Very good thread.
I think you're on point. Crack decimated black America. It was pure hell in the 80's. Family values and manhood traditions in our culture took a downturn with the amount of brothas getting locked up or killed. The importance of hand skills wasnt able to be passed down to the 80's babies. That "Real men use their hands, not a gun" talk wasnt there anymore. Single mothers werent teachin a lot of boys about fightin. I dont know about yall, but my Pops, uncles and older brothers taught me how to fight and play ball. It was like a rite of passage. Back then it seemed like if you didnt fight you werent respected. Even if you got that azz tapped, you at least got props for scrappin.
At the end of the crack era and the influx of that gang life, if you whooped somebody's azz, fam is gonna go grab the tool and shoot up your mother's house. Knuckling somebody down aint gonna stand up to a 9mm.
So I think culturally, fighting lost its priority, which spilled over to losing its priority in athletics.