just an a$$hole

In the interview he says he has more to lose by rapping than a poor black person because he has job prospects and they don’t :dahell: this is y’all comedic hero?
this is similar to when ari shaffir came out and celebrated kobes death.

nikka came out on some, it's just a joke bro! :hhh:



Sep 8, 2017
I seen his commerical a few times, automatically thought he'd be a cornball. Drake looks like a triple OG standing next to him.

Hopefully he falls hard. I don't like that cornball
sad reality of the rap game today
drake is a member of the Tribe too tho lol


May 7, 2012
My nikka you CANNOT be serious.

Are we comparing Meth and Red, a fox comedy from 2004 to this?

Loiter Squad? A sketch comedy prank show from adult swim?

Heads in here are talking about the Goodie Mob reality TV show as if.. ....lmao.

My nikka, this guy came in, had a few alternative hits and then gets an effing prestige dramedy on Fx and you're trying to make it seem equivalent?

This cac is gonna be eligible for Emmy, Golden Globes nods and viewers choice awards just off the strength of Fx being the home network.

It's not even close to the same.

You're bugging n I can't take you seriously.

Be satisfied with bronze coins while vultures are handed gold brehs.

I don't give af how dope the show is, the conception is foul and we should be the last ones supporting it.

Lmao red and meth were on national TV. That means even people without cable had a chance to watch it.

And "prestige drama" my nikka have u even seen Dave?

It's hard to take you seriously rn.

Nobody is forcing you to watch the show. You over here trying to organize a boycott of a show a majority of black people don't even know exist.

If you don't fukk with lil dikky that's cool. But there has never been a time in history where there has been more options of things to watch. Just change the channel/ fire up a different app

This whole "I don't like, therefore black people shouldn't like" mentality is tired.


Jan 1, 2018
Redman was a little late to the party. A 25 year old Red would be lit on social media. But he still got a tv show on Fox and a movie

Odd future had loiter squad

Andre 3000 has/had a whole acting career. He played Jimi Hendrix in the biopic

But as far as Lil dikky dude got YouTube videos with over 100 million views. That "save that money" song was on national tv commercials, I thought it was a fetty wap song. It's not like he just came out of nowhere

Andre had a show on CN as well


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I feel like enough people haven't really heard this dude rap...this song is pretty's creative, original, I don't see some honky sambo with black face gold teeth and his hat to the side... you can tell he takes it seriously....all this "culture vulture" , "ashkhanazi Jew" crap is BS and doesn't apply to him...his flow, word play, breath control etc is pretty on point...his story seems to be true to self and he doesn't come off as something he's not

NOW compare that to this ca Cassidy Campbell...this white guy is a clown, that is low key clowning black people with "cultural appropriation"

There's a difference between white guy like lil dikky and cassidy campbell..they aren't all the same just because they're white and like hip hop

I bet you people in this thread will ask for that PAWG in the second thumbnail, before giving a proper contribution to this thread :mjpls:


May 7, 2012
I bet you people in this thread will ask for that PAWG in the second thumbnail, before giving a proper contribution to this thread :mjpls:

I'm on 50 posts per page and this is the 3rd page...

My nikka you're trying to lock down that WOAT banner and we're not even halfway through the year


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
I really wanna know how someone like Redman doesn't get this chance, but dikky does?

Or hell, an Odd Future type?

Outkast/Goodie mobb affiliate?

He got this chance cuz he's white and jewish, n this ish is like fire in my throat.
This is what brehs don’t understand. There’s a reason why we don’t have classic shows like Martin and Fresh Prince... it’s because the industry is dominated by CACs who don’t allow us to have creative control. They hardly let Black people prosper behind the camera or have any influence.

Here’s what Method Man said about his failed TV show back in 2004:

Method Man says he's unhappy with Fox for squeezing the "ghetto" out of his new sitcom.

"This is frustrating for me, and it's not turning out for me as expected," said the rapper-actor, who is co-star and executive producer of the network's comedy series "Method & Red."

