The Official Black Conservatism Thread

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
do yall know that the republican party in lincolns days was actually the liberal party of that time .. at some point it flipped , rolled over , dont know what to call it , but lincoln would have been a democrat by todays standards

Umm yea which is why I stated in my first post that this aint about Democrats and Republicans, its about Black Conservative Ideology of Self Help. Integral to Self Help as it relates to blacks is the belief in racial self-determination- the idea that blacks should speak for themselves and should control their own institutions. A Liberal white Democrat definitely doesnt subscribes to this belief for they believe government intervention in all facets in the life of a black person is the answer to black people's problems...I subscribe to the belief that government intervention is only good for ensuring basic civil rights of blacks and any interventionist government policy should only be implemented with the idea of self sufficiency, not dependency...

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Blacks were largely a republican/conservative voting bloc after Lincoln freed the slaves and black men were able to vote. The tide began to turn in 1927 after the Great Mississippi Flood. Herbert Hoover promised a lot of shyt to black people during the clean up process, but reneged on his promises after becoming president. That led to many blacks turning to FDR and the New Deal. Still due to the progressive nature of the republican party on civil rights, many blacks did stay with the GOP.

Both Nixon and Kennedy fought over the black vote in 1960, but Kennedy would secure it as president due to his dealings with MLK and the fight for the civil rights act. Johnson secured the black vote by passing the 1964 CRA, and the republican party ultimately burned any good will they had with blacks throughout the late 60s - from Governor Reagan disarming the Black Panthers in California to Nixon's Southern Strategy
The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1972 - McGovern Welfare
sound familiar?

So I'll reject the notion that black people are natural conservatives, or that we should be republicans because Booker T Washington (who casually told anti-black jokes to entertain whites in Washington) was a republican. That republican party was more liberal/progressive on civil rights than today's GOP.

Minorities in the US have always been practical voters: they vote for whoever has their best interest in mind. Irish Americans have historically voted democrat due to the anti-Irish resentment of eastern republicans during the 19th century, and the fact that democrats gave them an opportunity to run their own communities politically. Hispanics have voted democrat for decades due to right wing fear mongering on immigration; Bill Clinton won a higher percentage of Hispanics in 1992 than Obama did in 2012, Hispanics didn't vote for Reagan, etc. Cubans have largely been a republican voting block due to the Bay of Pigs, although Obama surprisingly won that group last year. And as I have detailed, blacks voted republican after Lincoln freed the slaves, then voted democrat after the CRA.

In short, when you act like a dikk to entire groups of people, that group won't support you. I respect my black republican friends irl and here, but don't act like the last meaningful thing to happen to the black political experience in the US was a republican freeing the slaves. Stop pretending like dixiecrats didn't largely leave the democratic party in the 60s-70s due to civil rights.

1. In your first part about blacks migrating to the democratic party from the Republican Party, thats part of it but the underlying reason was that Republicans beginning in 1924 started to build a stronger party in the South and required them to cozy up to racist CAC southerners for approval, but your correct in that many blacks still remained Republican.

2. Your correct in your second point although Id like to add LBJ was in no way a friend to black people. Because even though he signed the Civil Rights act into law, it took the Republican Richard M. Nixon to enforce it with his executive orders. LBJ was also angry at MLK for his beyond Vietnam Speech and even was overheard saying after MLK signed the Civil Rights act in 1964 that "Ill have them ******s voting democrat for the next 200 years"... Looks like he was right smh

3. On socio-cultural issues blacks are indeed naturally conservative due to the institution of the black church. The Vote on Proposition 8 California in 2008 proves this..

4. On your final point, I agree, the GOP today is very misguided in its efforts to only appeal to White Men. I think if they got rid of the racist hacks that represent their party in the mainstream (ex. Sean Hannity) and revising their platform to attract minorities they'd have a better chance of attracting blacks. But I think Obama has pretty much solidified blacks as a super majority for the democrats for another 200 years which is also dangerous for blacks been voting democrat as a majority since '64 and conditions are the same and in some instances worse than what it was in the '60's....

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
1. In your first part about blacks migrating to the democratic party from the Republican Party, thats part of it but the underlying reason was that Republicans beginning in 1924 started to build a stronger party in the South and required them to cozy up to racist CAC southerners for approval, but your correct in that many blacks still remained Republican.

