The Black Community is a Matriarchy. Black Man go find HAPPINESS, LOVE, VALUE and PEACE wherever u can.


Dec 13, 2012
Black men are abandoning their kids, but they’re not terrorizing. Also men need
incentives. There are 6 women to every 1 black man, how is it almost non are virgins or celibate? The men are playing their role as well, tbh I’m speaking from a more spiritual aspect, which is only The Most High can save our ppl. From a worldly aspect, it’s already done. Men need incentives. Why should a righteous upstanding man marry these types? The damage has been done over 80 yrs, now we have to repent and turn to the father. I have zero faith in the community saving itself, outside of The Most High.
Where are you getting that there are 6 BW for every man? That’s absolutely false. You have no idea what your talking about.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
This is exactly what I’m talking about, women with this mentality arent women that can be led.

You “Mother goddess” simps can keep punching the waves until you tire yourselves out and come to the realization that a lot of us have years ago—there is no “Black community” and trying to live your life to appease a fictitious community Instead of doing what makes YOU happy is a waste of time.

You see how you emotionally answered that post,instead of telling that woman why black women should follow black men? This is why you and the majority of black men arent ready to lead yet king:wow:

Not to mention how even on this site men cant decide if they want leadership or to "abandon" the community for white women. Or are quick to "give up on the community" based on a news story lol.

Me blaming black men for womens behavior isnt a praise for black women like most think. Thats me actually acknowledging black men as the leaders. The fact yall and most black men on this fix the community wave. Seem to pour so much focus on black women?

That shows me one of two things. Either yall have been programmed,and yall actually view black women as the leaders. Or, this is more about your dikks,making good dating candidates for yourself and lessening your annoyance. more than it is fixing the community.

Righteous black men doing the work shouldnt even be worried about what black women are doing. Getting angered by post from random women on twitter etc. Black men understand you cant help shyt until you help yourself. But yall worried about practically everything other than what we can be doing to improve ourselves as men#SeeNoHellhounds

Yall wanna tell the women what to do,gays what to do,the kids what to do. Wheres the threads about what we need to do on a predominately black male website:francis:

Until i start seeing those,it just proves yall also see women,gays,thugs as leaders to. Long as thats your perspective how can you be a leader? Expecting them to just resign:mjlol:?


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Where are you getting that there are 6 BW for every man? That’s absolutely false. You have no idea what your talking about.
There are way more black women than men, especially free ones. Even still, the community can not save itself apart from us getting back to our Elohim. Christianity is fake, the bible is the negro history/culture. It‘s not even really speaking to the other ppl’s (serious).

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
At this moment in time black men are like Eddie Kane Jr singing "Raindrops will faaaalll" in a drunken/drugged state. Trying to reclaim leadership of the 5 Heartbeats. Imagine the 5 heartbeats judging his performance and saying "Your right,you should be the leader".

Righteous black men are more like Bobby Brown. We are doing our own thing.Taking accountability,healing,building. New Edition will come back in due time if they choose. And at that point they will have to change their behavior to join us. There would already be a visible change, just from them watching us lead by example#TheChildOfMan:wow:

Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
Which groups in particular? Be specific.

Which groups get unquestioned submission from their women
without also being expected to provide for them, protect them, and build a community for them?

You keep making my point for me without realizing it :wow:

The good men in other races aren’t expected to shoulder the negativity of the bad men.

You could be a 6 fig 6 foot 6 certs breh and these new age Black women still gonna question your leadership like you’re a criminal degenerate cuz in America that’s what they teach all women about us, but just recently with millenial and Gen Z women they believe it.

The modern age Black woman does not respect Black men but according to you they’re right not to cuz degenerate nikkas (that don’t got nothing to do with the forward thinking bm in this country) be going to jail :mjlol:

Please don’t quote me again ion wanna talk to you no mo, you’re in denial—you even think there’s a Black community :laff:

Hazel Brown

All Star
Dec 15, 2019
The modern day Black woman has the mentality that no Black man is worth submitting to.

That “I’ll submit to the right man” line is just the carrot on a stick they put in front of these fake pro Black nikkas faces so they can keep acting the way they been acting with no recourse or correction. The truth is they’re never gonna submit.

Modern Black women (23-40) cannot be told anything, especially by a Black man because they’re being taught by society that straight Black men are less than therefore what we want or desire in a partner doesn’t matter.

How long have we been telling these women to lose weight and wear their own hair?

Just look at the backlash KS got for trying to correct something easy to fix like the obesity epidemic :mjlol:

Obviously for us all, a Black woman is the first choice but not if she coming with all the bullshyt that’s in most so called “educated BW” minds—which is that Black women are Queen mother goddesses and Black men are just their stewards :camby:
What kind of nonsense hoe babble is this? No woman should submit to any guy. Don’t they get criticised for not choosing better? For not being selective in their mate choices. Yet you want to dance around the topic and spew this anti black women shyt? And why tf do black men keep mentioning Kevin Samuels? Why should anyone be obligated to have to listen to him in particular? Who died and made Kevin Samuels King?


