He didn't have the strength cuz he was moving backwards for 5 rds N ate 120 clean punches before Canelo ever got tired N went to the ropes
There was nothing smart about that game plan...whats worst is daddy is always all up in the video...shytting on Robert Garcia training etc...but he thought outbox Canelo brilliant!!too...i honestly believe they (nacho N Sr) had no faith in jccjr N prepared him to not get knocked out, not to win
lol I was about to

Anyways, the Canelo/Chavez thing is over, so I can be real about Chavez again

Chavez vs Zurdo is still a decent sized fight that can happen down the line as well, but Chavez is going to have to rebuild his image after Saturday's L.
I don't think it's over for JCC Jr just yet. That was their first fight together....even Wlad got KOd in his first fight with Emmanuel Steward

*edit* and oh yeah, he gonna need to keep Sr outta the picture. He's almost a detriment to Chavez' image in the Boxing world, because everyone knows he doesn't compare to him (even Jr himself)...but that's all people do. They compare Jr to Sr over and over again, which makes him looked at with even more hatred than normal.