The Official "Better Call Saul" Season 4 Thread.


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May 2, 2012
Me too, but the more I think about it the more it makes sense that it wasn't. In many ways it's always been who he was, and I think it seems natural that it would just be a quick fleeting moment. I was expecting a more climactic thing as well and even though it felt like a let down, Jimmy is always letting people down and I don't know if it was intentional but it felt like maybe it was done on purpose for us to maybe feel it in the same way?

I don't know. I think I'm overthinking it.

Hell yeah!

And BTW props to Werner for taking his death like a champ. I thought for sure he would cry and be way more distraught and begging for his life. He took it pretty good.

Did the call he made to his wife remind you of the call Walt made to Skylaw on Ozymandias? I felt a parallel there when he said "I don't want to see you!"

And the actress that plays Kim? Damn....I haven't been watching many other shows, but I think she deserves an Emmy. Her acting has been incredible this season. Probably the best of anyone on the show.

Yeah Werner went out like a G, all things considered. When he knew he was dead no matter what he gave Mike an easy out by going to look at the stars. :wow:

Now that I think about it the call was similar. Also Mike calling the lab "the most expensive hole in the ground" was kinda similar to how Walt described it in season 4 when he was trying to convince Gus not to kill him and Jesse.

As far as Jimmy to Saul....I don't think it was anticlimactic at all. From the speech he gave the girl (which was pretty fukking evil, honestly) to him crying in the car it was basically every ounce of decency and hope leaving him. Jimmy was pretty much dead since the scene last week when he was actually trying to be honest and was called insincere.



May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
That was a great season finale

Does anyone else feel like the Werner stuff is why Mike didn't kill Walt? That after all these years he felt remorse, which ultimately got him killed, and his relationship with Walter reminded him of the German.
You may be right. Never thought about it that way.

I think when Mike was about to kill Walt in the laundromat and Walt said "let me call Gus I can make him understand. You don't have to kill me" and Mike said something like "It isn't gonna happen" makes more sense to me now. I thought when Mike talked to Gus about Werner and Gus said "This discussion is pointless" was sort of a callback to that moment in BrBa. Mike knows that once Gus' mind is made up nothing can be changed.

EDITL I think Mike is interested in self preservation and what's best for business. When he was about to kill Walt in the S3 finale Walt knew where they were keeping Gayle, so Mike had to hold off. The next time Mike had a gun on Walt in the desert and Jesse got in between them and said that they needed Walt to help get rid of some of the evidence, and Mike needed Walt to help with the hazard pay. In the final episode where Walt killed Mike, I think Mike didn't kill Walt because he just wanted to get away. Mike had never seen Walt personally get his hands dirty. Yes, Walt had used bombs and called hits on people in jail and prison, but Mike had never seen Walt take a gun and shoot anyone. Maybe he underestimated him? I don't know.


Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
On some levels I agree but I don't think Mike can be written off as just a pawn, and I think Mike realized Walt's levels of intelligence at the end of season 3/beginning of season 4.

I think Mike was actually smarter than Walt in some ways because he could see the bigger picture of the criminal world. Walt was brilliant but he did get lucky with some of his plans, but Walt was still impulsive, allowed his ego to get in the way, and was often reckless. If Walt could have set his ego aside I think they actually could have worked together quite well. They both thought of things the other didn't, and I may just be reading your post wrong, but I think Mike is much smarter than he's sometimes given credit for. He may not be Gus/Walt criminal mastermind, but as far as knowing street level shyt and seeing the big picture, he's as good as they come.

I would say he's more like a knight on the chessboard than a pawn.

I can never tell with her though. Every other time before when I thought she was going to distance herself from Jimmy, she either doesn't or actually gets turned on. But I think this was the moment where she finally is going to start distancing herself.

EDIT: Sorry for all the consecutive posts brehs. I missed the past 3 weeks of episodes, watched them all within the past 24 hours, and so a lot of thoughts are kicking around in my brain.
I agree to disagree. Mike was a very capable man in the organization. I would rank the organization chart as:
Gus - the King
Lydia- the Queen
Her Schuel- name spelled wrong but up there.
Gale- logistics and planning
Mike- soldier or knight.
As you said he was smart for the street stuff but running an empire not close.


Jun 26, 2012
Couple things....

1. The writers already said this show could take place before, during, and after "Breaking Bad". So that's not off the table.

And one of the first promos for this season was actually Saul looking at a year book and finding Walt's school, which set up him going to see him in season 2 of "BB". So they're obviously flirting with the idea of it taking place during "BB".

2. The writers have also addressed Saul saying he was married as "maybe it happened, maybe it didn't". Keep in mind Saul has no problem lying and in that scene he was trying to sympathize with Walt.


So far, everything that happened in Better Call Saul all been subtle references or tales Saul told in Breaking Bad, most infamously the one where he told Walt he convinced a girl he was Kevin Costner. So, Saul doesn't just say these things just to say them. He only would lie if there's a con involved. So, most of the things he tells Walt or Jesse been essentially things that actually happened in his past and Better Call Saul been tossing those Easter Eggs throughout the series that links up. So it is VERY LIKELY he wasn't bullshytting about having ex-wives.

Also, you can say it's not off the the table... nothing is off the table... but being that everything happening so far parallels the arc of Breaking Bad (I mean just like the end of season 4 we get Heisenberg, this end has officially Saul), it is highly likely that season 5 will be the last season in which everything will conclude leading into the world of Breaking Bad and Saul officially the criminal lawyer. But nothing intertwine, because what's more to tell from Saul's perspective? His arc would be complete! The only thing left if the aftermath and that's being told simultaneously right now. already the BCS and BB worlds have collided as it is, so what more to add from Saul's perspective that we have not known in BB already?I strongly believe they're not going season DURING events in Breaking Bad. They're going to stick with 5 season and conclude it with that.
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Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
You may be right. Never thought about it that way.

