The retail apocalypse has officially descended on America


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
No disagreement from me here. Basic human needs will be met either by the government or UBI. I've had this conversation with a friend of mine who worked for Goldman Sachs years ago.

Beyond that, the quality of life will have a disgustingly large gap between the have's and have not's. Think Elysium, Ready Player One, Total Recall, Judge Dredd, etc...etc...

Our future is likely something that looks like Elysium if we continue going the way we're going. On that you're spot on.

Banning AI is more unlikely than iphones and real estate going down. The prices of some houses will still stay 400K, but that's only where the market dictates the prices to stay that high. They are already artificially high all over the place, that's not sustainable and obviously a large part of the bubble we saw last decade. And technology always get cheaper.

You cannot stop productivity. It's inherent to the human condition and the economy. AI isn't going anywhere unless humanity goes back to the stone age.

It's totally sustainable. Remember Iphones and real estate are not made based on whether average people can afford these goods, but based on demand and brand value. Iphones will not go down to $50. Sorry. Not happening. Houses are not going below 500k in San Francisco/LA/NYC. Land is scarce. It's just the nature of things.

AI is a wildcard. It's unpredicable, too disruptive of a technology. And that makes it potentially dangerous. If the public gets scared enough about it, best believe governments will start looking at ways of restricting or banning it. Just like nuclear weapons.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Our future is likely something that looks like Elysium if we continue going the way we're going. On that you're spot on.

It's totally sustainable. Remember Iphones and real estate are not made based on whether average people can afford these goods, but based on demand and brand value. Iphones will not go down to $50. Sorry. Not happening. Houses are not going below 500k in San Francisco/LA/NYC. Land is scarce. It's just the nature of things.

AI is a wildcard. It's unpredicable, too disruptive of a technology. And that makes it potentially dangerous. If the public gets scared enough about it, best believe governments will start looking at ways of restricting or banning it. Just like nuclear weapons.

Yeah NYC/LA/SF housing prices won't go down because they have the jobs to support that. But there's only finite number of jobs that will continue to decrease YoY that will pay that amount of money to support those prices. shyt, we're seeing this now as median income has not gone up with inflation. As jobs paying any real kind of money go out the window, housing with that ridiculous pricing will go too. As the jobs go, so will the economic and tax base to keep up with the upkeep of those homes, neighborhoods and schools.

The point I'm trying to hammer home is, there are going to eventually be less and less rich people who live an uber wealthy lifestyle while there will be an ever growing base that live in what one can only hope, isn't squalor. It's going to get to a point where it's not money that's the driving force, but absolute power. As wealth becomes more like an exponential isosceles triangle, money won't be the currency anymore. It will be power. If you have congolomerates controlling and producing all of the resources, money becomes irrelevant. I just hope those people are benevolent.


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
It's going to get to a point where it's not money that's the driving force, but absolute power. As wealth becomes more like an exponential isosceles triangle, money won't be the currency anymore. It will be power. If you have congolomerates controlling and producing all of the resources, money becomes irrelevant. I just hope those people are benevolent.

Again I already addressed that. If UBI is enacted there will be no one to buy those conglomerate goods and then how will they maintain their advantage? Guns? Robot armies? Get real.

UBI will not and cannot replace real earned income. An economy is based upon billions of little transactions and actors. What happens when the average person goes from making 60k to 20k per year? What happens when goverment controls all of our income and not market forces? That is power. shyt will get ugly.

I say ban or severely restrict AI now. Before it's too late. We already restrict other goods. Alchohol, weed even hoes. Shouldn't be hard to do.


Chaos Theory Part 1 - The Album
May 22, 2014
Again I already addressed that. If UBI is enacted there will be no one to buy those conglomerate goods and then how will they maintain their advantage? Guns? Robot armies? Get real.

UBI will not and cannot replace real earned income. An economy is based upon billions of little transactions and actors. What happens when the average person goes from making 60k to 20k per year? What happens when goverment controls all of our income and not market forces? That is power. shyt will get ugly.

I say ban or severely restrict AI now. Before it's too late. We already restrict other goods. Alchohol, weed even hoes. Shouldn't be hard to do.

Big corporations might have to change their whole business models, the economy and money as a whole might become a less important factor in the future. Some people have even said governments will essentially cede power to AI when making important decisions. All that an AI has to do is be smarter at a given task than most people, which at the moment looks achievable. If you have AI essentially running the economy and doing the bulk of the work there should be enough for everyone. Of course this can go in a lot of different ways that are bad. China is already using this tech to build a ridiculous and oppressive big brother system.

