The Denver Post: Emmanuel Mudiay Is The NBA's Worst PG

Apr 30, 2012
:rudy: Are you serious breh? You just gone act like these nikkas on here wasnt hyping Russell up as the next James Harden before the draft and after they saw he was going to the Lakers he was all of a sudden a bust and overrated? Really?

nikkas wasnt talking about Mudiay like that before the draft on here. Hell he didn't play in America last year so most of these clowns didnt even see him play. But as soon as Russell went to LA, Mudiay was the best point guard in the draft after not talking about him for weeks

People on here DO randomly hate on the Lakers breh. It's no denying it

A LOT of dudes were talking about Mudiay like that before the draft. You need to sit your dumbass down. This ain't got shyt to do with the Lakers. You're just making up some nonsense.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
This board was heavy for russell when he was suppose to be taken by Philly. This board hated on jah when he was supposed to be a laker. As soon as dlo became a laker he suddenly got hated on and jah got praised


People were saying D'Angelo was slow before the draft, and I recall arguing with you about how Okafor would be bad defensively and how a Randle/Okafor frontcourt would be terrible defensively and you said that wouldn't be an issue :stopitslime:

Full Measures

All Star
Nov 23, 2013

A LOT of dudes were talking about Mudiay like that before the draft. You need to sit your dumbass down. This ain't got shyt to do with the Lakers. You're just making up some nonsense.
nikka shut up. Everything you say from here on out is invalidated by the mere fact you compared this sumbytch to John Wall.

This nikka is nowhere near the athlete that Wall is. Wall is one of the fastest if not the fastest players with the ball in his hands in the league. Not only that, his vertical is great enough for him to win the dunk contest. Mudiay is not that athletic nor will he ever be

Wall's greatest attribute is his athleticism and he is at least twice the athlete that Mudiay is so he won't be able to lean on it as heavily as Wall will. Just because they both can't shoot does not mean that they're comparable. They are not comparable period.

If Mudiay wishes upon a star then he may become a Tyreke Evans type of player. But John Wall he won't be. Wall is unique


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
nikka shut up. Everything you say from here on out is invalidated by the mere fact you compared this sumbytch to John Wall.

This nikka is nowhere near the athlete that Wall is. Wall is one of the fastest if not the fastest players with the ball in his hands in the league. Not only that, his vertical is great enough for him to win the dunk contest. Mudiay is not that athletic nor will he ever be

Wall's greatest attribute is his athleticism and he is at least twice the athlete that Mudiay is so he won't be able to lean on it as heavily as Wall will. Just because they both can't shoot does not mean that they're comparable. They are not comparable period.

If Mudiay wishes upon a star then he may become a Tyreke Evans type of player. But John Wall he won't be. Wall is unique

Exactly breh...I thought he was :troll: like a lot of us were comparing the nikka Mudiay to random players, but this dude is dead serious with that disrespectful ass comparision:mjlol:

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
His shot is beyond :trash: right now, but I've seen quite few Nuggs game and Mudiay court vision is :whoo:.

I think DLO > Mudiay but Mudiay will be fine.

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
I just find it hilarious all the Mudiay defenders/Russell haters NOW wanna use context beyond the stats......but weren't willing to do so 4 games into the season:mjpls:

I wonder why's that?:jbhmm:


The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Kiszla: Heaven help Emmanuel Mudiay, NBA's worst point guard

Mudiay is as unabashedly Christian as any star athlete in Denver since Tim Tebow

By Mark Kiszla
The Denver Post

Posted: 12/08/2015 10:23:34 PM MST4 Comments | Updated: about 16 hours ago

In the midst of brutally tough lessons for Nuggets rookie Emmanuel Mudiay, on nights when his jump shot doesn't have a prayer and his turnover rate is sinful, I want to shout: Heaven help this kid!

For long, painful stretches of many NBA games, Mudiay is the worst point guard in the league. That is not a hot take, or even a complaint. It's merely the truth.

"We'd all love for Emmanuel to be an all-star right now. But the reality is that's not going to happen. It's going to take time," Denver coach Michael Malone said Tuesday night, when Denver lost to Orlando 85-74.

While we all dream, envisioning how Mudiay could be Jason Kidd when the rookie grows up, right now the Nuggets' kid at the point is often very hard to watch. With increasing frequency, Malone must make the difficult choice between letting Mudiay learn from failure or giving his struggling team its best chance to win.

Read these statistics and try not to weep: His erratic 31 percent accuracy from the field ranks Mudiay 76th among NBA point guards. Mudiay's carelessness with the basketball gives him a 1.51 assist-to-turnover ratio, which makes him the 69th-most efficient playmaker in the league. Base the analysis on advanced metrics, and the news gets worse: Golden State star Stephen Curry is No. 1 in win shares based on real plus-minus, with a score of 7.05. Mudiay, with a rating of -1.11 in the same category, ranks 82nd, dead last among point guards.

All the clunky shots and errors of youth have made me wonder whether the Nuggets are rushing the development of their prized teenager in a way that not only damages the team's chances of winning but could also scar Mudiay's psyche. Then the 19-year-old young man speaks, and his words, soft as a prayer, ease my concern.

"My mom," Mudiay said, "she was my first church."

There is an unshakable calm to Mudiay. His inner peace is grounded in faith, born from losing his father as a toddler, but with that tragic death turned into a gift by Therese Kabeya, the mother left behind to raise three sons alone.

"She just gave the Bible to us and said: 'Look. This is going to be your father,' " Mudiay said. "I was like, 'All right. That makes sense.' "

As the rookie mistakes pile up, maybe it doesn't matter so much what principles a player leans on but that he embraces those beliefs with all his heart. Religion is a personal choice, and Mudiay does regard his sneakers as a platform to preach.