"I'm trying to keep this show ghetto, and there's a way for it to be both ghetto and intelligent," he said. "But it's not going that way."

In the show, Method Man and fellow rapper Redman play two hugely successful hip-hop stars who move into an affluent, predominantly white gated community in the suburbs.

The comedy drew more than 8 million viewers in its debut Wednesday, but that didn't minimize Method Man's dissatisfaction. He told the Los Angeles Times the series has veered from his original vision because some executives or writers tried too hard to appeal to "middle America" with "lame jokes."

"I know what I wanted this show to be, but there's been too much compromise on our side and not enough on their side," he said. He didn't know the series would have a laugh track, he said, adding, "This show doesn't need it."

Do you guys who claim we are hating understand? They intentionally set us up for failure. The reason why the show Atlanta was so successful and revered is because you can tell it came from an authentic black perspective. Hardly any CACs diluting it with their own parochial vision of what black America is.

Here’s the kicker, Donald Glover has to be a damn Renaissance man JUST to have creative control over his TV show. Do you understand what I’m saying? This guy who is ridiculously talented should be getting more opportunities yet a dweeb like Lil dikky, Post Malone and others who don’t even have 1/10Th of Donald’s talent get the same push as him.

What is it some of you fools don’t understand? It’s not hating, it’s acknowledging that CACs/Jews will give their own plenty of opportunity in our own culture who have minimal talent, whilst pushing us into the outskirts and pigeon holing us into negatively contrived archetypes.

So whilst some of you suck off Lil dikky and call us haters, think of the thousands of black rappers who have more talent and charisma who don’t get the same opportunity to have these national platforms to display their creativity.
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May 7, 2012
This is what brehs don’t understand. There’s a reason why we don’t have classic shows like Martin and Fresh Prince... it’s because the industry is dominated by CACs who don’t allow us to have creative control. They hardly let Black people prosper behind the camera have any influence.

Here’s what Method Man said about his failed TV show back in 2004:

Do you guys who claim we are hating understand? They intentionally set us up for failure. The reason why the show Atlanta was so successful and revered is because you can tell it came from an authentic black perspective. Hardly any CACs diluting it with their own parochial vision of what black America is.

Here’s the kicker, Donald Glover has to be a damn Renaissance man JUST to have creative control over his TV show. Do you understand what I’m saying? This guy who is ridiculously talented should be getting more opportunities yet a dweeb like Lil dikky, Post Malone and others who don’t even have 1/10Th of Donald’s talent get the same push as him.

What is it some of you fools don’t understand? It’s not hating, it’s acknowledging that CACs/Jews will give their own plenty of opportunity in our own culture who have minimal, whilst pushing us into the outskirts and pigeon holing us into negatively contrived archetypes.

So whilst some of you suck off Lil dikky and call us haters, think of the thousands of black rappers who have more talent and charisma who don’t get the same opportunity to have these national platforms to display their creativity.

In 2004 there wasn't nearly as many options as there are now for people to get content out.

A hit show on fx would be canceled status on a major broadcast network like NBC, ABC, CBS, or Fox. So the M.O. from jump is to appeal to as many people as possible. They took the money they knew what they were getting into.

16 years later there is a wide array of options they could use to get their content out while remaining true to their vision. Even if it means coming out of your own pocket.

But the problem with that is black people love to complain. If the "ghetto" version of Red and Meth came out on Netflix tomorrow, there would be 40 think pieces about how the show is toxic and a poor representation of black people by Monday. There would be a boycott by Thursday.

That's the dirty little secret. Black people love to tear other black people down. We didn't make Atlanta a success. You don't know how many black people I talked to that thought the show was corny. Donald Glover brought his audience from 30 Rock and community and made a "black" version of one of those shows, which raised his profile with the "hipster" crowd and allowed his music to take off. Childish Gambino been dope since Campfire, but we didnt show him any love until white people started fawning over Atlanta.