The retail apocalypse has officially descended on America

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
The bolded is what people aren't really prepared for. You're going to need to be multi-talented in the future. Celebrities nowadays are more than one song and dance; rappers are actors, athletes are rappers, businessmen are media-personalities. The same will hold true for normal people; you'll need to be at the very least bilingual, business-saavy, tech-saavy, social media-saavy, hold some kind of degree, be in shape, etc. And you'll need to update these skills every 2-3 years.

That just sounds exhausting, and I'm an advocate for self improvement. Want you to be Tony Stark mixed with Chris Brown just to survive. :smh:

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
I think it depends on location honestly. Here around Chicago all the rich white suburbs like Schaumburg and Oak Brook still have large sprawling malls and restaurant/entertainment areas. Meanwhile middle/working class areas (aka black)are seeing retailers flee with the quickness. Earlier this year target closed two targets that were predominantly black neighborhoods.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
That just sounds exhausting, and I'm an advocate for self improvement. Want you to be Tony Stark mixed with Chris Brown just to survive. :smh:

Lol...the skills will have to correlate, but just like these celebrities are branding themselves...Joe Average will have to brand themselves.

I've been in the corporate world and worked for 3 different Fortune 500 companies in my adult career at the management or higher level. They all have had this weird way of profiling high potential candidates...yes you have to know your shyt, but they like people who have done it with a flair about them, people who have a certain pedigree...and honestly the most important, they have to like you or you will not move up. No bullshyt, I got promoted twice in a year because me and a hiring manager connected over cars and I simply proved I wasn't a dumbass.

Then I had another boss who repeatedly tried to fire me over the most trivial of shyt, yet I had a coworker who did all of the shyt she accused me of and moreover was a box of rocks in meetings, and she treated this dude like he was a genius because he previously worked with her on some shyt pre-merger.

I have corporate stories for days...and I've said it before the corporate world is starting to mirror the sports world/entertainment world. All that shyt, you shouldn't be friends with coworkers will keep you on the lower levels of the corporate world or your career in general. You just have to learn there are some boundaries you should never cross.

I also have a different perspective of how the highest people in the corporate world want to maximize profits, and that's why I have the view of the future that I have.

It's an Ouroboros...a snake eating it's tail.


Chaos Theory Part 1 - The Album
May 22, 2014
Lol...the skills will have to correlate, but just like these celebrities are branding themselves...Joe Average will have to brand themselves.

I've been in the corporate world and worked for 3 different Fortune 500 companies in my adult career at the management or higher level. They all have had this weird way of profiling high potential candidates...yes you have to know your shyt, but they like people who have done it with a flair about them, people who have a certain pedigree...and honestly the most important, they have to like you or you will not move up. No bullshyt, I got promoted twice in a year because me and a hiring manager connected over cars and I simply proved I wasn't a dumbass.

Then I had another boss who repeatedly tried to fire me over the most trivial of shyt, yet I had a coworker who did all of the shyt she accused me of and moreover was a box of rocks in meetings, and she treated this dude like he was a genius because he previously worked with her on some shyt pre-merger.

I have corporate stories for days...and I've said it before the corporate world is starting to mirror the sports world/entertainment world. All that shyt, you shouldn't be friends with coworkers will keep you on the lower levels of the corporate world or your career in general. You just have to learn there are some boundaries you should never cross.

I also have a different perspective of how the highest people in the corporate world want to maximize profits, and that's why I have the view of the future that I have.

It's an Ouroboros...a snake eating it's tail.

Interesting. You think the corporate world is getting more sneaky and ruthless, or more ethical. They make an effort to appear righteous, but how much of that is just trying to look modern and politically correct?


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Interesting. You think the corporate world is getting more sneaky and ruthless, or more ethical. They make an effort to appear righteous, but how much of that is just trying to look modern and politically correct?

I sooo wish I could say the companies I worked for and the roles I did. Let's just say one of them was highly unethical and was being investigated for it.

Some companies are unethical and some are ethical. It all comes down to the leadership, the vision and strategy for the company, and the overall market. I don't like blanket like to lambast anything or anyone; because people are individuals and usually the circumstances usually exacerbate that individual.

Tough times will turn a company cold and some companies choose to be people oriented and ethical. The one big common denominator I have noticed is publicly traded companies are more cutthroat especially if the market share or industry growth isn't there. I won't say unethical per say.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Lol...the skills will have to correlate, but just like these celebrities are branding themselves...Joe Average will have to brand themselves.

I've been in the corporate world and worked for 3 different Fortune 500 companies in my adult career at the management or higher level. They all have had this weird way of profiling high potential candidates...yes you have to know your shyt, but they like people who have done it with a flair about them, people who have a certain pedigree...and honestly the most important, they have to like you or you will not move up. No bullshyt, I got promoted twice in a year because me and a hiring manager connected over cars and I simply proved I wasn't a dumbass.

Then I had another boss who repeatedly tried to fire me over the most trivial of shyt, yet I had a coworker who did all of the shyt she accused me of and moreover was a box of rocks in meetings, and she treated this dude like he was a genius because he previously worked with her on some shyt pre-merger.

I have corporate stories for days...and I've said it before the corporate world is starting to mirror the sports world/entertainment world. All that shyt, you shouldn't be friends with coworkers will keep you on the lower levels of the corporate world or your career in general. You just have to learn there are some boundaries you should never cross.

I also have a different perspective of how the highest people in the corporate world want to maximize profits, and that's why I have the view of the future that I have.

It's an Ouroboros...a snake eating it's tail.

Welp, I hope basic income comes in and correct this


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
Andrew Yang's platform is interesting but I think he is about 15 years too early.

The thing about automation is, I think prices will drop tremendously. I don't think UBI will cover everything, but I think it will cover the necessities and maybe some leisure activity. A 60k a year job no, but maybe it will be like 25k a year. And with, in my mind prices dropping, 25k will cover rent, utilities and food. Then you will have these sporadic gigs that cover leisure or self improvement.

These corporations and subsequent price drops won't so much be in place to maximize profits, but to maximize power/market share and to ensure that power never changes hands.

I think the major problem that automation brings is lack of social mobility IE neo feudalism, and ultimately I think a tremendous depression epidemic will emerge developing from a lack of purpose and hope in life. I don't think there will be widespread violence and unrest, because at the very least the population will have shallow entertainment opportunity like virtual reality and the like.

Prices are not dropping for inelastic or high quality goods like real estate or iPhones. You'll still be paying 400k+ for a house if you live in certain areas. Certain things will always be scarce. You can't automate new land.

Either we are going to need to ban ai because of its unpredictable effects on our society and economy or completely rewrite our economical system. Things could get out of hand very quickly.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Prices are not dropping for inelastic or high quality goods like real estate or iPhones. You'll still be paying 400k+ for a house if you live in certain areas. Certain things will always be scarce. You can't automate new land.

Either we are going to need to ban ai because of its unpredictable effects on our society and economy or completely rewrite our economical system. Things could get out of hand very quickly.

Population tripled since 1970 in America. Land is scarce because people migrating to major cities for employment. We need to have high paying jobs in suburbs and rural areas as well as limiting population growth to 2 kids per household like China.


Dec 17, 2016
only places that are 'thriving' are trendy fast fashion houses like Zara, H&M, Uniqlo and designer/high-street brands and of course the super cheap walmart level.

There is no in-between anymore and all those places thrived as 'in-between' places.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
Prices are not dropping for inelastic or high quality goods like real estate or iPhones. You'll still be paying 400k+ for a house if you live in certain areas. Certain things will always be scarce. You can't automate new land.

Either we are going to need to ban ai because of its unpredictable effects on our society and economy or completely rewrite our economical system. Things could get out of hand very quickly.
I literally just read a Quora post saying in 50-75 years, 250K a year will be at or below poverty level :mjlol:

But brehs think a 25K a year UBI will take care of housing and food and prices will decrease:patrice:

The future is gonna be crazy, everyone has their own predictions.


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
The bolded is what people aren't really prepared for. You're going to need to be multi-talented in the future. Celebrities nowadays are more than one song and dance; rappers are actors, athletes are rappers, businessmen are media-personalities. The same will hold true for normal people; you'll need to be at the very least bilingual, business-saavy, tech-saavy, social media-saavy, hold some kind of degree, be in shape, etc. And you'll need to update these skills every 2-3 years.

You're also going to need healthcare that follows you from job to job (and those periods in between as you adjust or freelance). ...AKA universal health care, like most other first-world countries already have.

You'll also need affordable EDUCATION to update those skills on the fly -- aka free higher education.

... And if you don't feel you'll need those things, your kids definitely WILL.

The old system of your boss owning the healthcare of your kids is BARBARIC in an age in of zero job security and constant change.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Prices are not dropping for inelastic or high quality goods like real estate or iPhones. You'll still be paying 400k+ for a house if you live in certain areas. Certain things will always be scarce. You can't automate new land.

Either we are going to need to ban ai because of its unpredictable effects on our society and economy or completely rewrite our economical system. Things could get out of hand very quickly.

Banning AI is more unlikely than iphones and real estate going down. The prices of some houses will still stay 400K, but that's only where the market dictates the prices to stay that high. They are already artificially high all over the place, that's not sustainable and obviously a large part of the bubble we saw last decade. And technology always get cheaper.

You cannot stop productivity. It's inherent to the human condition and the economy. AI isn't going anywhere unless humanity goes back to the stone age.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
You're also going to need healthcare that follows you from job to job (and those periods in between as you adjust or freelance). ...AKA universal health care, like most other first-world countries already have.

You'll also need affordable EDUCATION to update those skills on the fly -- aka free higher education.

... And if you don't feel you'll need those things, your kids definitely WILL.

The old system of your boss owning the healthcare of your kids is BARBARIC in an age in of zero job security and constant change.

No disagreement from me here. Basic human needs will be met either by the government or UBI. I've had this conversation with a friend of mine who worked for Goldman Sachs years ago.

Beyond that, the quality of life will have a disgustingly large gap between the have's and have not's. Think Elysium, Ready Player One, Total Recall, Judge Dredd, etc...etc...