What is "being a man"? Are the standards of "being a man" harmful to black male youth or just black males overall? What are the terms associated with the idea of masculinity? do you feel any pressure if you do not conform to this idea of masculinity? what part does the media play into these things?
I just wanted to bring these issues out into the open and see if we can have an conversation, if you all want to.
Black male youth are f*cked... you either overcompensate because no father is in the home
or become effeminate due to the black matriarchy running unchecked for decades
I don't care... I grew up with my father and my self esteem is self-validated so whatever societal ideals
there are for masculinity are just there to make me conform....
Sh!t my own married parents keep saying I ain't a man until I get a wife and kids...
but I live my life for me not them
Anytime you hear "a real man" ... is just a manipulation tactic