We gotta call shyt what it is...women (not just black women) make horrible and myopic choices in regards to men. I know dudes with degrees and or good jobs that are about that settle down and have a family life that can't land a chick. On the other hand I don't know one street dude or ne'er do well ass nikka that has any issues in that department. And no all the street/lazy dudes don't all look like Omari Hardwick and all the regular dudes don't look like Jermaine Hopkins. Looks and physical condition vary across the board. One thing I have learned about women is that they never lack options as much as they lack options that they prefer. Any half decent looking chick has options. Shiiiit I see mud ducks pulling nikkas all the time. Chicks really screw themselves over with their selection process, attempts to imitate and/or compete with dudes, and their rejection of any insight or advice that goes against what they are thinking and feeling.
I gotta a theory why females seem to dating more 'no-good' n1ggaz more often. Because they got their own bread.
Let's be real. Females have and always will gravitate to the street n1kka. Its just facts. We see it growing up. We see it in HS. We see it in college. whatever
But decades ago, when it came time to settle down, average females generally had to marry the 'stable', 'boring' guy for financial security and being a good dad over the guy she had the REAL emotional feelings for.
Now? Females gettin they own bread. Also they getting welfare / child support. So now they eating. They don't need to date boring lames anymore. IDK if you ever been around a thot these days but they are

to any n1gga they don't like.
But n1ggas thrist levels haven't adjusted. So we got average girls being offered d1ck every 10 minutes on Tinder, while the average n1kka probably getting 2 matches a day. Thats why we got n1ggaz payin for Tinder dates so the thot got enough energy to fukk her main n1gga later.
Me? I got no problem. These "lame n1kkas" gotta adjust. Don't get mad, get better. Hit the weight room, clean up your face and body. We live in a IG world yet I see fat azz n1kkas wonderin why they aint getting IG hoes