2. Your correct in your second point although Id like to add LBJ was in no way a friend to black people. Because even though he signed the Civil Rights act into law, it took the Republican Richard M. Nixon to enforce it with his executive orders. LBJ was also angry at MLK for his beyond Vietnam Speech and even was overheard saying after MLK signed the Civil Rights act in 1964 that "Ill have them ******s voting democrat for the next 200 years"... Looks like he was right smh

3. On socio-cultural issues blacks are indeed naturally conservative due to the institution of the black church. The Vote on Proposition 8 California in 2008 proves this..

4. On your final point, I agree, the GOP today is very misguided in its efforts to only appeal to White Men. I think if they got rid of the racist hacks that represent their party in the mainstream (ex. Sean Hannity) and revising their platform to attract minorities they'd have a better chance of attracting blacks. But I think Obama has pretty much solidified blacks as a super majority for the democrats for another 200 years which is also dangerous for blacks been voting democrat as a majority since '64 and conditions are the same and in some instances worse than what it was in the '60's....

1. Agreed, LBJ wasn't a black friendly man. He passed the CRA for largely personal reasons - he wanted to accomplish something JFK couldn't (it's unlikely JFK could have gotten southern democrats to support the CRA as LBJ managed to do). And while he did think the bill would keep blacks within the democratic party, he also lamented that signing the CRA would destroy the party in the south. That being said I do believe he agreed with the general principles of the CRA, he was just an old southern boy. They don't change easily.

2. Black people are not as socially conservative as advertised. Support for gay marriage has increased among blacks since 2008, largely due to Obama. Black votes helped gay marriage proposals pass in multiple states during the 2012 election

On Tuesday in Maryland, though, 46 percent of African Americans supported gay marriage. And according to national exit polls, 52 percent of both black and Latino voters who turned out Tuesday said they support gay marriage in their states.
African Americans and Latinos spur gay marriage revolution

African Americans continue to be largely pro-choice as well. Interestingly, Hispanics are even more pro-choice than blacks. Republicans continue to believe Hispanics are natural republicans due to their Catholic views, but the polls contradict that. Hispanics are almost as much of a natural democratic base as black people are.
Latinos Endorse Legal Abortion - ABC News

3. Finally, the republican party won't get rid of the racists anytime soon. Race fuels the GOP's most potent base in this country: the south and bible belt. These are people who resent minorities, feel they are leeching off the system, and have long supported program cuts that hurt blacks and Hispanics, even at the cost of themselves. This has been the republican strategy since the late 60s:

Until the GOP completely rejects southern extremism they will continue to lose elections. Token black and Hispanic candidates won't change anything. The GOP's very approach to race politics is offensive: they clearly believe minorities only vote for fellow minorities; therefore if you nominate Cain, blacks will vote for him, or if you nominate Rubio most Hispanics will vote for him. They clearly don't believe minorities make up their political views based on anything but "who looks like me" and "who will give me free stuff."
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CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
I saw @2Quik4UHoes make a references to the black conservatives/libertarians of the past in the Ferguson thread in TLR and felt this thread is very relevant to the situation..When I think about Ferguson being a town of 66% black yet the mayor, 5/6 of city councilman, and police chief being CAC and most of those businesses in that town being foreign owned I feel that what Jackie Robinson and Malcolm X was trying to convey about communal economics from the black conservative perspective becomes relevant in this case

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
How Ferguson exposes the racial bias in local elections





Jul 17, 2013
So are you saying there is no such thing blacks being conservative on certain issues? And this has nothing to do with democrats and republicans, as I stated in the first post. For even certain groups that were responsible for the Civil Rights movement in the 60's and aligned with democrats such as the SCLC were ideologically conservative at the core and used that ideologically to advocate for Civil rights. Then you had the other side of black conservatism such as the SNCC, Panthers, US, that were advocating black seperatist ideals based on Self sustainability, self reliance, self help which are black conservative ideals
i identify with conservatism on a lot of shyt..

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Well, I'm an independent. Basically, I would vote Republican if I agreed with the candidate. To be frank, remove the circus and Trump makes some sense.

Yea, it aint even bout voting Republican so much so as it is about what ideology is best for getting black folk to be independent as much as possible and realistically from government and party politics. Its definitely something to continue to interrogate as it pertains to the modern democratic party


Sep 15, 2014
@CACtain Planet

You have a really distorted view of social liberalism.

All social liberalism advocates for is that when you fall down, you have help getting up

And that liberty does not come without some level of equality

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
@CACtain Planet

You have a really distorted view of social liberalism.

All social liberalism advocates for is that when you fall down, you have help getting up

And that liberty does not come without some level of equality

Yea that works in a homogeneous population with everyone having the same race, culture, religion, history etc...Black folk in America would not benefit economic liberalism...Better off building our own and not being reliant on the state exist