The Failed Debut Of ASUKA on the main roster


Bay Bay
Apr 7, 2015
If could see them making the ppv match competitive. But then Asuka should have at least squashed her on Raw the next night


Jun 2, 2014
Asuka also struggled with Emma in NXT both times they fought. The matches were just shy of 15 and 14 minutes respectively.

Heel Emma gets romanticized, but she wasn't doing anything of note at that time either. Her only notable wins were one against Bayley and a fluke pin in a Fatal Four Way before their first match in London.

She lost 3 of her next 4 matches (she beat a local talent) before her rematch against Asuka. Emma being trouble for Asuka is that continuity thing people complain about not getting.

We're getting Asuka exactly as her matches in NXT have always been laid out. She should've been given a local scrub and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
The bolded I agree with especially. At least for Raw. Having a rematch with Emma does nothing for either of them. Just pay a local woman a couple hundred to eat Asuka's offense for five minutes instead.

Fact is the Raw women's division doesn't have enough depth to be jobbing people out. That's why it's a good thing Alicia and Emma are being booked at least somewhat strongly now.
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Indiana's Finest
May 3, 2012
Y'all put more stock in these women than the company they're signed to. It's still women's wrestling at the end of the day..

With all due respect to them, nobody gives a shyt

The little girls in the audience who this shyts supposed to cater to aren't stressed out over shorty having a competitive match with Emma..

It's not that serious.. she hasn't "failed" and the world isn't ending.
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John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
Neckbeards n smarks never happy. I see why Vince don't listen to em.'

Esp after Vince let king vanilla midget Daniel Bryan beat HHH in a singles match, THEN go on to beat Orton n Batista in a triple threat match to win the world title at Wrestlemania and smarks/neckbeards STILL bytchED.


Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Asuka also struggled with Emma in NXT both times they fought. The matches were just shy of 15 and 14 minutes respectively.

Heel Emma gets romanticized, but she wasn't doing anything of note at that time either. Her only notable wins were one against Bayley and a fluke pin in a Fatal Four Way before their first match in London.

She lost 3 of her next 4 matches (she beat a local talent) before her rematch against Asuka. Emma being trouble for Asuka is that continuity thing people complain about not getting.

We're getting Asuka exactly as her matches in NXT have always been laid out. She should've been given a local scrub and we wouldn't be having this conversation.


This is where wwf and WWE always had quality limiting on purpose created disconnect.
After a wrassler/grappler debuts in the lexicon of the WWE superstar. to the common possible jobber parity build talent this company acquires.
Yet the problem with the WWE and since the wwf and Hogan was.
Not knowing how to actually really package talent consistently and in the most effective manner regardless of the circumstances.

In this instance since asuka was on nxt, and actually had this competitive match. Asuka should have in common wrasslin jumping fed excitement.
ran over Emma on her debut to the WWE main roster.
We have seen this formula be played right from the jump.
just recently in just ko debuting from nxt as an example.
Then be jobbed out and have to be rejuvenated by a McMahon of any type. Which played out to help move along the next works me during the sweet spot name build marketed ppv to one of the big four survivor series.

Yet we have consistently seen them play this same work a different way and get it exactly wrong on numerous other talent. who could have excelled further.
if they lived up to badge of their reputation as this debuting future superstar. The bad part about this situation is over the course of this company's history.
we know they are like an errant narcissistic child.
That has tried a parent with bad behavior so much before the verbal cognitive period begins. That when the child learns to talk actually alludes or even tells on themselves.
to show they have a cognitive register for actually creating this bad behavior on purpose. Yet are so brash as a child, they feel some power over the situation to feel they will not be disciplined. To establish an actual dominance.
over the parent in their narcissistic manipulation of their creation of purposeful bad behavior.
The WWE portray this same behavior and are actually that child over the course of its cycle life.
now taken dominance over the consumer or parent/guardian of funds/capital that keeps it going in general. With simpke terms like the wwe universe. You come first wwe universe when it needs to plea to the consumer base after eroding the draw into the cauldron like depths of low drawing lack of recovery. How people have not consistently made or spoke on this being an actual page. from their long list of traveling evil carni play book I don't know. [well I actually do, and that is all apart of this rant and is laid out] The bad part about this whole thing is the consumer in general has real power over the situation. That hopefully mark fans who are general consumers come to learn of this on going carni based practice. Then hold WWE accountable for removing these low quality carni based work dynamics from their product. As it would actually create, a consumer trust dynamic were the WWE would actually start to buy equity in brand trust amplifying their overall draw.
to levels much closer to an appropjate draw level.
that resembled a boom to start from in base principal.
as far as new fan consumer excitement.
[in simple terms, make wwe hot and always viewed as a hot commodity]

