That's commendable work. I myself work with youth from the ages of 14-18. I have a session every Wednesday 6 pm to 9pm. Last 3 weeks haven't had any classes throw the building renovation but we're back on track. But, I even open the doors to kids a little older. Our aim is to keep them off the street but it's still to educate them. We offer classes on civics, finance as well, agriculture, health & holistic medicine. The list goes on. My focus is on civics, law and history. Initially, I was surprised myself to see the lack of reading or understanding on basic things but the interest of them learning was there. This is a disgrace towards the educational system today that doesn't elevate the interest level of these young black and latino students. In order to grasp their attention, you must teach something that they can relate to. You cannot teach puerto ricans about Shakespeare when they don't understand that they're the aboriginal Taino people. The same with blacks. We cannot start our history as when slavery starts. Innately they think they are nothing. That inferiority complex kick in quick thinking the European is still your master when we taught them.