The Official TLOU Part 3 Speculation/Ideas Thread

When will TLOU: Part 3 Release?

  • 2-3 years

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Mid next gen

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • End of next gen

    Votes: 32 74.4%

  • Total voters

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
There's a newspaper clipping in TLOU2 that says it started in South America with some fungus destroying all the crops. There's another clipping that quotes the WHO stating that 60% of the world is infected.

Edit: found it

yeah I read that in game. it's just lore world building breh
Nov 18, 2016
My predictions:
The game will be the biggest game ND has ever produced outside of their upcoming Savage Starlight game I'm thinking longer than TLOU1 and TLOU2 combined or a bit longer than TLOU2
2026-2029 :francis:
There will be something subtle but not really viewed as significant from the last game that will carry over and have major implications of the story e.g. doctors from TLOU1 = one of them is Abby's dad

New major characters and a new major protagonist for more shock deaths and twists
Or the protognists will be existing characters from the last game Abby and Lev, Ellie and ?
I don't think Ellie will be playable since she lost her 2 fingers so will travel alongside the playable character e.g. baby JJ grown up or Tommy if he can walk properly again?

The third game will have to have something FUNDAMENTALLY NEW in terms of the infection and the immune situation. There has to be twists in terms of the story of the infection instead of just only the main characters. It has to reach the point where humanity isn't just living with the infected, they are at risk of being taken over and have to do something soon instead of building civilizations around them
Hordes but Days Gone on steroids, fungus finding new ways to take control of the environment, mutations, etc.

This creates societies, but because human nature is static, not one unified society against the infected but factioned societies who either cooperate or fight over resources and difference in ideology and all trying to find a cure, because finding a cure is POWER
Still have smaller militias and groups outside the societies
Multiple time jumps instead of multiple flashbacks
FEDORA is still active have their researchers, competition Fireflies back w/ Abby and Lev and them look for a cure have their researchers, etc.
This will create conflict because of the FEDORA vs. Firefly beef alone along with other newly introduced faction
Global perspective this time but limited locations for gameplay e.g. NYC, New Mexico, etc.

All the surviving characters Dina, Baby JJ, Ellie, Tommy, Abby, Lev, and probably a new protagonist, I'm assuming immune and/or from Europe and/or something else or baby JJ
could be the protagonist in a time jump
I think in terms of gameplay we will be in groups e.g. Abby and her firefly unit, someone
with Ellie unless she can shoot without 2 fingers, maybe be able to switch through multiple major characters in our groups :ohhh:
All will die except for the major ones :stopitslime:

The nature of Ellie's immunity will be explored and will also be a source of subversion of expectation for Ellie, the story, as well as how the story ends
Ellie's immunity is just a mutated version of the fungus and she is asymptomatic, SEEMINGLY
She is not immune she just can't get infected by the other version of the fungus because her mutated fungus prevents it from taking over, but that doesn't mean the fungus is doing something to Ellie or will have a role in the future
That implies there could be more than one mutated version of the fungus, that could have major implications in the next game e.g a fungus that takes over rather than inhibits the intelligence of the host :sas2:

This leads to the game addressing if Ellie is the only immune character, if there is another immune character, or if there are multitudes of them and what does that mean
Ellie could have been an experiment at birth to test explaining why her mother knew she would die
Were there other babies who were given immunity at birth through experimentation by the Firefies and other groups?
This can provide an interesting arc to the story, because they can introduce an immune villain who can potentially have abilities due to their mutated fungus like how Ellie can breathe in spores, or the idea of groups of people who are immune e.g.immune child soldiers, immune prisoners for vaccine experiment, etc.
I predict there will be at least one other immune person than Ellie, and at least one of those will be a villain
Europe will be involved somehow as it is teased several times
Multiple locations with open world design, exploration, and combat but the story is still narrative and we go from point A to B
Baby JJ has a role and will probably eventually be playable or is the main playable character in a time jump
This will be significant for the story and end of the story, implicating moral problems such as children sacrificed for the vaccine or immune child soldiers etc.
A cure and redemption will be the theme but there will be a subversion of expectation that will create controversy like the TLOU1 ending and TLOU2 in general
I think we're getting a fukked up and happy ending at the same time brace yourselves :francis:
For example, Ellie discovers baby JJ and not her will be the cure and they want to take baby JJ to save humanity, Ellie saves humanity but sparing the few and fungus nuking the many when her mutated fungus explodes to save baby JJ, saving JJ basically completes the circle by pulling a Joel, her choice and gets to be the cure, leaving the world for JJ and the rest of them
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Nov 18, 2016
33,381 a recent podcast appearance,itself has not entered development.&text=And, interestingly, Druckmann has already,new ground in the series.

