That being said, will dreamed that cliff shyt or however they explain it. But it didn't happen.
Nah I disagree breh.
Will knows he can't live a normal life, just last episode he was talking about having visions of killing his wife. Then later in the same ep he set up Chilton to be killed. Dude is too far gone into the serial killer game.
And Hannibal is well....Hannibal.
Will tried to kill them both
As far as them being dead though....whether or not Fuller intended it but things are not unfolding in a way that makes me optimistic for more "Hannibal". Fuller has "American Gods" for who knows how long, Hugh Dancy (Will) just got a series with Aaron Paul on Hulu, Mads Mikkleson got a part in "Star Wars: Rogue One" and possibly "Dr. Strange", Lawrence Fishburne is in the "Roots" remake, Gillian Anderson is in "The X-Files", etc.
Not saying it's impossible but at the very least it'll be a long, long time before we see more of these characters.