It would suck if they incorporated their tv series to the movies. I enjoy The Flash but Grant Gustin would suck in a big budget movie. His acting is good for a tv show but it would be a struggle seeing him on film. Plus his costume in the show looks cheap. Don't get me started on that low budget Batman aka Arrow.
As far as Marvel's tv shows and their movies, if Agents of SHIELD was cancelled it would have no effect on the movies. Nothing that has happened on Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, and Jessica Jones has had an effect on the films. Hell stuff that has happened in the movies is barely even acknowledged on the tv shows.
As far as Marvel's tv shows and their movies, if Agents of SHIELD was cancelled it would have no effect on the movies. Nothing that has happened on Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, and Jessica Jones has had an effect on the films. Hell stuff that has happened in the movies is barely even acknowledged on the tv shows.