Backreading this thread has been great, I forgot it existed.
I don't think she's lying, she mistook the newspapers hitting the street for gunshots.
It's a low-key reference to this:
No charges for LAPD officers who shot newspaper delivery women during Dorner manhunt
Nah, I ain't agreeing with that at all. Jimmy was like Dexter, he had a lot of bad tendencies but he just needed someone to guide him in the right direction to parlay those skills for the sake of good. He was doing good by those elderly candidates, breaking Sandpiper was a brilliant move. There are multiple times where he does the right thing, most impressively when he does all that work to get the elders to be friends again even though it costs him his whole gig. If Chuck had guided Jimmy as a lawyer rather than rejected him, then sure, Jimmy would bend the rules here and there, but he still could have been a good lawyer in his own way and it would have worked out far, far better than how it did. You don't have to co-sign a person 100% to at least support their endeavors and help it work out for the best. Chuck became a straight enemy instead.
Jimmy could have broken good. Chuck nearly saved him from a life of crime by helping him beat that charge and getting him that job, but Chuck's jealousy couldn't handle any continued success by Jimmy and that is what kept him down. If Chuck had hired Jimmy onto HHM when he first became a lawyer, or brought him on to HHM when he brought on the sandpiper case, or generally just let him know that he loved him and wanted the best for him, Jimmy never would have broke all the way back. Hell, even just not getting Jimmy's law degree taken away might have been enough to keep Jimmy doing slightly shady moves in elder law and similar stuff rather than becoming a full-on crook and losing Kim.