The Democrat Party is a Right Wing Party Again

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Know what. Im done with this back and forth shyt.
You can't answer questions.

Name the Black initiatives Dems killed. You can't

You bring up the migrant crisis in the city which was started by......republicans sending migrants here.

You've been done. You're not sharp.

LV Koopa

Jester from Hell
Nov 18, 2014
Might be one of the dumbest threads made on this forum. I'm voting for Trump and in no way has the Democratic party shifted to the right. They are Far Left, much more than 15 years ago.


Jun 11, 2012
You can't answer questions.

Name the Black initiatives Dems killed. You can't

You bring up the migrant crisis in the city which was started by......republicans sending migrants here.

You've been done. You're not sharp.

Okay this is why i said im done with your ass since youre lonely on a sunday afternoon.

Eric adams (A democrat)embarrassing himself. Explain how he went from this



Yeah, YOU STOP. Dont get personal either if you dont plan on meeting me offline. I dont want to hear any of this "what are you doing for your community?" Or these personal attacks i know you would NEVER say to my face if you seen me in real time. You know what i look like, i know what you look like. :mjlol: my photo is on here too if you forgot what i look like.

you wanna talk about me being sharp defending politicians that will play your ass in a heartbeat. I posted this shyt before months ago in some other thread while you were hibernating in the colosseum forum. I guess your oklahoma sooners football team performance got you looking for elsewhere to post so you come here to do this shyt. Better go back there. :camby: this aint for you.
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May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
You’re making the same point the other poster made and you’re both wrong. I said he was a grand dragon, not a grand wizard. Grand dragon and grand wizard are 2 separate positions in the kkk.

I don’t care if he regretted his decisions when he was on his death bed. Robert Byrd recruited over 150 members to the kkk. How many people do you think they also recruited? How many black people do you think they lynched? All he has to say is “my bad?”

He was 47 years old when he voted against the civil rights act in 1964. Robert Byrd was born in 1917 and didn’t renounce his racist past until 2005. It took 88 years to understand that being a kkk LEADER is wrong?:what:

Y’all have really lost your minds :gucci:

He was not a Grand Dragon either.

"As a young man, Mr. Byrd was an ‘exalted cyclops’ of the Ku Klux Klan. Although he apologized numerous times for what he considered a youthful indiscretion, his early votes in Congress--notably a filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act--reflected racially separatist views."

Higher levels​

Grand Dragon (later Grand Wizard) Dr. Samuel Green in Atlanta, Georgia, July 24 1948, being flanked by two children during the initiation ceremony at Stone Mountain.
In both prescripts there were four levels or "departments" of organization, above the basic level:[5]

  • Empire – constituting the whole area of the Klan's activities. This was led by the Imperial Wizard and his staff of ten Genii, as well as a Grand Schubladen (treasurer) and Grand Scribe, whose duty was to keep lists of the subordinate officers. The Genii, Imperial Exchequer and Scribe were appointed by the Imperial Wizard.[6]
  • Realms – while the role of Realms was laid out in the first prescript, they were only identified as states in the second prescript. Realms were ruled by a Grand Dragon who was assisted by eight Squires, as well as a Grand Exchequer and a Grand Scribe, whose duties were identical to those of the above officers on the imperial level. All officers were appointed by the Grand Dragon.[7]
  • Dominions – identified in the second prescript as "coterminous with such counties as the Grand Dragons of the several Realms shall assign" and "not exceed three in number for each Congressional district".[8] The Dominion was headed by a Grand Titan who was assisted by six Furies, a Grand Exchequer and a Grand Scribe, all of whom were appointed by the Grand Titan.[9]
  • Provinces – the second prescript identified a Province as equivalent to a county. It was supervised by a Grand Giant, who was assisted by four Goblins, a Grand Exchequer, and a Grand Scribe, all of whom were appointed by the Grand Giant.[10]
In the first prescript each officer is given the power to appoint Deputies to organize Realms, Dominions, Provinces and Dens until the latter can elect their own officers.[11] The Grand Wizard was to be elected by a majority of Grand Dragons, and each lower level was elected by a majority of the next lower level of officers (Dragons were elected by Titans, Titans were elected by Giants etc.), as soon as three units had been formed at each level (three Dominions within a Realm for Grand Dragon, three Provinces within a Dominion for Grand Titan, etc.).[12] In the second prescript each officer appoints the lower officer with the approval of his superior.[13]

Second Era​

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc. which existed from 1915 to 1944, elaborated on the original prescript in its Kloran and in the constitution and by-laws adopted in 1922. Some titles and jurisdictional designations were carried over from the Reconstruction prescripts intact or slightly modified, and others were original with Imperial Wizard Simmons.


  • Invisible Empire – this designation included both the Klan's geographical domain – up to "the whole world" - but also in a "spiritual sense" all the secrets and workings of the order. All things outside this empire were designated the Alien World and non-members Aliens.[34] The Klan was a military organization and its commander in chief was the Imperial Wizard, whose power was supreme "within the limits of this Constitution" and whose edicts, decisions and rulings were binding on all members of the order.[35] He had a staff of Fifteen Genii.[36] The Empire had an assembly or convocation known as a Klonvokation.[37]
  • Realm – was carried away from the Reconstruction prescript, but it was no longer restricted to the Southern States; any state or territory of the United States could become a Realm, and Realms were also given a number based on the date of organization of the Realm. The convention of the Realm was designated the Klorero (from the Māori kōrero, "convention").[38][39] The president of the Realm remained the Grand Dragon; the other officers were collectively known as the Nine Squires.[40]
  • Province – in the new Klan, a Province was construed as "a county or number of counties" designated by the Grand Dragon. There were a maximum of six provinces per realm, but the Grand Dragon could create more with the permission of the Imperial Wizard. The Provincial convention was the Klonverse (from "converse"). The chief officer of a Province was a Great Titan, and the other officers were known as the Seven Furies.[41]
  • Klan – the basic unit of the Second Era KKK was known simply as a Klan. Its area of jurisdiction was a Klanton (from "canton") which was defined as "extend[ing] in all directions to a distance midway between the location of the Klan and the nearest Klan thereto" unless otherwise directed by the Grand Dragon or Imperial Wizard. The chief officer of a Klan was an *Exalted Cyclops* and the subordinate officers were known as the Twelve Terrors.[42]

Byrd was no where near the top of the KKK. Though he was in charge of the smallest unit of the KKK, the Klan level. He was essentially the Watch Captain of the neighborhood racist organization, but held no power in the overall nationwide organization. So again, when you are out here pushing falsehoods, you weaken your position. He was not a Grand Dragon, he was an "Exalted Cyclops" A peon compared to what a Grand Dragon is.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Okay this is why i said im done with your ass since youre lonely on a sunday afternoon.

Eric adams (A democrat)embarrassing himself. Explain how he went from this



Yeah, YOU STOP. Dont get personal either if you dont plan on meeting me offline. I dont want to hear any of this "what are you doing for your community?" Or these personal attacks i know you would NEVER say to my face if you seen me in real time. You know what i look like, i know what you look like. :mjlol:

How is that answering my question?

You are dumb as fukk.


All Star
Feb 4, 2013
Nah both major parties spend like crazy and make money appear out of thin air without care for the future. Rs are barely fiscally conservative. According to coli comrades this doesn't matter because inflation doesn't exist and government welfare is the key to happiness, societal advancement and qol not innovation and entrepreneurship :mjlol:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
You did tell the truth about the 94 crime bill but not about the bills that gave us mandatory minimum’s,slapped white ppl on the wrist for cocaine possession while giving out essentially death sentences for us

Even in the part you highlighted you refer to those anti abuse bills as Reagan’s policies when it wasn’t just his. It was democratic sponsored and introduced bills.

You made it seem like Reagan and republicans kicked shyt off in the 80s and Dems joined in once in 94. when in reality Reagan and the democrats was kicking our backs in together hand in hand.

i 100% believe democrats are better on those topics today but the entire picture of what really happened needs be communicated..not just MSNBC-style spin jobs that we mostly get on here.
No offense, but please don't quote me if you're not going to take the time to comprehend what I'm saying. Nowhere did I excuse Democrats for going along with those policies in the 80s, just like I didn't mention Republicans going along with those policies in the 90s (the thread you're in hasn't done this either, but you have not problem with that). My point is about who was leading the way. In the 80s, Republicans and Reagan led the charge, even though Democrats went along with it. Just like in the 90s, Clinton, Biden, and the Democrats led the charge, with Republicans going along with it.

You should be able to read both those statements and understand the nuance of my argument. Instead, you came in looking for a "gotcha," misinterpreting my point to push a straw man. If that’s how you want to engage, go bother someone else.

To go further, my argument was making sure both parties are held accountable, as I already understand how the Democrats were deeply involved in passing harmful legislation alongside Reagan.

What I was trying to emphasize is that while Reagan led the way with his War on Drugs (and he did), which kicked off this wave of punitive policies in the 80s, the Democrats led the way with the same approach in the 90s. But today, unlike the GOP, the Democrats have shifted and is actively working to reverse the damage done. This isn't about excusing past Democratic actions, it's about recognizing who is still perpetuating these policies and who is trying to change them, which I understand might be uncomfortable for people in this thread.

And F* off with that "MSNBC-style spin" bullshyt. No one told you to butcher my argument. I'm laying out the facts. Both parties are to blame for getting us into this mess, but one has moved in the right direction, while the other is doubling down on failed "tough-on-crime" policy and rhetoric.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Why cant you focus on what your enemy is doing when aired out?

All that Dem energy as Trump and Co hum right along killing off shyt helping Black folk out.

Meanwhile, your partner in stupidity @Pazzy says financial literacy programs and Black initiatives in hia own neighborhood are meaningless because he could use Gentrification as a buzzword.

Im certain he too would call that $120 million Black student program in LA worthless because hes just as stupid as you are
They're not his enemy. He's on their side. All of these "both sides" idiots are.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Nah both major parties spend like crazy and make money appear out of thin air without care for the future. Rs are barely fiscally conservative. According to coli comrades this doesn't matter because inflation doesn't exist and government welfare is the key to happiness, societal advancement and qol not innovation and entrepreneurship :mjlol:
Dems have a history of creating massive deficits now?