People were saying the same thing about Affleck. Just wait
There's no way in the world a live action Batman or Superman show would work nowadays without it looking corny. I will never understand why you all would want that if you are really fans of the characters, Especially Bats. Just look at Agents of Shield. I saw the ep where they had that one chick from the Thor movies on there fighting and it looked like

. Taking bits from live action big budget movies and expecting it to work on cable network show just isn't going to have the same atmosphere. Bringing up Marvel as an excuse as to why everything should be connected is not a good argument cuz Marvel doesn't have any Super hero shows on cable. Now I can see some DC shyt on Netflix without looking corny, but DC doesn't have a Netflix deal like Marvel does. And if they did, you dudes will call DC out IMMEDIATELY for copying Marvel
Hell, I'm 90% sure that if we get a version of Bats in the show Gotham it will be an early pre-Batman version and breh dons the mask at the very end of the series. CW's Flash is pushing the bounderies of special effects with a small budget and as good as it looks, it definitely fails (and should) in comparison to the movies on the big screen.
And don't get me started on a Supes on the small screen. I've seen enough of Supergirl already to know that shyt would look corny af.
On another note, imagine a Green Lantern Corps television series with a decent sized budget

. They can do a lot with that.