My TLOU3 Story Outline:
1st game: Damning the world for daughter
2nd game: Cycle of violence against the world for lost father
3rd game: Destroying the world for your family and your people
Notice how each game focuses on different aspects of the fundamental nuclear family?
All you would do for your child, all you would do for your parent, and the third game will be all you will do for your family and your "people" (the immune people in TLOU3 will be a thing)
Like TLOU2 Part 3 will be a direct consequence of the decisions of the characters from the first game
It will be a few years time jump, but because this game will be way more complex, there will be multiple time jumps afterwards until the conclusion, end of the world, sacrifice the few to save the many, or sacrifice the many to save the few (the immune)
Like the 2nd game Ellie becomes Joel and lies to Tommy about killing Abby, which will have major implications for the game and what happens in terms of Abby
By choosing her humanity over no humanity left Ellie is living her days with Dina, baby JJ, Tommy, and Maria in Jackson, realizing love and family is all the meaning she needs in life
Hmm Abby is a firefly now and Tommy is a former firefly....
Abby and Lev will have their own dramas with the fireflies and other groups
All the characters from the 2nd game will return along with new characters, possibly from Europe or non-USA area, to add more twists, shock deaths, and story possibilities
The villain will be an immune antagonist (extension of the Scars maybe, worshipped?) or antagonists, the potential violent factions of immune people fighting back, the factions hunting down the immune, new infected, and some other evil groups lurking around
Ellie will sacrifice herself not as the cure but to save her family, and her "people", more on this later
I have a theory that Ellie has infected quiet a few people but her version of the fungus makes them asymptomatic and there are a lot more immune people like Ellie but they never got the chance to find out who are carrying a mutated fungus
Could Dina and baby JJ be infected?
How would they know if they're asymptomatic?
Notice how Ellie gets bitten near the end, leaking of blood, already bit Abby earlier in the game, only for Abby to bite her directly on the hand with the BITE, and she took a good amount of blood and finger in her mouth too:hhh:
Where is Abby going? To the fireflies, and Abby doesn't know Ellie is immune but what if she finds out that her herself is
What's the implication?:ohhh:
That could be the seemingly insignificant detail that carries over to Part 3 like Abby's dad as the doctor in Part 2
Notice how not ONCE, is it implicated that Abby knows Ellie is the immune girl her father tried to kill, she only knows Ellie is associated with Joel:ohhh: Only Nora realizes but Nora is dead
Abby doesn't know Ellie is immune:ohhh:
A HUGE twist will be Abby finding out she is immune after having contracted the mutated fungus from Ellie in the Part 3, now what Abby?:sas2: You gonna sacrifice yourself to the Fireflies ?:sas2:
What if the fireflies test her and find out she is immune when she gets there? :sas2:
Remember no one remembers Ellie as the girl in the hospital or knows she is immune for a select few so this will create a dilemma

Here is my guess, Neil needs a compelling story, redemption and hope will obviously be themes, but this is ND and Neil we're talking about, there HAS to be fukkery, subversion of expectations, and social commentary on something
The next logical stop is the othering of others, like how Part 2 tried to explore how we other others for the priority of our hate as motive
The third game will be redemption through family and whether it is saving the few to save the many, or saving
the few from the many

What if people who are immune becomes the next big thing/group in Part 3, conditions arise in that a cure must be found in a timely manner or they're finished, and the immune are the others of society? Sacrifice the few to save the many or sacrifice the many to to save the few
So there will be a situation or situations that kickstart this problem for the game even if very subtly, and of course it will be intense
Cure must be found NOW problem-->othering of the discovered immune-->Ellie gets dragged in along with Abby, baby JJ, Ellie's Jackson crew, and a new protagonist-->a resolution must be found-->fukkery involving the main and new characters, the immune people, the warring cure factions, and the infected-->Ellie saves her family and the immune from the many or a subversion of expectation that pisses us off at first but we understand later of course

