Red Shield
Global Domination
I feel like the Rattlers will play a more significant role in Part 3 and the Wolves will essentially be damn near “has-been” status like the Fireflies in Part 2. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if any remaining groups of Scars decided to go total Jihad on the WLF’s home base in Seattle in Part 3 in retaliation for the invasion and destruction of their home island....Essentially making Seahawk Stadium compromised and no longer suitable for living occupation and food sustainability...Sending WLF home base forces and refugees scattered in the urban decay and further inland towards the wilderness and further north or east of Seattle.

The rattlers got peaced out.. didn't you hear the gunfire and screams when Ellie was outta the house walking to the beach. You know those slaves wasn't letting any of them fukkers live
The island assault deaded the WLF and Scars. I made a post about this in one of the tlou2 threads, but the WLF wouldn't have had the man power anymore
and the scars...considering their whole island village got burnt down. There were probably just a few if any left...
I can definitely see the Fireflies coming back in part3.. but those other groups.. nah