Instead of the carni based stench taboo of beware when you enter that will forever limit the WWE. If they never get rid of this purposeful carni based work dynamic. That limits the draw potential of the WWE, the independant contractors.
to the actual consumer brand trust attraction level on a gateway and long term consumer drawing basis as well.
If the WWE would establish a well round content and inring relevent execution base as standard. That featured the good of their carni roots as far as works. Plus their own brand of draw amplification based work ideals. This company would truely rock and be a real high quality based company. As far as overall brand new consumer attraction and base appeal.

Right now, the WWE is caught behind this negative carni meets the son in law and my family take precedent over any and all work based direction. That totally eliminate this company from being nuffin more than a taboo negative funk based carni venture. That features a rise to power of the most general continuous lecherous type. That really could be incorporated much more intelligently than. The a-typical east coast ragin colts athletic team type white guy with actual generational wealth is bigger is better aesthetic. We saw play out in the assured ideal and confrontation of shane McMahon confronts and in odd fashion completely punks Olympic champion Kurt angle. Just after Kurt angle actually re-ramped in a three on five completely outmatched worldwind hardcore match of the most dangerous non ring prop connected prop type of their own swindled creation called tables ladders and chairs. Yet, in typical WWE fashion the WWE neuters the incoming talent.
To below that of any actual McMahon lineage connects base fan physically in any and every first encounter and it plays out globally over the course of that grappler's entire actual inring history. Regardless of that grappler's previous build or inring perception based draw. That actually created how said grappler. even originated to get called upon to the WWE main roster by any means.
Which pretty much means in simple Scott Steiner terms. That the family and the company is actually looking to job you out and reduce you to damaged goods globally as a base product moving forward. Or quite simply, by any means long term bury you,..or give you the proverbial shovel.

In this situation,....
To see how this will typically play out for asuka is how she is perceived by general fan consumers.
as a draw from her WWE debut moving forward.
You just have to look at the typical Asia invading storyline based work ideal the WWE has and apply it to how WWE just parity debuted asuka. The thread starter is completely right about the limiting of debuting talent from other promotional builds whether outside and in house. In this case, asuka fits three categories of outside in asuka's nationality[which should have no meaning], being a woman portrayed as a top flagship[as WWE already has labeled its flagships and legacy bearers in the past just recent year in charlotte and we can see from asuka's debut they are not willing to adjust to or be malleable to a larger character base dynamic from race, sex, and actual size. Which upon any moment snotice Stephanie McMahon in a-typical McMahon are the real wwe champion based ideal could legit come to the ring after layoff of decades possibly and give any and every wwe women competitorthe brie Bella based squash]. When in pg based cartoon WWE rock'n rap post wrasslin reality.
asuka should be portrayed as a dominating legacy base debut WWE character no matter if she is male or female. Asian, and submission and workrate based. [note, wwe also gains wiggle space room by appealing to international based chsmpion marketing dollars when it fits their McMahon based property ideals are always better. As illustrated in their Nakamura is the loser to the marketing tour to India based carni racial based Indian champion stench of a work. When it made more sense in nakamura's and their flagship champion's brock lesnar's lexicon to have them met as opposing champions. To continue the natural already existing narrative of the domestic youngest ever champion vs the international youngest champion from the best highest drawing promotions internationallyand domestically respectfully. Instead what we got was the same a McMahon is always marketed as wholeheartedly better than you at everything from promo to workrate better than you in the long term dynamic of the WWE.

As wwe neutered the international long term definitive draw of Nakamura. for the in house build of their own international wwe equivalent McMahon is better base green non workrate based champion. Just to fake appeal to an Indian market run. Instead of the best application for said International Indian worker.
as far as a workrate based quality card and not a McMahon is the champion ideal based card.