But you can take this to church: Mudiay is as unabashedly Christian as any star athlete in Denver since Tim Tebow.

"When somebody asks me how I've gotten to where I've gotten, I'm going to tell them: 'I didn't do it alone. God has definitely been there for me and my family.' That's the truth. I'm not going to hide it," Mudiay said.

Against Orlando, Mudiay never found a rhythm, finishing with six points and five turnovers. Yes, it was another tough game when Mudiay played like a 19-year-old. During his moments of hesitation, I swear you can hear the gears grinding in Mudiay's brain.

"I'm playing the hardest position in the league," Mudiay said. "I'm one of the youngest point guards in the league, if not the youngest. And I've taken my little lumps."

But here's what provides hope: Mudiay very rarely acts 19 years old. This is a raw point guard with an old soul. He does not curse his basketball failures.

"It doesn't define who I am as a person," Mudiay said. "I'm not worried about how good of a basketball player I am or how great I'm supposed to be."

With the Nuggets trailing 70-67 in the fourth quarter, Mudiay attacked the lane and forced an off-balance shot that was unceremoniously rejected, leading to an Orlando possession that resulted in a five-point lead for the visitors. The clock showed 6 minutes, 1 second remaining in the period. Malone ordered Mudiay to the bench, never to return to the court. For the third consecutive game, the Nuggets went with a veteran line-up down the stretch.

"We looked like the Bad News Bears," said an obviously peeved Malone,
who blasted the focus of his young team.

Mudiay won't fold. His faith is too strong. He is the Nuggets' future. But, in the present, the ballyhooed rookie's game is stuck in an awkward adolescence that tries a coach's patience.

Ball don't lie. The five best players deserve to play.

Right here, right now, Mudiay deserves to be on the bench at crunch time.

Kiszla: Heaven help Emmanuel Mudiay, NBA's worst point guard

Bu-bu-but, The Coliseum basketball analysts told me D'Angelo Russell isn't better than Emmanuel Mudiay:mjcry:

Bu-bu-but, The Coliseum basketball analysts told me The Lakers should've taken Mudiay instead:to:


FOH nikkas.....even his hometown newspaper throwing dirt on his game:russ::mjlol::dead::deadmanny:

This nikka don't even wanna be great:scusthov: my nikka and always been since Day 1. Let's have a toast and laugh at ALL these nikkas who spoke out in favor of Mudiay over Russell:salute:

:ohhh: but he's the illest in nba 2k tho...

i mean seriously... go play with him.. nikka on god like levels :francis:
Apr 30, 2012
nikka shut up. Everything you say from here on out is invalidated by the mere fact you compared this sumbytch to John Wall.

This nikka is nowhere near the athlete that Wall is. Wall is one of the fastest if not the fastest players with the ball in his hands in the league. Not only that, his vertical is great enough for him to win the dunk contest. Mudiay is not that athletic nor will he ever be

Wall's greatest attribute is his athleticism and he is at least twice the athlete that Mudiay is so he won't be able to lean on it as heavily as Wall will. Just because they both can't shoot does not mean that they're comparable. They are not comparable period.

If Mudiay wishes upon a star then he may become a Tyreke Evans type of player. But John Wall he won't be. Wall is unique

You went from saying that dudes weren't talking about Mudiay until this make-believe Lakers' vendetta was put into play and now you're saying that Wall is twice the athlete. You NEED to stop talking about shyt you have absolutely no knowledge of.

Full Measures

All Star
Nov 23, 2013
:ohhh: but he's the illest in nba 2k tho...

i mean seriously... go play with him.. nikka on god like levels :francis:
:ohhh: You know what homie??

I honestly believe that production of certain players on 2K when brehs play with them and their ratings on the game dictate what these dudes on here say about their talent level

Because there is no other way that that fool Gil Scott could realistically look at Mudiay and see a younger John Wall unless the cavs at 2K made him so fast on the game that when he played with him he was like ":ohhh: This nikka plays just like Wall da gawd. Mudiay is the next John Wall :krs:"

That's really the only explanation. I thought I was the only one who was thinking that

Full Measures

All Star
Nov 23, 2013
I actually saw a lot of people hyping up Mudiay on here and in the draft prospects thread.

Ok well answer this for me. If people don't randomly hate on the Lakers like you allege. Then why have there only been threads on the Lakers' rookie point guard's early struggles and not the Nuggets' rookie point guard's early struggles?

Since you say people were hyping him up before the draft saying he's gonna be this good player, then why have people all of a sudden stopped talking about him? :jbhmm:

Literally the only time I hear about him is when posters compare him to Russell and say Russell is a bust. Even though Mudiay is statistically the worst at his position in the league, I NEVER see threads about his struggles until now. If there's no random Laker hate then why is this the case?


Apr 30, 2012
Ok well answer this for me. If people don't randomly hate on the Lakers like you allege. Then why have there only been threads on the Lakers' rookie point guard's early struggles and not the Nuggets' rookie point guard's early struggles?

Since you say people were hyping him up before the draft saying he's gonna be this good player, then why have people all of a sudden stopped talking about him? :jbhmm:

Literally the only time I hear about him is when posters compare him to Russell and say Russell is a bust. Even though Mudiay is statistically the worst at his position in the league, I NEVER see threads about his struggles until now. If there's no random Laker hate then why is this the case?

This is clearly a thread talking about Mudiays struggles. :yeshrug: I don't think Im seeing what you are trying to present to me Im probably just not over here enough.