The Official "Better Call Saul" Season 4 Thread.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
So far, everything that happened in Better Call Saul all been subtle references or tales Saul told in Breaking Bad, most infamously the one where he told Walt he convinced a girl he was Kevin Costner. So, Saul doesn't just say these things just to say them. He only would lie if there's a con involved. So, most of the things he tells Walt or Jesse been essentially things that actually happened in his past and Better Call Saul been tossing those Easter Eggs throughout the series that links up. So it is VERY LIKELY he wasn't bullshytting about having ex-wives.

Also, you can say it's not off the the table... nothing is off the table... but being that everything happening so far parallels the arc of Breaking Bad (I mean just like the end of season 4 we get Heisenberg, this end has officially Saul), it is highly likely that season 5 will be the last season in which everything will conclude leading into the world of Breaking Bad and Saul officially the criminal lawyer. But nothing intertwine, because what's more to tell from Saul's perspective? His arc would be complete! The only thing left if the aftermath and that's being told simultaneously right now. already the BCS and BB worlds have collided as it is, so what more to add from Saul's perspective that we have not known in BB already?I strongly believe they're not going season DURING events in Breaking Bad. They're going to stick with 5 season and conclude it with that.

I mostly agree with this except for one point.

I actually think there's a lot of material for Saul during the "BB" years. He was basically a plot device during "BB" and was only ever seen in relation to Walt and Jesse. We know next to nothing about his private life....never even seen his home.

Not to mention there is flashes of Jimmy even during "BB". He tried giving Jesse relationship advice about Andrea. Wanted to break off his business with Walt, when he found out they poisoned Brock. Which would've potentially cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars. On the season 5 Blu-Ray there's a short called "Chicks & Guns", the gun Jesse had when Walt came to drop off his money was actually given to him by Saul, who was worried about him.

So I think the character has enough depth that a few scenes from "BB" could be interesting.

Gus and Saul NEVER personally met. Ever. Saul stated he never met Gus and he knows a guy that can reach him which was Mike. Plus, Saul is 100% operational. He already made clients that know him only by Saul due to his cell phone hustle.

Gus never met Saul, but you are right at one point Mike becomes a P.I. for Saul to which may be an indirect request by Gus to help out criminals in Gus' operation to get out of situations legally. Or to use as a front to keep an eye out for competition.

I dunno if Lalo and Saul would ever meet, but definitely a reconnect with Nacho and Saul will eventually have to happen and it'll be something most likely involving the Salamancas . Based on Lalo is nowhere in existence in Breaking Bad, with Tuco out taking care of Hector and Gus freely running his meth operation.... the likelihood that Lalo will eventually will be killed is high.

Kim is definitely no longer there. Kim only got an offhand reference just once in Breaking Bad which means she probably moved on which was hinted in season 4. So she's more than likely going to leave. That said, when referring what may happen to Gene... I predict that Kim would per chance bump into him and they make a reconnect with each other.

I never said Gus met Saul. But Gus obviously knows who Saul is, if he requested Mike watch him. Saul would have to move up the food chain quite a bit to be on Gus's radar.

Saul and Lalo kinda have to meet, or at the very least be in each other's orbit. Saul mentions Lalo by name in season 2 of "BB".


Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Gus and Saul NEVER personally met. Ever. Saul stated he never met Gus and he knows a guy that can reach him which was Mike. Plus, Saul is 100% operational. He already made clients that know him only by Saul due to his cell phone hustle.

Gus never met Saul, but you are right at one point Mike becomes a P.I. for Saul to which may be an indirect request by Gus to help out criminals in Gus' operation to get out of situations legally. Or to use as a front to keep an eye out for competition.

I dunno if Lalo and Saul would ever meet, but definitely a reconnect with Nacho and Saul will eventually have to happen and it'll be something most likely involving the Salamancas . Based on Lalo is nowhere in existence in Breaking Bad, with Tuco out taking care of Hector and Gus freely running his meth operation.... the likelihood that Lalo will eventually will be killed is high.

Kim is definitely no longer there. Kim only got an offhand reference just once in Breaking Bad which means she probably moved on which was hinted in season 4. So she's more than likely going to leave. That said, when referring what may happen to Gene... I predict that Kim would per chance bump into him and they make a reconnect with each other.

So this never happened? Gus is stupid nor is Saul, he would figure things out eventually.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012

So this never happened? Gus is stupid nor is Saul, he would figure things out eventually.

To be fair I think he meant they never met as who they really are.

Gus knows something is up with Jimmy in that scene but he's not yet Saul....and Jimmy obviously has no idea he's talking to a drug lord.



Jun 26, 2012

So this never happened? Gus is stupid nor is Saul, he would figure things out eventually.

I never said mention that Gus did not KNOW Saul. I said that Saul never met Gus. I wouldn't count the whole manager thing to even count. Saul did not know who he was outside someone who manages the fast food joint. But when I say meeting GUS... not just some random front by Gus. masking to his management role. Nor would it be relevant to anything Breaking Bad related.


May 25, 2015
This nikka singing Bonnie Tyler with emphasis :banderas:

Jimmy really finessed them all with that speech at the end. Kim no longer sees Jimmy, Saul is here.:jawalrus:


All Star
Jan 1, 2017
Pretty good finale. Maybe not the best or the most climatic, but I'll expand on that later on.

The opening was both heart-warming and heart-wrenching. It's rare to see a feel-good moment in this series, and of course when it's utilized, it only adds to the tragedy of the McGill brothers.

The resolution of the Werner subplot was expected, but still good nevertheless. Cinematography was outstanding. Really sad to see him go out like that and Mike being the one to (reluctantly) do it, but he brought it on himself. Dude is the textbook example of being naive to how the real world operates.