I think this will be the major outline for Part 3, Ellie tries to live but the cure becomes a real problem where everyone become desperate and dissolves into survival at all costs, leading to the complete othering of any discovered immune, having implications for Ellie and her family along with Abby and Lev, forcing her to do something about it, maybe even add the twist of her having additional abilities as the fungus evolves in her body as well her potentially dying from it and needing to live a better world for baby JJ and Dina
If she is really dying as a result and needs to do something, especially for baby JJ(it makes too much sense) adding urgency on some RDR2 shyt will make it believable Ellie going back to full TLOU2 savage mode after choosing her humanity over no humanity for revenge in TLOU2:whoo:
Can combine all the fukkery and darkness of TLOU2 with the warmth from Joel and Ellie's relationship via Ellie's love for her family and people fueling her cycle of lost humanity again, best of both worlds both pleasing and pissing off fans with the GOT moments
Ellie goes from a follower looking for definition to the leader who defines herself
I wondered how Ellie would be playable after getting her fingers bitten off, but if her mutated fungus evolves in a way where she can attach some new ones on Rat King shyt, it makes sense and would be dope as fukk

This can be told in terms of multiple time jumps showing the subtleties of the cure problem over time, with potential flashbacks, and will probably be a combination of linear and some non-linear
There HAS to be more than one immune person especially if Ellie is the result of an experiment. and all the great elements from the part 1 and 2 and a new emphasis on the infected and immune for the story
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Nov 18, 2016
There is only one thing left for Ellie to do and that is try to find a doctor that could create a cure. A return to the original reason this journey all started. Her father/daughter relationship with Joel is done, her romantic relationship with Dina is done, her relationship with two of her fingers is done.
Or is it?:sas2:
Nov 18, 2016
Continuing my story outline/ideas about what they hinting at for Part 3:

Ellie's mutated fungus, her assumption that she can't spread it, how it will affect her in terms of potential abilities and how much life she left because of the infection she has will be the main idea behind her arc in Part 3 but she won't be the only playable character

The other playable character or characters will be used to enlarge the scope and scale of the game including in terms of a global perspective, if Abby and Lev returns I think we play as Lev because I have a feeling Abby dies, and it will be related to the Fireflies finding out she is immune due to Ellie

Ellie dying from her mutated fungus and her using that as well as leaving a better world for her family as motivation behind her actions could be another major catalyst for a story

There has to be reasonable motives in terms of the characters and main character of the series Ellie or Part 3 is never coming out I think, especially if it financially no longer makes sense to do so

If she is playable having the ability to grow back or attach new fingers due to her "blooming" will make it possible for her to use arrows again, like the amazing explosive arrows :noah: if her fungus starts to manifest. Ellie starting to "bloom" like a butterfly (hmm maybe the butterfly on the guitar lining up with Ellie as she leaves is hinting something) in terms of her fungus starting to manifest in symptoms she can recognize can be big for the story and gameplay mechanics
(spore grenades, fungus whips, better traversal, etc.)

Abby biting Elle's "bitten" hand after Ellie bit her before, Dina finding about Ellie's immunity, hooking up with Ellie, and having baby JJ isn't an accident either they could all have contracted Ellie's mutated fungus that makes you asymptomatic making you not even realize you have it
If Ellie is dying and/or blooming, she might be concerned about Dina and baby JJ's future especially if she learns they also have her fungus, meaning inevitable blooming

Those prisoners seeing Ellie bitten might not be an accident either as there will be people who recognize Ellie still being alive after being bitten, even if they think could be due to something else

There is still a lot of Ellie's story left not only the manifestation of her mutated fungus but her possibly infecting others, how the fungus will manifest in them, more details on her mother and backstory on her unknown father, Ellie's relationship with Tommy, Dina, and JJ, her discovering other immune people and the effects of that, and the effects of people beyond who she trusts finding out she is infected

The emergence of rapid new deadly fungus mutations , hordes, new fungus types that infect people's brains differently, and the fungus simply taking over every part of the environment including inside the society's blocking off the environment will cause an increasing worldwide hysterical need for a cure and this hysteria will . There will be a crazy doomsday cult like groups similar to the Seraphites who don't want the world to be saved or even worship immune people. An apocalyspe within the apocalyspe

The fact the fungus can mutate and mutates rapidly along with the possibility of multiple mutated strains of the fungus leading to people like Ellie's situation alone can help create new story arcs to justify a sequel to give Ellie the right motive for a story not involving her blooming or her fungus at all

There will be a part or parts of the world in either or America where an event takes place that involves an area being completely consumed by the fungus
I think the opening scenes/s of the game will be the new playable character going through one of the events and losing loved ones after opening the game making us bond with them, giving the main character or the group they are a part of very strong motive to find a cure now before they are consumed by the fungus

Imagine a 28 days later seen but with fungus spore dust that can detect hosts from a distance and travel large distances to infect people, wiping out entire cities like Jackson in seconds but is preventable if everyone were immune

Great excuse to show off PS5 technology and ND definitely will with a massive infection/large amounts of fungus event to show why a cure is needed or humanity is finished eventually

The fungus mutations and new mutated fungus types for new types of infections of the brain, cure problem, factions competing against each other for the cure around the world for power, the means of getting the cure, who does and doesn't get to get the cure, the potential emergence of multitudes of people having a mutated fungus like Ellie's or their own mutation (the immune people), and how the cure problem affects them will also be part of the scope and scale surrounding the main characters
We play parts of and finish off the game as "blooming" Ellie to resolve all loose ends with other playable characters providing convergence on Ellie,, who might become hunted
The Fireflies still have beef and still have information stored about Ellie
Story: new playable character in Europe or other non-USA area (I think it will be a black character but I fear they will be done dirty like ND always does)-->cure problem in that area-->cure problem emerges more and more in other areas-->converges with Abby, Lev, and the Fireflies-->converges with Jackson crew and Ellie-->Ellie gets pulled into another cycle of violence by losing herself to save her family instead of get revenge-->obvious subversion of expectations, shock deaths, and twists from human interaction
If no playable character from Europe I predict at least one of Abby, Lev, Tommy if he recovers walking, Dina, or JJ grown up after a time jump, or a new character not from Europe or non-USA area will be the other playable character other than Ellie, maybe even the person hunting Ellie down for the cure to save humanity and the family they have left(sacrificing the few for the many), while you play as Elllie, one of the hunted. trying to protect your family (including other immune people?) on some no Country for Old Men shyt, what Neil wanted for TLOU1 :ohhh:
but we play both perspectives but sacrifice (Ellie and maybe other immune) vs. survival(we are more than just a sacrifice) will be the themes not revenge like TLOU2
Save the many by sacrificing the few or save the few by sacrificing the many? :ohhh:

Elements of Ellie's "blooming' problem and potentially dying, the cure problem created by
extinct level infection areas, the increasing intensity of the problem over time as a theme in the game's environment and the character's motives will drive the game

If they want they could really expand on Ellie and her relationship with those like her and the problem of potential future blooming from their mutated fungus or how they "othered" by humanity for the sake of humanity

Refocusing on the fungus and the mutations it leads to is required for a Part 3 to be even possible IMO. First game was delivering Ellie, 2nd game was hunting with Ellie, 3rd game Ellie is the hunted?

It's obvious war will take place on a massive scale over all these problems converging on one another as the 2nd game expanded the scope of the groups you come across into large militias
We'll get scenes on some children of men shyt
Next will be huge cure factions warring with each other and the groups in between as elements of this conflict, even if it's basic survival over your own territory because of the cure problem elsewhere
The environment, aka the infected being increasingly everywhere, becoming a problem for real and Ellie defining herself through family will be the driving motivation behind the character's motivation since revenge was already used in TLOU2
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May 1, 2012
I think they should have a stark contrast by showing the discovery of a modern city that is gated off from the world.

Ellie is kidnapped or goes along with a group that wants to end the zombie infection using Ellie's sacrifice.

Take her to a closed off modern city that is further advanced in technology then then the world was before the outbreak

Of course it all goes to shyt because the last remnant of the fireflies or slave traders find the location and let a zombie loose in a hole they've managed to open in the perimeter defenses setting off a chain reaction to zombification within this modern paradise.

Abby is on a separate mission to seek sanctuary and is introduced to the culture clash of modern living compared to zombie survival and is brought back into her world as the sanctuary falls to zombies.

In the end Abbie and Ellie team up to take down the mystery figure whos finances have been responsible for the raider gangs, the fireflies and the zombie infection itself.

All secrets revealed and the series is brought to an end after Ellie finally sacrifices herself for the cure to zombie infection and the horizon of a new world is realized.
Nov 18, 2016
I think they should have a stark contrast by showing the discovery of a modern city that is gated off from the world.

Ellie is kidnapped or goes along with a group that wants to end the zombie infection using Ellie's sacrifice.

Take her to a closed off modern city that is further advanced in technology then then the world was before the outbreak

Of course it all goes to shyt because the last remnant of the fireflies or slave traders find the location and let a zombie loose in a hole they've managed to open in the perimeter defenses setting off a chain reaction to zombification within this modern paradise.

Abby is on a separate mission to seek sanctuary and is introduced to the culture clash of modern living compared to zombie survival and is brought back into her world as the sanctuary falls to zombies.

In the end Abbie and Ellie team up to take down the mystery figure whos finances have been responsible for the raider gangs, the fireflies and the zombie infection itself.

All secrets revealed and the series is brought to an end after Ellie finally sacrifices herself for the cure to zombie infection and the horizon of a new world is realized
Too feel goodies and obvious after TLOU2. Neil doesn't like going what is expected he likes to shock us. The common theme for TLOU is subversion of expectations and not getting everything you want, even if you deserve it. I don't think Ellie sacrifices herself for the cure nor do I think she wants to anymore. The advanced cities and technology is a good idea for the story though that can lead to a lot, on some Umbrella Corporation ish. I still think an hysterical urgency for a cure will be a bigger driver of the narrative and social commentary because self preservation will be prioritized over everything more and more as the problem becomes widespread, including our own humanity. The Umbrella Corporation idea makes sense to unify everything and help explore how everything happened in the first place, possibly an experiment gone wrong by these same people. FEDORA is probably returning then

Other motives on top of that for Ellie's story sake is needed or her wanting to sacrifice herself is going to be boring and I don't think that's where her story goes. There will be twists and hope won't be one of them but we will be manipulated by hope as a theme throughout the game to subvert our expectations
If Ellie does sacrifice herself, it won't be in the way we think and it might not be for humanity
Imagine if it were for the immune and/or just her family itself? :sas2:
The 3rd game will need an emotional theme to pull players in and it usually involves the parent to child relationship

Ellie could play the mother role in Part 3 as that's the only way her story will have emotional development and the motives for her actions for an entire story along with the potential of her already dying on some RDR2 shyt
Ellie bloom nukes (sacrifices herself) all of humanity with her mutated fungus except for her people/family :mjlol:
Even funnier if the society of immune people become a thing and they are the ones that do it
The sacrificed sacrifice humanity
I wouldn't be surprised :mjlol:
One thing I noticed is the game never addressing who Ellie's biological father was? :ohhh:
I wonder if that will be explored or could be a basis for Part 3
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Nov 18, 2016
Who is Ellie's biological father?:ohhh:
Maybe that will behind of the main ideas of TLOU3
Tommy was a firefly, and he was close with Marlene
Just saying :sas2:
Marlene was close with Ellie's mother, Anna:sas2:
All 3 might have known each other in a friend group :sas2:
Tommy left the fireflies before even knowing about Anna's pregnancy :sas2:
Like the saying goes, it's a small world :sas2:
Either way I think this unknown WILL be explored in Part 3
Nov 18, 2016
Apparently it's still possible for Ellie to shoot a bow and arrow despite her two missing fingers :leon:
Edit: But how will she climb? :patrice:
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blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Apparently it's still possible for Ellie to shoot a bow and arrow despite her two missing fingers :leon:
Edit: But how will she climb? :patrice:

Gonna be a new POV character, and by then there will be small cities and townships

Ellie will be the age joel was in the first game
Nov 18, 2016
Gonna be a new POV character, and by then there will be small cities and townships

Ellie will be the age joel was in the first game
I have a feeling Abby dies around the beginning or by the the first half of Part 3 with that firefly base being a red herring and Lev survives (ex WLF members recognize Abby for example). Lev being a playable character opens up doors for combat like the swift moving and distant jumping. The combat :ohlawd:
Or Abby becomes famous in the TLOU world and this is how Tommy finds out Ellie lied to him. Tommy and his hatred for Abby is going to lead to one of the biggest twists in gaming since all consequences of actions are fully realized in this game.

The other character Ellie follows along that we play as? Maybe JJ in the future or someone else. Jackson is finished in Part 3 I think something tragic is going to destroy all of Jackson forcing the residents out and back out there for survival.
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