I just realized that Lalo fits in a huge role. When the giant battle is going on between Gus and the cartel in BB, who is mastermining that? Hector can't put in work, Tuco ain't bright enough, the cousins are just muscle. Lalo was the guy behind the curtain the whole time.
I said it a few episodes ago - I think that Saul is going to be part of the scam that gets Nacho out of the game. He's somehow going to help him escape, but it's going to happen in a way that really screws over the cartel, so when someone comes for Saul he's all flipping out assuming that it has to be Lalo and throwing Nacho under the bus.
I think it's over. She can't recover from that. All this time she been exaggerating Jimmy's good side while she flirts with his bad side...she can't do it anymore. His good side is gone, what she's seen cannot be unseen. I know BB/BCS always confusing us and pulling the unexpected, but I think it would break character too much to bring her back from the brink again. She done.
Me too.
Nice catch.
I was disappointed in Mike. That was one of the coldest killings in the entire BB/BCS universe so far....the only ones I can remember that were worse was killing the kid after the train heist and when Todd kills Jesse's girl. Mike's an old dude, I don't see how he rationalizes that even to himself...