I think when Mike was about to kill Walt in the laundromat and Walt said "let me call Gus I can make him understand. You don't have to kill me" and Mike said something like "It isn't gonna happen" makes more sense to me now. I thought when Mike talked to Gus about Werner and Gus said "This discussion is pointless" was sort of a callback to that moment in BrBa. Mike knows that once Gus' mind is made up nothing can be changed.

EDITL I think Mike is interested in self preservation and what's best for business. When he was about to kill Walt in the S3 finale Walt knew where they were keeping Gayle, so Mike had to hold off. The next time Mike had a gun on Walt in the desert and Jesse got in between them and said that they needed Walt to help get rid of some of the evidence, and Mike needed Walt to help with the hazard pay. In the final episode where Walt killed Mike, I think Mike didn't kill Walt because he just wanted to get away. Mike had never seen Walt personally get his hands dirty. Yes, Walt had used bombs and called hits on people in jail and prison, but Mike had never seen Walt take a gun and shoot anyone. Maybe he underestimated him? I don't know.

First Walt wanted to call Gus as a ruse to just call Jesse. He was never scared at all. Mike was dead by the time Walt called the hits in prison. Mike knew Walt got busy because he cleaned up the death of those 2 dealers that were going to kill Jesse. Walt put one in the head . Also he did underestimate him, watch the scene withthe phone call was taking place, this is when Mike knew he wasn’t on Walt’s level.

Another thing, you know Werner wife is dead. Gus knew she was arriving and that she sent money to Werner so it doesn’t take much to figure she knew what Werner was into since the money he was paid was going into her account since Werner wasn’t spending a cent in America and had no money to run on his own. Gus and Lydia put the green light on his family and most likely all the Germans since they going to be suspicious. Walt realized how dangerous Gus was early when he warned Jesse to stop skimming. He knew how Gus got down.
May 2, 2012
Even after knowing his brother, Chuck vouched for Saul. :wow:

We shyt on Chuck, but that was a great opener of the rare brotherly love they had. :mjcry:


despite Jimmy giving no fukks both of them have love for each other. shame it was buried in jealousy (Chuck) and criminality (Jimmy).

Chuck snatching the mic from Jimmy plays as a rare humorous moment from him (stoic older brother letting loose) or a flare up of the spotlight he privately wanted but never came as easy for him as it did for Jimmy.

They would've complemented each other well with Chuck's extensive knowledge of the law and Jimmy's rapport with people. could've been a good team.


Jun 26, 2012
I honestly don't see how this can be wrapped up in one 10 episode season. Unless they go the "BB" route and break the final season into two slightly smaller seasons.

1. They need to have Gus become interested in Saul, which means Jimmy has to be 100% operational as Saul in the next season.

2. They need to have Mike and Saul reconnect for some reason, because Gus tells Mike to keep an eye on him.

3. They need to set up a situation where Saul knows Lalo, and have Saul reconnect with Nacho. Who he ain't even spoke to in 2+ seasons.

4. Kim has to be gone, whatever that means. I just don't see her existing during "BB".

5. They need to explain what's going on with Gene, which honestly should be 2-3 episodes on it's own.

There's a gang of other random stuff they need to address, but I'm sure you get my point. I just don't see how it's possible in 10 episodes.


Gus and Saul NEVER personally met. Ever. Saul stated he never met Gus and he knows a guy that can reach him which was Mike. Plus, Saul is 100% operational. He already made clients that know him only by Saul due to his cell phone hustle.

Gus never met Saul, but you are right at one point Mike becomes a P.I. for Saul to which may be an indirect request by Gus to help out criminals in Gus' operation to get out of situations legally. Or to use as a front to keep an eye out for competition.

I dunno if Lalo and Saul would ever meet, but definitely a reconnect with Nacho and Saul will eventually have to happen and it'll be something most likely involving the Salamancas . Based on Lalo is nowhere in existence in Breaking Bad, with Tuco out taking care of Hector and Gus freely running his meth operation.... the likelihood that Lalo will eventually will be killed is high.

Kim is definitely no longer there. Kim only got an offhand reference just once in Breaking Bad which means she probably moved on which was hinted in season 4. So she's more than likely going to leave. That said, when referring what may happen to Gene... I predict that Kim would per chance bump into him and they make a reconnect with each other.
May 1, 2012
:wow: Kim just got hit by a Mack truck at the end there. Like looking at a stranger, it finally hit her. He ain't give a fukk. :mjlol:

Poor Werner. He was like McGregor out here not knowing who is really real until it's too late and you meet a Khabib :demonic:

This also appears to be where Mike becomes "Hitman" Mike..

I gotta assume once you off a nice dude like Werner because he fukkin up the business that it gets MUCH easier to off other folk most of which are scumbags.

Everyone is pretty much right where we meet them in Breaking Bad now in terms of who they are and where they're headed.

Season 5 finna be lit :wow:

Fani Willis fan

Man What
Jan 27, 2016
Kim at end of finale:
May 1, 2012
I can almost 100% guarantee that won't happen. Sony was practically begging them to continue "BB" and the writers told them "nah, we're out".

This is damn near the only writing team in the business you ain't gotta worry about that.


Yeah Gilligan and them are like Larry David and Seinfeld. When it's over.. it's over... :manny: