Season 1 is based on Joel and EllieI thought that in terms of the show overtaking the games plots which I don’t want, but I think it’s very unlikely it’ll be 1 season equals 1 game
if we assume the show is going to follow closely to the game like they have said, especial TLOU2 since that game is presented like a tv show, it could be like the following..
Season 1: Outbreak Day - Left Behind - Joel being Impaled (Ends With Ellie Trying to get Joel to safety)
Season 2: Winter - Hospital Massacre - Reaching Jackson (Ends with Joel giving Ellie her guitar)
Season 3: Joel Death - 3 Days - The Farm (Ends with Ellie going to find Abby)
Season 4: Santa Barbara, all of the events here could be fleshed out a lot for TV, Ellie traveling there, Abby enslaved ect.
We’d be at least a good 6/7 years away from it ever getting here
same way people felt about part 1To be honest I felt this wasn't going to get a part 3
same way people felt about part 1
i honestly thought Ellie's girl got killed/raped when some group ran through Jackson and destroyed it
I didn't know it would be Joel
But after experiencing the ending, ND might have fukked up
Now people are going to say why Joel?
The first game and lore of the game is built on Joel and Ellie's relationship
People wait 7 years for this, you mislead them (and me) in trailers, just to kill of Joel, a major part of why people were pulled in by the first game
ND underestimated how much of an impact killing off Joel would have this ain't Game of Thrones
The deaths have to make sense and the ending doesn't make Joel's death make sense to a lot of people
To some people it will feel like ND was just going for shock and emotion to try to capture the feeling of the first game and it pissed a lot of people off
I can see Part 3 having multiple stories converge on each other like in Part 2I had no issues with the story but this game's ending was even more definitive that Part 1, imo.
Like, TLOU could've been 1 classic game and be done with that, I absolutely agree. But you at least got the question "how will Ellie and Joel's story continue? will she find out what he did? when and how?" with a lot of possibilities. I loved what they did in part 2, but if felt like it had a bigger closure than 1.
With this second game the questions are "did Ellie went back to Jackson to try to find Dina? did she just went on her own to stat a new life?" or "did Abby and Lev find the fireflies? what will de do next?" (Druckmann heavily implied they did). All of those I'm not sure they warrant a third game.
Like I said, finding a cure - which was something that didn't even matter in part 2 - could be the for third part but idk.
They could also just take a completely different story and just place it in TLOU world though.
There is only one thing left for Ellie to do and that is try to find a doctor that could create a cure. A return to the original reason this journey all started. Her father/daughter relationship with Joel is done, her romantic relationship with Dina is done, her relationship with two of her fingers is done.
Yeah Ellie will give herself up for a cure in the beginning of Part 3, then shyt will go awry. The doctor may be on some shady shyt or working for the Rattlers against the Fireflies. Or Jesse Jr will somehow be immune. I feel like the story will revolve around the cure.
Yeah Ellie will give herself up for a cure in the beginning of Part 3, then shyt will go awry. The doctor may be on some shady shyt or working for the Rattlers against the Fireflies. Or Jesse Jr will somehow be immune. I feel like the story will revolve around the cure.
Character switching isn't bad if done rightAbby and Lev don't need to be a big part of the next one. I don't mind a cameo, but this is Ellie's story and the focus needs to be on her and receive closure. Druckmann got his little MGS2 out of his system and that's great. But I'm good on character switching in games. Abby/Lev can get their own game like a Lost Legacy or something.