The culture of Anti-Intellectualism needs to be talked about more


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
These are great responses rn. People really not understanding that this anti intellectualism shyt is damn near a zombie plague.
Yea, I was running the streets, always suspended, kicked out of Finney in 11th, was there from 9th to the end of the 1st semester of 11th, caught selling weed, kicked out. Went to Southeastern to finish 11th, at the end of the 1st semester of 12th, caught selling weed there by the same security guard who caught me at Finney. Her ass came over to Southeastern to begin the 12th grade year. Kicked out of there end of 1st semester of 12th, went to an alternative school and got a 3.8 and 3.9 on my last 2 card markings because I wasn't fukking around. Made the honor roll, wrote an article in the yearbook about Melo vs LeBron as rookies that was cold as hell, ect.

nikka finished strong as hell. I was fukking around in school and skipping a lot, but I did all my work and never failed a class even getting kicked out of 2 schools.

I'm the nikka that didn't always come to class, but when I was there, everyone wanted to copy off my paper lol. I always took learning serious, but my desire had to be set straight.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
It's like a perpetual state of adolescence where people are so invested in extending their childhood to avoid doing adult things that they simply stop progressing mentally. End result is a bunch of people in their 20s/30s whose personality revolves around Harry Potter/Star Wars/Marvel/etc, are going broke ordering Door Dash because they neve learned how to cook, and aren't doing any adult shyt beyond maybe having a part time job.

A lot of (older) rappers still on that superthug street shyt, not knowing that they look foolish being a middle aged man with grey hair, looking down on people that make society function on a fundamental level.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
There are no better means of education than reading. It's not only the most important, it's the first mean of education. Children whose parents read to them at young ages significantly out perform children whose parents don't read to them. Reading (and being read to) unlocks the brain at very young ages, greatly improves your understanding of language, and teaches you how to think. This is also a major reason why white children out perform black children from the get-go in school but that's a topic for another day.

Reading as an older child is the fastest way to open the mind to different ideas, people, thoughts, and places. So it not only benefits you intellectually but culturally as well. Youtube and "content" has no real intrinsic value because it doesn't stimulate the brain, it relaxes it. Which is probably why this generation of Youtube/tablet/tiktok kids are putting up near-historically bad scores across the board in school right now. We stopped reading as a society and the consequences will be devastating. People are sitting back laughing and ignoring the fact that we're witnessing the creation of a permanent lower class. Perpetuated by billionaires who seem hellbent on making sure people are as stupid as 16th century peasants via rabbit hole algorithms, SEO, and AI. All while supporting politicians who are banning books and attacking libraries. Funny...

Parents who read alot to their children probably value being intelligent. Or at least are able to read well. Yall do understand that epigenetically your child can inherit your intelligence/capacity for intelligence on some level right? You can easily have a high capacity for intelligence and be raised in an ignorant environment. Under those conditions you could easily be an idiot and speak like Kodak Black. But if that person has a high capacity you could easily take them to a different environment,introduce them to knowledge. And they could easily overtake those who grew up with more,but lack the capacity.

Books,videos,it doesnt matter really. What yall continue to reject is the fact the senses dont get enough credit. They are like algorithms that collect data. Nothings stopping you from gathering the data from a video,any better than a book. The first key is how do your senses gather the data and how well does it proccess it. Is your brain able to take it all in,find parallels and patterns? Is it able to weed out the useless info,lies,assumptions? Even those assumptions labeled as "facts"/"science" by the indoctrinated?

Whats the second and most important key? Your astrology. And if you hate the word astrology,lets just say the way you interprate and percieve things. This goes hand in hand with the first key.

My astrology says im a contrarian and rebellious by nature. So I know from the jump my mind is looking to proccess data in a way it can deny it. This can be a strength as well as a liability. Its a liability if I dont have knowledge of self which most people dont. But since I know this about myself,im careful to check myself. To make sure im not disagreeing with common concepts just to disagree. Also studying your though pattern will tell you how well you will do at grasping, explaining and teaching the knowledge. I can study your natal chart,as well as look at your facial features and spot your capacity for intelligence. Other than God himself,nothing is better than the internet for learning many things in the shortest ammount of time. This is dangerous depending on how your mind proccesses. But learning more methodically doesnt make you less dangeorus. Being wrong about less things doesnt mean your less intelligent. It just means you learned less things to be wrong about:respect: