a recent podcast appearance,itself has not entered development.&text=And, interestingly, Druckmann has already,new ground in the series.
My TLOU3 Story Outline:
1st game: Damning the world for daughter
2nd game: Cycle of violence against the world for lost father
3rd game: Destroying the world for your family and your people
Notice how each game focuses on different aspects of the fundamental nuclear family?
All you would do for your child, all you would do for your parent, and the third game will be all you will do for your family and your "people" (the immune people in TLOU3 will be a thing)
Like TLOU2 Part 3 will be a direct consequence of the decisions of the characters from the first game
It will be a few years time jump, but because this game will be way more complex, there will be multiple time jumps afterwards until the conclusion, end of the world, sacrifice the few to save the many, or sacrifice the many to save the few (the immune)
Like the 2nd game Ellie becomes Joel and lies to Tommy about killing Abby, which will have major implications for the game and what happens in terms of Abby
By choosing her humanity over no humanity left Ellie is living her days with Dina, baby JJ, Tommy, and Maria in Jackson, realizing love and family is all the meaning she needs in life
Hmm Abby is a firefly now and Tommy is a former firefly....
Abby and Lev will have their own dramas with the fireflies and other groups
All the characters from the 2nd game will return along with new characters, possibly from Europe or non-USA area, to add more twists, shock deaths, and story possibilities
The villain will be an immune antagonist (extension of the Scars maybe, worshipped?) or antagonists, the potential violent factions of immune people fighting back, the factions hunting down the immune, new infected, and some other evil groups lurking around
Ellie will sacrifice herself not as the cure but to save her family, and her "people", more on this later
I have a theory that Ellie has infected quiet a few people but her version of the fungus makes them asymptomatic and there are a lot more immune people like Ellie but they never got the chance to find out who are carrying a mutated fungus
Could Dina and baby JJ be infected?
How would they know if they're asymptomatic?
Notice how Ellie gets bitten near the end, leaking of blood, already bit Abby earlier in the game, only for Abby to bite her directly on the hand with the BITE, and she took a good amount of blood and finger in her mouth too

Where is Abby going? To the fireflies, and Abby doesn't know Ellie is immune but what if she finds out that her herself is
What's the implication?

That could be the seemingly insignificant detail that carries over to Part 3 like Abby's dad as the doctor in Part 2
Notice how not ONCE, is it implicated that Abby knows Ellie is the immune girl her father tried to kill, she only knows Ellie is associated with Joel

Only Nora realizes but Nora is dead
Abby doesn't know Ellie is immune

A HUGE twist will be Abby finding out she is immune after having contracted the mutated fungus from Ellie in the Part 3, now what Abby?

You gonna sacrifice yourself to the Fireflies ?

What if the fireflies test her and find out she is immune when she gets there?

Remember no one remembers Ellie as the girl in the hospital or knows she is immune for a select few so this will create a dilemma
Here is my guess, Neil needs a compelling story, redemption and hope will obviously be themes, but this is ND and Neil we're talking about, there HAS to be fukkery, subversion of expectations, and social commentary on something
The next logical stop is the othering of others, like how Part 2 tried to explore how we other others for the priority of our hate as motive
The third game will be redemption through family and whether it is saving the few to save the many, or saving
the few from the many
What if people who are immune becomes the next big thing/group in Part 3, conditions arise in that a cure must be found in a timely manner or they're finished, and the immune are the others of society? Sacrifice the few to save the many or sacrifice the many to to save the few
So there will be a situation or situations that kickstart this problem for the game even if very subtly, and of course it will be intense
Cure must be found NOW problem-->othering of the discovered immune-->Ellie gets dragged in along with Abby, baby JJ, Ellie's Jackson crew, and a new protagonist-->a resolution must be found-->fukkery involving the main and new characters, the immune people, the warring cure factions, and the infected-->Ellie saves her family and the immune from the many or a subversion of expectation that pisses us off at first but we understand later of course
I think this will be the major outline for Part 3, Ellie tries to live but the cure becomes a real problem where everyone become desperate and dissolves into survival at all costs, leading to the complete othering of any discovered immune, having implications for Ellie and her family along with Abby and Lev, forcing her to do something about it, maybe even add the twist of her having additional abilities as the fungus evolves in her body as well her potentially dying from it and needing to live a better world for baby JJ and Dina
If she is really dying as a result and needs to do something, especially for baby JJ(it makes too much sense) adding urgency on some RDR2 shyt will make it believable Ellie going back to full TLOU2 savage mode after choosing her humanity over no humanity for revenge in TLOU2

Can combine all the fukkery and darkness of TLOU2 with the warmth from Joel and Ellie's relationship via Ellie's love for her family and people fueling her cycle of lost humanity again, best of both worlds both pleasing and pissing off fans with the GOT moments
Ellie goes from a follower looking for definition to the leader who defines herself
I wondered how Ellie would be playable after getting her fingers bitten off, but if her mutated fungus evolves in a way where she can attach some new ones on Rat King shyt, it makes sense and would be dope as fukk
This can be told in terms of multiple time jumps showing the subtleties of the cure problem over time, with potential flashbacks, and will probably be a combination of linear and some non-linear
There HAS to be more than one immune person especially if Ellie is the result of an experiment. and all the great elements from the part 1 and 2 and a new emphasis on the infected and immune for the story