I have dodged one big L. My hairline is still intact ( no Mowgli ) My dad has a hairline that is

His hairline started leaning back before he was out of high school. This was back in the day of afros. I seen pics of my dad looking like World B. Free.
I was the 1st born. Somehow someway I missed that gene.

My brother and my sister. .

They got it straight from my dad. Now my sister can hide it with weave and all. . .But my brother. . . . He caught hell growing up. Hairline was

status literally since he was 14. I made sure to ether his soul and thank my grandfather on my mom's side. When he died he left the earth with his hairline blessed by gawd.
Now this story is about when my chickens came home to roost finally. Karma normally hits me IMMEDIATELY. This one took some years but it ethered me something serious. This one is the
Hairline Hiccup.
I was here in Jax. . Me and this one roomate I had. Homie was off glass. I met him when I was down here in the Navy. He was in the Army. He was a recruiter. Met him at a club cause we were hollering at two sisters. We ended becoming good friends.
Fast forward. . I went back to Piffsburgh when I got out. He calls me one day and says. . Hey. .you should move back to Jax. I am moving back myself. My mom is sick. ( he is from St. Augustine. ) We can be roomates and knock these ho's down. I was

I had a ok job. .. Told him if I can find a good job down there why not. I had fun in Jax.
Took me one week to knock down a job. Did a couple of phone interviews and it was a wrap. He was still out of town too. We started looking online at places to stay. Now when I was in the Navy I knew Jax but did not know JAX. I was not really familiar with the areas of town. Neither was he. He told me he saw a house for rent for only 450!!!!!!
I said yes breh lets do it!! Landlord sent us pics of the place. We sent rent and deposit. . .Get down there and we are living on 8th and Ionia on the Eastside of Jax. . .

When we pulled up I am thinking. . .Ok. .seems a lil rough. . . Did not truly hit me how rough it was until nightfall. .