Subliminal callback game on 100 again
Don Eladio rocking the bright yellow towel, through to the Pollos Hermanos employee uniform and Mike's toll booth - even moreso when he and Gustavo meet at night, with the yellow underpass lights
Red might be the goon colour - Bolsa must have bodies on him, being a high level goon - and he had the red shirt while Hector rocked the red hatband.
The DA who read Jimmy his conditions was wearing yellow when she met with Chuck (that's got to have been illegal), but she's wearing blue in the hearing - trying to give the impression of honesty, maybe?

In fact, everyone in that hearing scene is wearing shades of blue.
The exterminators in an old skool version of Walt and Jesse's hazmat suits in the movie he watched
That air of menace Mark Margolis carries with him
As soon as Mike showed up on Chuck's doorstep with the

, I knew the plan was in motion. Prep-time on deck
Jimmy's apology was lowkey shytting on Chuck