Nobody wants to ban AI. If you do that now when the whole global economy is invested in tech, it would be catastrophic. Look at climate change for example, this is something that almost everybody accepts is happening, and there's absolutely no political will to do anything meaningful to counter it. Even countries that do something don't do enough because they don't want to slow their economies.


Chaos Theory Part 1 - The Album
May 22, 2014
Population tripled since 1970 in America. Land is scarce because people migrating to major cities for employment. We need to have high paying jobs in suburbs and rural areas as well as limiting population growth to 2 kids per household like China.

Actually almost all developed countries are facing population collapse this century. America hit its lowest birth rate in 30 years recently, and its part of a trend that can be seen in Europe, Japan etc. The wealthier and more educated countries get, the less kids they have.

This is another reason why AI will be important. What happens when half the developed world is over 65 and can't work, and moreover have nobody to take care of them in old age? People don't seem to like busing in immigrants as a solution, especially old people.


Nov 22, 2016
Actually almost all developed countries are facing population collapse this century. America hit its lowest birth rate in 30 years recently, and its part of a trend that can be seen in Europe, Japan etc. The wealthier and more educated countries get, the less kids they have.

This is another reason why AI will be important. What happens when half the developed world is over 65 and can't work, and moreover have nobody to take care of them in old age? People don't seem to like busing in immigrants as a solution, especially old people.

I knew it. You guys will eventually become cyborgs.
Africa and the rest of the developing world is going to have to build an army to fight you in 300 years.


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
I literally just read a Quora post saying in 50-75 years, 250K a year will be at or below poverty level :mjlol:

But brehs think a 25K a year UBI will take care of housing and food and prices will decrease:patrice:

The future is gonna be crazy, everyone has their own predictions.

LOL. You're getting predictions from worker bees and middle management. The minute he said "it'll cover rent and leisure" I knew he had no idea how inflation works. :russ:

Future ain't hard to predict, go read a history book and work out analogies. They said the same shyt about the industrial revolution.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Again I already addressed that. If UBI is enacted there will be no one to buy those conglomerate goods and then how will they maintain their advantage? Guns? Robot armies? Get real.

UBI will not and cannot replace real earned income. An economy is based upon billions of little transactions and actors. What happens when the average person goes from making 60k to 20k per year? What happens when goverment controls all of our income and not market forces? That is power. shyt will get ugly.

I say ban or severely restrict AI now. Before it's too late. We already restrict other goods. Alchohol, weed even hoes. Shouldn't be hard to do.

When I say salaries go down, I mean they won't rise with inflation. 60k will probably stay at 60k, but the purchasing power won't be the same.

If conglomerates control resources they can set prices. Amazon is a conglomerate and they are relatively cheap as fukk. But Amazon owns ecommerce. It's not about money...its about power.

They won't regulate AI because it's kind of hard to classify what AI is first off. Do you know AI is controlling buying and selling stocks on wall street for pension funds? And it makes these transactions in microseconds?

2, look at all the deregulation there is now. Amazon is a monopoly, and they still exist. AI is something that can be created in a basement. It won't be regulated.

People demand productivity, we won't go backwards.

The best thing we can hope for is to guide that productivity so it benefits humanity.


Chaos Theory Part 1 - The Album
May 22, 2014
LOL. You're getting predictions from worker bees and middle management. The minute he said "it'll cover rent and leisure" I knew he had no idea how inflation works. :russ:

Future ain't hard to predict, go read a history book and work out analogies. They said the same shyt about the industrial revolution.

People forget that recorded human history is only a few thousand years old, and gets increasingly shaky the further you go back. But you can see massive changes to human life even in that period. The evolution of human society has been exponentially speeding up especially since the industrial revolution. The idea that you can predict the future by looking at history is wrong, there's way too many variables that affect the course of civilization. And AI is a completely unknown factor.

AI won't create more jobs. Maybe in the short term it will do that, but inevitably you'll be relying on AI in your job more and more to the point where an employer will be a fool to pay your salary.


Chaos Theory Part 1 - The Album
May 22, 2014
Even the stuff I predict is just from our current trajectory with technology and politics.

But by the time we get 20 years into the future, so many other things will be affected by our current trajectory that it will probably start heading in another unforeseen direction.