If you have a hard time picking up on it over the course of the WWE year to year. All you have to do is try to go back to the transfer era of power to the mcmahons as a dominating global base ideal in the WWE universe. That arose in the cripple ache era of wrasslin. Which took precedence in the era, appropiately titled after Austin took his ball home. Of which to this day features the dynamic of any McMahon can out wit and actually beat you up physically. Regardless of said incoming grapplers based background as a character draw. In simple terms,...
Every person on the WWE roster has to be regulated to being a bonafide jobber to the mcmahon's in base principal.
That to this day will always poison any possibility of this company.
ever being a great high quality gateway consumer drawing product as a base ideal and perception. Instead of its limiting power lacking Republican meets ragin corporate colt style evil carni style taboo base level consumer beware gateway perception.

In simple terms,....
If you have not figured it out yet.
The problem with watching the WWE as a consumer and never why the wwe will never blow up again is. Their global overa company idea of the McMahon family sole created products are the WWE champion in every aspect over the talent is why this shyt will never blow again.

Till the WWE realizes, the consumer does not watch the WWE for the mcmahons. Or their McMahon created level base talent ideal is always the wwe dominant dynamic. The sooner they will return to being a company with the actual ability.
to recreate and sustain acceptable base level falloff numbers from a boom.

Instead of being a company hoping at its core to be just be a bih for a few marketing ad money collab campaigns, and over seas tours. Which is a result from their low quality McMahons are the only real wwe champions in basic premise product wise.

Art Barr


All Star
Sep 19, 2012
Sacramento, CA
I didn’t mind the competitive match with Emma at TLC.

The next night on Raw, however, she should’ve been fed a local jobber for a squash


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
Let's revist this thread in a month and half's time :mjgrin:


Nov 27, 2012
It's like we get it we know Asuka was in "competitive" matches in NXT, and she's still undefeated so you gotta get the casuals invested in her now. Not everyone watches NXT. She shouldn't be going the distance with the likes of Emma no matter how good a worker Emma is. Emma ain't done shyt the last few months, they've treated her like a joke lol. Once Asuka meets the likes of Bayley, Sasha, etc. then that's when we need them longer matches.
Not only this but all they did was literally roll a vignette then had her struggle with Emma. Unless a big Emma push is coming, makes no sense unless they don't see Asuka as the same star the IWC thinks she will be.

Why does everyone always say this?

I'd agree if WWE actually did what worked in NXT.

Oh wait.... Bobby Roode being heel is something that would only work during NXT not on the main roster because everyone wants to cheer for him right?
Because it is the truth. Roode can't be a heel because the loud smarky people who go to these half empty shows are going to start chants for him SIMPLY BECAUSE he was in NXT. So that made the decision easy for Road Dogg, put him in a random feud as a generic babyface and let the entrance do the rest to get him over. The IWC hurts their guys more than they realize.

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014
Because it is the truth. Roode can't be a heel because the loud smarky people who go to these half empty shows are going to start chants for him SIMPLY BECAUSE he was in NXT. So that made the decision easy for Road Dogg, put him in a random feud as a generic babyface and let the entrance do the rest to get him over. The IWC hurts their guys more than they realize.

get this shyt outta here I should neg your ass.

so having him lose to ziggler part of the process to right?

Straw Hat Luffy

Oct 17, 2014
Do you go to shows? Have you actually be in an arena THIS YEAR with Roode and Asuka in it? I know you haven't. And I know I have.

IWC... always talking out of your asses :russ:

but you basically proved my point. You literally just said WWE did a 180 because he was praised for his heel work.
You said not every thing works on the main roster and my point was they never do what got people over in nxt on the main roster to begin with.

how am i talking out of my ass? And you are part of the iwc buddy. you attend shows and argue with nikkas that have anime avatars.


Nov 27, 2012
but you basically proved my point. You literally just said WWE did a 180 because he was praised for his heel work.
You said not every thing works on the main roster and my point was they never do what got people over in nxt on the main roster to begin with.

how am i talking out of my ass? And you are part of the iwc buddy. you attend shows and argue with nikkas that have anime avatars.