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH

Funny things is, I never said a thing about leading any community.

I said find peace, love and happiness. If that's grabbing a woman of any color and just living without any community , do that.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
You lost this debate as soon as you brought up incarceration rates in a white supremacist country where Black men are the number one targets.

I know in twitter land Black women are the number one target cuz “deY iZ bLaCK AND uh wuMyN n dEy exPerieNcE rAciSm aNd duh sExiZm” but in the real world everyone knows that straight Black men are the number one target.

You nikkas really let these women convince you that because you don’t make a certain amount of money or have a degree you don’t deserve a woman that will allow you to lead :mjlol:

We been under A matriarchy for 50 years and the community has been in shambles ever since, yet these militants still saying we shouldn’t lead cuz we didn’t go to get a degree and cuz white men are targeting us to fill up the prisons :mjlol:

You nikkas gonna be juelzing for these out of order heffers til 2030.
Let em get another 50 years breh, they got all the answers :hubie:


Jun 21, 2012
Yup. In spite of what fake ass pro-black Coli simps say, you can’t “lead” a group of people who feel as if they shouldn’t have to listen to you.

The only group of men in the west who can and regularly do “force” their women to follow them are Muslims and men from countries like India.

When I managed my first restaurant (yes, I am an actual restaurant manager in real life) I went out of my way to hire as many black people as I could. Black women in particular.

The restaurant was owned by a CAC and his son. They didn’t even want me to hire the black women I hired because they had “bad attitudes”. :mjpls:

I hired them anyway AND gave them the hours they needed to sustain themselves even though the owners said we couldn’t afford it (:duck:)

So basically, I put my career in jeopardy constantly to provide for the black people, particularly black women, who worked under me.

I sacrificed to lead, and what did I get for it?

When I’d ask my black female team members to do simple shyt like “don’t be on your phone when the kitchen is messy” and “watch your language in front of customers” they would catch an attitude with me and be combative towards me for no reason.

It got bad to the point where I sat them all down and told them “I’m the reason why you got your jobs in the first place. They (CACs) didn’t wanna hire you in the first place.”

You wanna know what those bytches did? Run to those same CACs and act as if I was abusing them for telling them the truth.

It’s at that point that I realized black men are just better off uplifting and working with each other.

You cannot “lead” a group of people who will run to massa every time they feel like their ego is challenged, even if you are acting in a way that is actually meant to help and protect them.

Those same “queens” that simps in here are putting the cape on for would’ve snitched to CACs back during slavery if there was about to be an uprising. But we’re supposed to lead them?
I believe everything that you're saying..look I don't think people understand that something bio-chemically and socially during slavery stripped black women of their femininity.

Every black man could earn a million dollars a year--and there would still be a large number of black women who would still be straight up bytches...not all, but there's something lost there culturally with too many of them.

It's not about money because black men per capita already outearn the average Black woman, and on averge they're already physically stronger than them. But that doesn't matter, the cold hard reality is that some, just CANNOT be lead. and others can only be lead to varying degrees. Very Very few are willing to allow any man to fully control the community (and i'm not so sure that's always a good idea anyway....). it doesn't matter a lick how much money you bring in or how much "power"you have socially...many are just built that way from the ground up.

THe day some well-intentioned, and concerned black men understand that, the easier it will be for them to select the proper females within, or outside of the race to lead and build a community with.

There's far too many BW that should simply be left to their own devices--it's sort of like a dog that's been trained to dog fight...once they're taught and raised that way, they're insalvagable. (if that's even a word). you just have to accept that and let them go.

I have tons of black female relatives (and i'm sure most of you do too) who simply just have a knack for bringing chaos and disruption with any and every man that walks into their lives. Their lives are like a tornado traveling through a small town--they just destroy it and move onto the next one.

It is what it is..some just have to be let go. There is no cleaning them up.


Dec 13, 2012
You keep making my point for me without realizing it :wow:

The good men in other races aren’t expected to shoulder the negativity of the bad men.

You could be a 6 fig 6 foot 6 certs breh and these new age Black women still gonna question your leadership like you’re a criminal degenerate cuz in America that’s what they teach all women about us, but just recently with millenial and Gen Z women they believe it.

The modern age Black woman does not respect Black men but according to you they’re right not to cuz degenerate nikkas (that don’t got nothing to do with the forward thinking bm in this country) be going to jail :mjlol:

Please don’t quote me again ion wanna talk to you no mo, you’re in denial—you even think there’s a Black community :laff:
You didn’t answer the question? You said every other group of men gets submission without qualifiers. Which groups? Which groups expect their women to be submissive with no requirements or responsibilities on their end? Stand up be a man and answer a direct question with a direct answer. This is the second very specific question that you’ve flip flopped all around.

You’re doing the same thing that the breh is doing, you’re judging all black women as a monolith, and using the bad behavior of some of them to indict all of them, but then you want to separate the bad black men from
the good ones so you can further run from accountability. That ain’t what leaders do.