Speaking of the real world, I loved how this episode explored the "winner take all" mentality that Jimmy has chosen to adopt. Throughout the series, we've seen Jimmy try to "break good" and prove his brother (and by extension, society) wrong. The scene with the potential scholarship recipients was his moment of clarity, so to speak.

Jimmy finally realizes that no matter how much he atones for his mistakes, he will forever be marked. So in response, he goes up to the shoplifter girl and gives her (and by extension, himself) a speech on how the game works.

No matter how hard you try to change, people will always associate you with the past you try to move on from. If society won't let you get it, then the only option is to take it, by any means necessary. It's a grimy way to live, but the "Win by any means necessary" mindset really resonated with me.

We finally got to see what Lalo was made of. When he rammed the car to get out of the parking gate, that's when I knew he was psychotic just like the rest of the Salamanca clan. Dude reminds me of a Mexican version of Trevor from GTA with his happy go lucky craziness :russ:. Not sure how I feel about his roof trick though. It happened a little too quick for me to fully suspend my disbelief.

The only real "gripe" I had towards the finale was the closing scene. I think one of BCS' few flaws is how the show moves at such a slow pace. It's really weird how this show seems to "pump-fake" pulling the trigger on character growth. I know that people in real life don't go directly from good to bad, but I don't care for how the show tends to retread the whole Kim/Jimmy relationship decay.

This was especially noticeable in the closing scene where Kim is flabbergasted by Jimmy's con. At this point, shouldn't she know that Jimmy has no feeling towards Chuck's death and will put up a front to get ahead? She was even the one who helped him with that scheme, so it doesn't make sense for her to be :lupe: when Jimmy brags about fooling the judges. I really hope Season 5 picks up the pace without treading water like they did this go round.

I don't wanna end my post coming across as a hater, so I'll just mention that the acting was spectacular all around and at the very least carried some of the plot's weak points. Better Call Saul is at its best when viewed as a character drama, so it's a shame that they have to navigate exploring these characters AND filling in the blanks of the Breaking Bad universe at the same time.

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
IDK why I thought Gus would let ole boy live. He was weak as hell. He couldn't wait to see his fukkin wife:what:

Problem I see with the future of Better call saul is how many seasons does Mike have where he can walk around and do sh1t? My man looks older than Hector.


May 2, 2012
IDK why I thought Gus would let ole boy live. He was weak as hell. He couldn't wait to see his fukkin wife:what:

Problem I see with the future of Better call saul is how many seasons does Mike have where he can walk around and do sh1t? My man looks older than Hector.

Gus might of let him live but once lalo had his information he had no choice

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I just realized that Lalo fits in a huge role. When the giant battle is going on between Gus and the cartel in BB, who is mastermining that? Hector can't put in work, Tuco ain't bright enough, the cousins are just muscle. Lalo was the guy behind the curtain the whole time.

The still need to get into whatever it was that had Saul blaming Nacho for whatever made Lalo so mad.
I said it a few episodes ago - I think that Saul is going to be part of the scam that gets Nacho out of the game. He's somehow going to help him escape, but it's going to happen in a way that really screws over the cartel, so when someone comes for Saul he's all flipping out assuming that it has to be Lalo and throwing Nacho under the bus.

:wow: Kim just got hit by a Mack truck at the end there. Like looking at a stranger, it finally hit her. He ain't give a fukk. :mjlol:
I think it's over. She can't recover from that. All this time she been exaggerating Jimmy's good side while she flirts with his bad side...she can't do it anymore. His good side is gone, what she's seen cannot be unseen. I know BB/BCS always confusing us and pulling the unexpected, but I think it would break character too much to bring her back from the brink again. She done.

Yo they even got me in that final scene. Bob O. is such a fantastic actor. I actually thought Jimmy was being sincere when he stopped reading Chuck's letter and started going off the dome.

I should've known better.
Me too. :mjcry:

"I will do everything in my power to live up to the name McGill."

"I will not be practicing under the name McGill."

Nice catch. :russ:

I was disappointed in Mike. That was one of the coldest killings in the entire BB/BCS universe so far....the only ones I can remember that were worse was killing the kid after the train heist and when Todd kills Jesse's girl. Mike's an old dude, I don't see how he rationalizes that even to himself... :francis:


Apr 30, 2012
The Salamancas are all madmen. I would've loved to get a look at what the women of the family were like. From Tio to Lalo and Tuco and the Twins in between :picard: to breed that many maniacs they must've been pieces of work.

No sympathy for Werner. He was gonna have more money than he knew what to do with, and take his wife on as many vacations as she pleased. Mike did him a favor because Gus wouldn't have took him out as painlessly and probably killed his wife too. Should've just done the job.

Jimmy's transformation to Saul is complete :russ: he played them muthafukkers like a violin, he gives no fukks Kim saw the real Jimmy for once and it scared the fukk outta her.

Spades Of Aces

The Infinity Watcher
Feb 3, 2013
I loved the finale. Probably the best episode out of this series so far. Mike reluctantly “Broke Bad” here as he had to execute a man whom he knew posed no threat to Gus operations. Gus isn’t a half measured guy so It made it that much harder for Mike to go through with it. You could really see the emotional pain of what Mike had to do. What really got me about the scene was the beautiful night backdrop of the execution. Just wow...Then when Mike and Gus were staring at each other at the end, you could sense that they both wanted to kill each other, lol , but they can’t.

As for Jimmy...About time he broke bad lol! Great performance by Bob as you could feel and see him not giving any fcuks to getting what he wants!

I have a lot more to chime in but I’m still processing everything! For me, it’s my favorite season!:wow: