The culture of Anti-Intellectualism needs to be talked about more


En Causa Sui
May 9, 2012
Nah I disagree, sure there’s other ways to learn but those are supplemental in comparison. A book is going to give you the full scope vs a video having to simplify it for the sake of run time.

They not even in the same stratosphere. Books come with whole Bibliographies to cite the author’s sources. A lot of the solid content from those videos come from extensive research through…wait for it….books! :russ:

A video course of college course shortens nothing
A book can’t compete with seeing something in real life
A book versus seeing a experience live that shows you the concept in action
There are super long documents
you are thinking short form for the masses to consume because of the short attention spans
Reading a book about language vs hearing and seeing visuals
Reading is dated and only kept around for those that profit from it
Feb 12, 2015
A video course of college course shortens nothing
A book can’t compete with seeing something in real life
A book versus seeing a experience live that shows you the concept in action
There are super long documents
you are thinking short form for the masses to consume because of the short attention spans
Reading a book a language vs hearing and seeing visuals
Reading is dated and only kept around for those that profit from it
Speaking on contrarianism and anti-intellectualism... :skip:

Argue down for your desire to remain lazy and complacent brehs..:heh:


En Causa Sui
May 9, 2012
Speaking on contrarianism and anti-intellectualism... :skip:

Argue down for your desire to remain lazy and complacent brehs..:heh:b
Instead of responding … ok
Reading books is dated bruh
And there is no good arguement against except people trying to hold on to the past


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
A video course of college course shortens nothing
A book can’t compete with seeing something in real life
A book versus seeing a experience live that shows you the concept in action
There are super long documents
you are thinking short form for the masses to consume because of the short attention spans
Reading a book about language vs hearing and seeing visuals
Reading is dated and only kept around for those that profit from it

Respectfully, this is exactly part of the problem. I actively work with educators every day and no, a book is still the standard. As I said, supplementing the book work with other mediums does help but it’s not the standard.

College students do serious reading before getting that degree and supplement that education with other things like labs or active lectures with Q&A. On top of that, with books you are more actively educating yourself whereas on the other hand the YouTuber you’re watching did all of the learning for you.

Frankly, it speaks to the relationship between students and teachers in America. The pedagogical approach is that of shepherd and sheep. You recite the correct answer according to the teacher to be rewarded the top letter grade. We don’t practice critical thinking. We don’t take active roles in our education. Our relationship to education isn’t what it should be and it shows by how our relationship plays out.


A Pound & A Prayer
Jun 22, 2013
London, UK
Technology and the increased access to information (good and bad) has made the general population lazier and reduced the amount of critical thinking required to function. Misinformation is such a huge issue now because the concept of fact checking has become non-existent and social media has created echo chambers that reinforce our biases...this creates the illusion of truth because we only see posts and people that agree with us.

Just look at the Terrence Howard nonsense from a few days ago. I actually had a conversation with someone in real life explaining the basic concept of multiplication, like they were a 6 year old. Even if I wasn’t someone with a Math degree, that isn’t a conversation I should be having in my 30’s unless I’m talking to a child.

Social media has allowed people to create arguments without the burden of proof and feel valid :snoop:
Feb 12, 2015
Respectfully, this is exactly part of the problem. I actively work with educators every day and no, a book is still the standard. As I said, supplementing the book work with other mediums does help but it’s not the standard.

College students do serious reading before getting that degree and supplement that education with other things like labs or active lectures with Q&A. On top of that, with books you are more actively educating yourself whereas on the other hand the YouTuber you’re watching did all of the learning for you.

Frankly, it speaks to the relationship between students and teachers in America. The pedagogical approach is that of shepherd and sheep. You recite the correct answer according to the teacher to be rewarded the top letter grade. We don’t practice critical thinking. We don’t take active roles in our education. Our relationship to education isn’t what it should be and it shows by how our relationship plays out.
I see you got time today and are fighting the good fight.:salute:

One of the things I attempt to say to folks like this of which I have friends like him is "Thinking is not something you just are given, it is a skill that needs to be learned." But unfrotunately I think its conciseness and nuance goes over their heads. But I've lost my patience to engage.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
I see you got time today and are fighting the good fight.:salute:

One of the things I attempt to say to folks like this of which I have friends like him is "Thinking is not something you just are given, it is a skill that needs to be learned." But unfrotunately I think its conciseness and nuance goes over their heads. But I've lost my patience to engage.

lol breh I gave a lot of that shyt up. Unless I’m seriously asked a question I don’t even bother in engaging in “intellectual” conversations with most adults because it’s only about getting off jokes and solidifying confirmation bias. Even the jokes would be cool if the echo chamber shyt wasn’t prevalent. People are stupid as shyt and proud of it. We like to take pride in being hip but love to short change our own quest for knowledge.

As long as someone is in front of a camera, loud, and slightly entertaining they can teach bullshyt and it’ll be taken as facts.
Last edited:


En Causa Sui
May 9, 2012
Respectfully, this is exactly part of the problem. I actively work with educators every day and no, a book is still the standard. As I said, supplementing the book work with other mediums does help but it’s not the standard.
The standard doesn’t mean it’s the better solution.

College students do serious reading before getting that degree and supplement that education with other things like labs or active lectures with Q&A. On top of that, with books you are more actively educating yourself whereas on the other hand the YouTuber you’re watching did all of the learning for you.
Saying the YouTube video did the learning for you, how does that even make sense taking the hard road doesn’t make you learn more, if their is an easier method why not use it.
Frankly, it speaks to the relationship between students and teachers in America. The pedagogical approach is that of shepherd and sheep. You recite the correct answer according to the teacher to be rewarded the top letter grade. We don’t practice critical thinking. We don’t take active roles in our education. Our relationship to education isn’t what it should be and it shows by how our relationship plays out.

Critical thinking comes from reading someone else’s ideas in a book but not in any alternative form?


En Causa Sui
May 9, 2012
Respond???..... If you read, you would've been cognizant of the Mark Twain quote a few posts above from @2Quik4UHoes .... that's why I won't respond.... :heh:
I read but don’t think its the best method to learn. Why quote me to suck off another man in your post. Keep that Diddy shyt away from me :heh:
Feb 12, 2015
I read but don’t think its the best method to learn. Why quote me to suck off another man in your post. Keep that Diddy shyt away from me :heh:
I'm gonna say this once and hopefully someday it will sink in but I doubt it based on the attitude shown.

There is a huge difference between PASSIVE learning and ACTIVE learning. Watching a video is passive you are not ingraining anything into your long term memory. Yes it is easy and that's why you like it..... You don't have to truly think. You don't have to struggle with tje material. All you are gaining is the ability to regugitate what was said in the video. Will you be able to take the skills presented in the video amd apply them?.. No, because it requires application.

REAL learning does not take place in your "comfort zone" it takes place at the edge. The edge of what you comprehend and what you do not. The place where it is going to be mentally taxing to undsrstand the whole argument presented. The place where you are going to have to go over the material more than once. Reading and reading challenging material does that.....That also requires putting in muthafukkin single focus work....It is not comfortable. Every person in this thread talking about the issue of anti-intellectualism has gone through it and go through it every day because the pursuit of enlightenment never stops.

You say you read, but I don't believe you. You make that claim as if you are a serious reader. But every person in this thread has already been where you're at making the claim of "videos are better", and now know better. Videos COMPLEMENT what you read but can never replace it.

You sound like you have an intellectual curiousity, so I won't disparage you with ad-hominem attacks. But if you want to progress you are going to have to get comfortable in "deep waters"

If there is anything I want you to take from this it is the idea of PASSIVE vs ACTIVE learning. And funnily enough you can watch videos on the concept. But in the end to elevate, you are still gonna have to put in the work.

And if you really get to being about it, I suggest the book:

How to Read a Book - by Adler and Doren.

I've done my part... :hubie: